In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1485: Gao Ruitian

Gao Ruitian, the surpasser of the heavenly way, said coldly and arrogantly: "I have the first talent in the universe, the great avenue of supernatural powers, the great heavenly way, and I control the almighty and supreme treasure of the heavenly way beyond the sword. I am known as the surpasser of the heavenly way. Why not?"

Ji Haotian asked, "What's your relationship with the four transcenders?"

Gao Ruitian said: "We come from one place, collectively known as the five transcenders, and join forces to fight against the five transcendence **** emperors."

Ji Haotian already knew the changes in the "Cosmic Genius Ranking" in the cosmic crystal ball, and asked, "What is your relationship with Ning Ze, the God of the Heavenly Dao?"

Gao Ruitian said, "I am of the same clan as him, but we are in a competitive relationship, an old enemy!"

Ji Haotian asked, "Are all the people of your race that are beyond genius?"

Gao Ruitian rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you think Transcendence Genius is Chinese cabbage? How can there be so many? In my race, there are only two Transcendence Geniuses, me and Tiandao Ningze."

Ji Haotian asked again, "How did you travel to the super-almighty universe? I know that your five transcenders all came from a higher-level universe above the super-almighty universe."

Gormond and Gianiotis, who were on the side, widened their eyes when they heard the words, and looked at Gao Ruitian, the transcender of the Way of Heaven, in astonishment.

Gao Ruitian said to Ji Haotian, "It's inconvenient for us to talk here. Find a place for everyone to talk to each other? Dare to come with me?"

Ji Haotian said, "If you don't dare, lead the way!"

The two left the scene together and flew to a deserted valley in the Xuanming Mountains.

Under the shade of a tree, the two stood together.

Ji Haotian asked again: "Gao Ruitian, your five transcenders are all human souls traversing the earth, and they have come together. Why is it so coincidental?"

Gao Ruitian smiled lightly: "Aren't you and Pan Tianchan also Earth traversers? Isn't it a coincidence that they became husband and wife?"

Ji Haotian said: "It seems that the five transcenders have gathered together. Did you know that every time the other four transcenders see me, they have to kneel and kowtow three times, and then they have to tremble three times in fright?"

Gao Ruitian said in surprise: "Is there still this matter? Is it true? They didn't tell me?"

Ji Haotian said, "They don't have the shame to tell you such a shameful thing! Gao Ruitian, how do you want to deal with me?"

Gao Ruitian looked at Ji Haotian, his eyes suddenly became fiery, his mouth was drooling, and he said a little excitedly and excitedly: "You are the legendary master of the heavenly way, you have the mastery of the heavenly way, and you are in charge of the heavenly way. I want to take you away, take everything from you, Replace you and become the new master of heaven!"

Ji Haotian nodded and asked, "What is your cultivation level now? What are the cultivation levels of the other four transcenders?"

Gao Ruitian said: "The current cultivation of our five transcenders are all in the Yujun realm. What about you, what is your cultivation?"

Ji Haotian said, "My cultivation is currently only at the four-star Xuanyu realm."

The Super Almighty Universe, also known as the Great Immortal Core Universe, includes countless super Universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. The practitioners of the Super Almighty Universe are collectively referred to as Yuzhe. The main ability of Yuzhe is to possess the power of Dao Yuzhe and The inner universe (the inner universe of Yuzhe is equivalent to a single universe).

The realms of Yuzhe from low to high are:

Kaiyu, Xuanyu, Yuanyu, Shiyu, Yujun, Yuzun, Yuwang, Yudi, Yuzu, Dayuzu, a total of ten big realms, each big realm It is divided into ten small realms from one to ten stars.

Gao Ruitian said happily: "I am three big realms and thirty small realms higher than you, now is the best time to take you away and replace you! Ji Haotian, do you want to live? If you haven't lived enough , I can give you a chance to live."

Ji Haotian said, "What do you mean?"

"We are fighting each other!"

"About each other?"

" body swap!"

"and then?"

"I own your celestial body, and you own mine, so that you don't have to die! Although you are no longer the master of heaven, you still possess the transcendent genius of emptiness."

"and then?"

"Then you give me the master of heaven, give me three almighty treasures and thirty grand treasures, and then tell me all the secrets about the master of heaven, and finally you let go of the soul source and let me be marked with the soul. , so you can continue to live!"

"Does Tiandao God Emperor Tiandao Ning Ze think the same as you?"

"Yes, he also wants to take you away and replace your position as the master of heaven."

"Which of the two of you is more powerful?"

"We both have equal strength. We have fought countless times, but we have never been able to decide the winner!"

"Your five transcenders and the five transcendental emperors are of the same race, so why are they enemies? What is the name of your race?"

"You will know later, provided you are still alive, I won't tell you now." Gao Ruitian pretended to be mysterious.

"Okay! I won't talk to you anymore, you can take your body!" Ji Haotian said indifferently.

The thing he is not afraid of the most is taking his home. Anyone who takes his home is seeking his own death!

Gao Ruitian smiled lightly and said, "Ji Haotian, let me say it again, I think you are a talent, I don't want you to disappear completely, I just want to take you as my subordinate, you will not disappear completely unless you surrender to me! In addition, I want to tell What's yours, not only me, even if Tiandao Ning Ze met you, he wouldn't directly take you away, because that would be tantamount to seeking death!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you going to take me away? Do you have other ways to take over?"

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