In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1456: Negris Russ

Under the shade of the tree, the King of Cancer, the King of Excision, and the King of Doom are cultivating.

Suddenly, five dazzling rays of light appeared on the green grass opposite them, turning into five peerless beautiful men of different races.

They are the five supreme rulers, the absolute supreme five kingdoms, the absolute supreme supreme five emperors!

The five masters of transcendence and the ten masters of creation, also known as the masters of the fifteen avenues, possess the nominative character of the fifteen avenues, and are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues of the universe. exist.

Five transcendence masters: also known as the five supreme transcendences, which means "above everything", possessing the nominative figure of the five transcendence avenues, and in charge of the five transcendence avenues. They have existed for 81 chaotic epochs (one chaotic epoch is 6 trillion years), and they are the five supreme super-almighty beings who have reincarnated in the 81 chaotic epochs. They will be reincarnated for 100 million generations for each chaotic epoch. After 81 chaotic epochs, they have accumulated the mana of 81 chaotic epochs. These eighty-one Chaos Yanji Supreme cultivation base mana was sealed in the soul source of their own great master soul.

The five transcendent masters of personification are also known as the absolute supreme five emperors. Their image characteristics are:

1. Ji Haotian, the great ruler of heaven, a man with black hair and black eyes, a peerless beauty of the human race, with a vertical eye between his eyebrows and a pair of purple wings on his back.

2. Francis, the great master of nothingness, a beautiful man with black hair and purple eyes, with thirty-six black wings on his back.

3. Di Jingyu, the great ruler of Hongmeng, is a handsome man of the Wu clan with black hair and black eyes, with eight golden wings on his back.

4. Biemonds, the great master of chaos, is a beautiful man with blond hair and golden eyes, with a golden horn on his head.

5. The master of time and space, Rakiprises, is a beautiful dragon man with silver hair and silver eyes, with a pair of silver dragon horns on his head.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the five absolute supreme emperors at the same time, the three three fearful kings showed signs of panic, and soon calmed down again.

The cancer king's cold and evil voice said: "Absolutely supreme five bastards, you five **** appear at the same time, it seems that the heart of killing us will not die!"

Xie Wang said in a cold and harsh voice: "There are eight great primordial gods, you can't kill us! Absolutely supreme five bastards, we both shook hands and made peace, right? We killed countless creatures in your five countries, and you also killed them. There have been countless fearful clans. Although the hatred between the two sides is as deep as the sea, no one can do anything about the other. In this case, let go of the hatred between the two sides for the time being, and hard work is the most important thing. The goal we pursue is bliss and eternal life, nothing else. It's just a passing cloud, it's not too important!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "Things like ants are also worthy of shaking hands with us to make peace with us. It's really over your own power! You can commit suicide, I don't want to get your hands dirty!"

When he spoke, he had already activated the almighty and supreme treasure of heaven and righteousness, and had controlled the minds of the three kings of fear!

As Ji Haotian's voice fell, the three fearful kings who had their minds under control were stunned, and they were about to detonate their souls to self-destruct!

Suddenly, there was a light cough in the void.

Ji Haotian's mind-controlling power of Heavenly Dao Profound Righteousness disappeared instantly, and the three kings of fear returned to normal again. They all looked at Ji Haotian in shock and anger, and they were terrified.

The King of Doom shouted angrily, "Ji Haotian, you are really sinister, vicious, despicable and shameless!"

The other two fear kings also jumped in resentment and scolded Ji Haotian.

Ji Haotian was slightly disappointed. He ignored the three fearful kings who were roaring and insulting, looked at the void, and said coldly, "I don't know which primordial **** is here, come out and see!"

A white light suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the void, and shot to the ground like white lightning, turning into a ferocious and tall terrifying werewolf with bat wings, with a silver halo of wisdom behind his head and distant mountains, oceans, sun, moon, stars, etc. anomaly.

It does not have a strong coercion and aura, but it is extremely mysterious, ancient, and unfathomable.

Ji Haotian looked at it, and said indifferently, "If I guessed correctly, you should be one of the eight primordial gods, Negris Lu primordial god!"

The mysterious and ancient alien werewolf's ancient vicissitudes voice said: "Yes, it's me, it seems that the seventy-two primordial gods of chaos have already told you about us! You eight little brats are really cruel enough to make us the eight founders. The tens of thousands of avatars of God in your five countries have all been slaughtered!"

The first **** of Negrislu, also known as "Wolflike" and "Snow Stalker", is a ferocious and tall werewolf with bat wings. Possesses a silver aura of wisdom and various visions, twin talents avenues of supernatural powers, great time and space, and great stealth.

Francis asked indifferently: "How long have tens of thousands of your eight primordial gods stayed in our five countries?"

Niglis Lu Shi Shen said: "At the beginning of your five countries entering the omnipotent universe, tens of thousands of our clones have entered your five countries in various identities."

Di Jingyu asked, "Your eight primordial gods should have seen us long ago?"

Negris Lu Shi said: "Yes, we have seen you many times in various capacities, but we have not been in contact with you, and have been observing you secretly."

Bjemunds said coldly: "We are going to destroy the original seventy-two terror kings!"

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