In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1480: Gormond

The young leader of the Chrono crime syndicate, Gianni Otis, looked at the young Erinius Yujun opposite, and said coldly: "Gormond, the young leader of the Cosmic Avengers, you **** is here too. !"


As soon as he said these words, the crowd was shocked again. Unexpectedly, Gormond, the young leader of the Cosmic Avengers Alliance, also came. He is also one of the twelve top talents in the "Cosmic Genius List", a young and powerful creation genius!

Gormond is the first genius of the Erinyes family, known as the pride of the Erinyes family.

Gormond, the young leader of the Cosmic Avengers, ignored Gianni Otis, looked at Ji Haotian who was poised on the opposite side, and said with a playful smile: "Boy, you are very interesting, you actually let Gianni Otis, a robber bandit, deflated, If you have the guts, I'm optimistic about you!"

Ji Haotian asked indifferently, "What are you two young leaders doing here at this little shining star?"

Gianni Otis, the young leader of the Chrono-space crime group, said coldly and arrogantly: "For the sake of the newly born Taifan Infinite Tribulation Root Seed in this ancient cave, we all want to get it and control it!"

Gormond said: "This Taifan Infinite Tribulation Origin Tribulation Seed is an innate and peerless treasure. It is a peerless killer that can be continuously upgraded and continuously strengthened. Controlling it is equivalent to another big trump card!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ji Haotian and asked curiously, "What do you call your Excellency? Why can't I see through your cultivation? You are so young, could it be higher than me? You wear four rare and rare congenital top grades. Yuqi, it must be very unusual if you think about it!"

Ji Haotian said, "My name is Ji Haotian, and my cultivation is only in the Xuanyu realm."

Gianni Otis said coldly, "Ji Haotian, I've taken a fancy to your four innate high-grade Yuqi, give them to me!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "I have some **** for you, do you want it?"

Gianni Otis said fiercely: "Boy, do you want me to beat you to shit? Hurry up, give me the four innate high-quality artifacts, if you don't agree, I will kill you immediately!"

Gormond looked at Gianiotis, who had a fierce face, and sneered, "Gianiotis, is it interesting to bully a child?"

Gianniottis glared and said, "Why, you still want to protect him? Gormond, I advise you not to mind your own business. Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!"

Gormond pouted, looked at Ji Haotian, and said with a light smile: "Ji Haotian, you give me two innate high-quality artifacts as a reward, and I can guarantee that you will not be bullied today. If you give me four innate artifacts. Shangpin Yuqi, I am willing to make you a friend and cover you in the future."

Ji Haotian asked, "Compared to you and Gianiotis, who is more powerful?"

Gormond said, "I'm better."

Gianiotis on the side said: "He farts, I'm better than him."

Ji Haotian said, "The two of you have a fight, a showdown between male and female, and whoever is better, I will give him four high-grade innate artifacts."

Gormond smiled strangely and said, "Ji Haotian, you are a child, do you consider both of us as children?"

Ji Haotian said, "You two really don't plan to fight?"

Gormond shook his head and said, "No."

Gianni Otis said to Ji Haotian, "I want to beat you even more. Play tricks with us, you are still tender!"

Gormond suddenly grabbed Ji Haotian with a lightning flash!


A muffled sound!

He grabbed Ji Haotian's body away, but it was an afterimage. Ji Haotian had teleported to another direction.

Gormond said in surprise: "Ji Haotian, your cultivation is so low, but your speed is quite fast!"

After he finished speaking, he bullied himself up again, and shot out with lightning flashes, constantly capturing Ji Haotian.

Ji Haotian unfolded his Heavenly Dao Wing, which was as fast as lightning, and like shifting shadows, constantly traveling through time and space.

Tiandao Wings: Also known as space-time wings, they are a pair of sacred purple-golden wings that shine with purple light.

Tiandaoyi contains the origin of infinite time and space, and can jump in time and space, teleport in time and space, travel in time and space, invisibility in time and space, reverse countless time and space and laws; it can accelerate time, stop time, reverse time, collapse time, etc.; it can fold space , space jump, space escape, space split, etc.

Tiandaoyi can also build a space-time hole, instantly shuttle between the heavens and the world, and achieve absolute interstellar teleportation; Tiandaoyi can also affect countless multiverses at the same time, and can permanently change the time and history of the multiverse at the same time. of time and space.

Tiandaoyi can create, destroy, manipulate, modify, erase, dominate, reverse, and ban countless time and space in the multiverse at will, absolutely transcending time and space, ignoring time and space, and controlling time and space.

In short, the main ability of Tiandaoyi is to travel through time and space and teleport.

Gormond stopped, he looked at Ji Haotian's Tiandaoyi, and said in amazement: "You pair of beautiful wings are amazing! Are they born? What's the name? Can you pull them out and put them on me? I I also really want to have such a pair of powerful and windy wings!"

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