In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1371: Enio Island

Not long after, there was a loud bang!

Ji Haotian smashed the almighty scepter of Heavenly Dao to suppress the Four Great Heavenly General Kings and their four Chaos Supreme Treasures together. The Four Great Heavenly Generals Kings could not bear the powerful suppressing force of the Heavenly Dao Scepter, and they all fainted!

Ji Haotian took action quickly, and at the same time imprinted the four kings with the soul of heaven, and then awakened the four kings with the light of life.

The four kings who woke up found that they had been branded with their souls by Ji Haotian. They were all shocked, dumbfounded, sad, and regretful...

So far, there have been sixty-eight kings of the seventy-two heavenly generals who were branded by Ji Haotian with the soul of heaven and brought under his command.

decades later.

The Monds multiverse, a super multiverse in the omnipotent universe, is dominated by the Monds cosmology, one of the three supreme cosmic religions of the omnipotent universe.

According to legend, the founder of the Monds cosmology is the cosmic ancestral **** who is the head of the seventy-two chaotic ancestral gods - Monds ancestral king.

The three supreme cosmic religions, the three supreme leaders, the three creators, and the three creation genius-level primordial powers:

Monds cosmology (human race), the creator of Dius.

Azathoth Cosmic Sect (the Great Sect of the Demon Race), the creator of Aceus.

Pangu Universe Sect (the Great Sect of the Wu Nationality), the creator of Taixuantian.

The Ninth Monds Universe, the ninth largest supercell universe in the Monds multiverse.

Verus Star, a super-high-level life planet in the ninth Monds universe.

The Ocean of Teax, the largest ocean of Verus.

Enio Island, located in the middle of the vast and endless Tejas Ocean, is a super-giant island formed by millions of mountains. It is the most famous terrifying place and forbidden area of ​​life in Verus. Although there are many Opportunity, but at the same time there are huge dangers. The space here is chaotic. It is possible that you were still in the mountains one second, and the next step will be the abyss. Many strong people from all over the universe will come here to explore the secrets, and some Many demons who kill without blinking will choose to hide here in order to avoid pursuit, so Enyo Island is also a place of chaos and killing.

In the depths of the millions of mountains on Enyo Island, there is a grand canyon with dense forests and mists. Inside the valley is a vast and deep ancient ruins, with ruins and ruins everywhere, mysterious, ancient, barren and dead.

There is a huge and ancient black broken tablet in the endless ruins, half inserted into the ground, the broken tablet is chaotic, full of mysterious ancient chaotic atmosphere, engraved with five vigorous and powerful ancient characters "dimensional chaos tablet", which looks mysterious and ancient. And inscrutable.

In front of the Dimensional Chaos Monument, which was broken in two, stood four tall, handsome, mighty and domineering brocade youths, who were observing the Dimensional Chaos Monument intently.

These four people are impressively four of the seventy-two heavenly generals, and they each have a chaotic treasure, which are:

The first Tiandao legion, Wang Qirui, the origin of the heavenly general, and the origin of the spear.

On the second day, the Dao Legion taught the Heavenly General King to teach the Dragon and the Heavenly Spear.

The third Heavenly Dao Legion, the Truth Heavenly General Wang Zhenkun, and the Truth Heavenly Spear.

The fourth Heavenly Dao Legion, the end of the Heavenly General Wang Zhongyu, and the end of the Heavenly Spear.

At this time, Wang Zhongyu, the general of the end of the sky, said, "What is dimension?"

Wang Zhenkun, the general of truth, said: "In a broad sense: dimension is the number of abstract concepts that are 'connected', and the abstract concept of 'connected' refers to the abstraction formed by the connection of multiple abstract concepts. A concept is related to any abstract concept that composes it. The number of abstract concepts that compose it is the dimension of its change, such as area. The foundation of this concept is that everything has a relative relationship. From a philosophical point of view, people The 'thinking angle' of observing, thinking and expressing something, referred to as 'dimension'. For example, when people observe and think about the 'moon', they can be described from the three thinking angles of the moon's 'content, time, and space'; It is described from the three perspectives of the moon's 'carrier, energy, and information'."

The other three kings of heavenly generals nodded, looked at the mysterious ancient dimensional chaos broken monument in front of them, and fell into contemplation.

The universe has ten dimensions. Humans are three-dimensional beings, gods are five-dimensional beings, supreme gods are seven-dimensional beings, and creator gods are eight-dimensional beings.

The first dimension is a line, the second dimension is a surface, and the third dimension is a solid space.

The fourth dimension is time. In the fourth dimension, time flows in one direction. You can see a person from birth to death, but you cannot change it. If you want to change the flow of time, you come to the fifth dimension.

There are prophets or prophets in human society. These people can go to the four-dimensional universe and see what happens in the timeline but cannot change.

The fifth dimension is the butterfly effect, which is all the choices in life and all the results brought about. You can change your choices and get the desired results.

In the fifth dimension, you can go back to the past at any time and change your arbitrary choices, so as to get the final result.

Fifth dimension Because you see the complete timeline, you can control the butterfly effect to get the results you want.

The sixth dimension is just curling up the fifth dimension, going directly from one result to another.

It's like, you can be whatever you want to be, without restrictions.

Just like supernatural powers and spells, you can achieve the results you want in an instant.

This is the power of God, and it should be the power of a lower God.

The seventh dimension includes all choices and all results. You can match any choice to any and change everything in an instant. This is the power of the Supreme God.

The eighth dimension is to ascend to a high plane. You regard the first seven dimensions as an infinite point, and this point contains all the results of all choices.

The eighth dimension is beyond this point to a surface, you can see or change the infinite number of choices and results contained in the infinite number of points.

To put it simply, the fifth dimension is that God can only change himself; the sixth dimension is the result of the main **** changing an area; the seventh dimension is the supreme god, who controls a galaxy; the eighth dimension is the creator god, who can change a universe, From the Big Bang to the universe spreading to infinity, and returning the infinite universe to a point.

The ninth dimension is to regard the previous eight dimensions as a point, that is, the eighth dimension can change a universe, and the ninth dimension can change all the choices of all universes and all the corresponding results.

The tenth dimension, the tenth dimension is to regard all the previous ninth dimensions as a point, and this point includes all the results of all choices of all universes, so this point is infinite.

If the ninth dimension is God, then the tenth dimension is the total God of God, referred to as the total emperor.

Perhaps there is also the eleventh dimension, there is always God, the human brain cannot imagine it, it has reached the limit of imagination.

Zero dimension: the dimension of a point;

1D: the dimension of the line;

2D: the dimension of the face;

three-dimensional: three-dimensional dimension;

Four dimensions: the dimension of time;

Five dimensions: the dimension of warping time;

Six dimensions: the dimension of possibility;

Seventh dimension: the dimension of all possibilities of a single universe;

Eight dimensions: the dimensions of the multiverse;

Nine Dimensions: The dimension of the warped multiverse;

Ten dimensions: the dimension of the entire universe (and also the dimension of a point).

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