In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1390: The mysterious primordial power

When the Great Dharma Venerable Time and the two great demon gods heard the words, they looked at Ji Haotian who was sitting in the pavilion in disbelief.

The four kings of heavenly generals sitting in the pavilion also looked at Ji Haotian like a curious baby.

Ji Haotian shook his head indifferently and said, "I don't know who he is. If you guys want to know who he is, I have a way to make him appear automatically!"

The Great Demon God Barbatos asked, "What can I do? Tell me now!"

Ji Haotian said, "If you scold him, you will yell at him as nasty as it is. If you scold him in a hurry, he will automatically show up and teach!"

When everyone heard the words, they all gave him a blank look, curled their lips, and said nothing.

That is the mysterious ancient primordial power. It is the oldest and most powerful primordial power. How can you scold you when you say it? They don't want to set themselves on fire and humiliate themselves!

Ji Haotian really doesn't know who this mysterious primordial power is, but he can be sure that this person is not the primordial power of the kingdom of heaven, because if it is the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven, they will let Ji Haotian know in advance.

Because of the existence of this mysterious primordial power, the scene was stalemate for a while, and the two great Dharma Venerables and the two great demon gods were hesitant to take action against Ji Haotian, lest the mysterious primordial power hidden in the dark make a sneak attack!

Suddenly, "Bang bang bang bang!" Four muffled noises sandwiched four muffled hums!

Under the astonished gazes of the two great Dharma Venerables and the two great demon gods, Ji Haotian in the pavilion suddenly shot out, four palms in a row as fast as lightning, knocking out all the four kings of heaven who were caught off guard in the pavilion!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian made a quick move, forcibly imprinting the fainted Four Heavenly Generals King with the soul of the Heavenly Dao, and then woke the Four Great Heavenly Generals King again.

The four kings of the heavenly generals who woke up discovered that they had been branded with a mysterious and powerful soul by Ji Haotian. All of them were extremely frightened and angry. They didn't know what to do for a while, and they were all dumbfounded!

So far, all the seventy-two generals of the heavens have been branded by Ji Haotian with the soul of heaven, and they are all under the control of life and death. Therefore, the army of the seventy-two heavens is all under Ji Haotian's actual control!

The Great Demon God Baimeng grinned and said, "Ji Haotian, you damned little beast is dying, and you still have the interest to imprint your soul on others. Do you want these four genius boys to be buried with you?"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "Bai Meng, you old fool, where did you come from so much nonsense?"

The Great Demon God Baimeng was about to go into a frenzy when suddenly, the scene was gusty, and the evil spirit surged into the sky. Endless coercion and evil aura enveloped the world!

Two super alien horror monsters appeared!

Falun Dafa Shi raised his eyebrows and said, "King of Defilement, King of Destruction, the two of you are here too."

The two terrifying alien monsters that came are the filth king and the destruction king in the original seventy-two terror kings, two primitive powers of the ancient times!

The filthy king, with an ugly image, combines the worst characteristics of octopus, elephant and human, when it is hungry, it moves at a speed disproportionate to its huge body, and uses its lamprey-like structure" Elephant Trunks" **** the blood of other creatures. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Defilement.

The King of Destruction, appears in the image of thousands of flames, and the place where it appears will immediately explode violently. The terrifying high temperature and flames will cause a massive destruction that is indistinguishable from enemy and foe, and its destructive power is comparable to that of small nuclear weapons. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Destruction.

The filthy king said in a sinister and evil voice: "We passed by in space and found you here, so we came here."

The King of Destruction stared at Ji Haotian who was sitting in the pavilion, and shouted in a cold and harsh voice: "Ji Haotian, your **** Heavenly Dao is actually here, get out of here! Kneel down and kowtow to confess your guilt and accept the death of the great and noble King of Fear. Judgment!"

"Bang!" There was a loud noise and a scream of pain!

The King of Destruction, who was clamoring for threats, was suddenly bombarded into the ground by a strange blow!

The King of Destruction turned into flames and emerged from the ground again. He looked around and shouted angrily, "Who? Who beat me? Get out of here, I will kill you!"


Another loud noise!

The King of Destruction was bombarded into the ground by a strange blow!

He turned into flames and emerged from the ground again, but this time he was afraid of being beaten, so he didn't dare to shout again, but looked around with high vigilance, trying to find the mysterious primordial power that secretly attacked!

He decided that the one who secretly attacked him must be at the same level as him, or even the ancient Primordial Power of Mingu, which is even older than him, otherwise the ordinary superpowers would not be able to attack him at all!

The King of Filth also followed the King of Destruction to look around, looking for the murderer, but they couldn't find the hidden location of the murderer after searching for a long time!

The King of Destruction was angry and unwilling. He asked the two great demon gods, "Do you know who was the one who attacked secretly?"

The two great demon gods both shook their heads and said they didn't know.

The King of Filth looked at Ji Haotian who was sitting in the pavilion, and asked, "Ji Haotian, is the person who shot in the dark your protector? Is he the primordial power of the kingdom of heaven? One of the twenty-four primordial ancestors?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "No, I don't know. If you want to know who he is, you can scold him and scold him!"

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