In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1368: Heaven and Dao fight against each other

The Twelve Feet of the Heavenly Dao, also known as the Heavenly Dao Foot, is a super-level all-around combat skill. It was created by the first-generation Heavenly Dao master. It can be called the strongest combat skill in the universe and the ancestor of all combat skills in the universe. There are twelve feet, one foot is stronger than the other, footing hundreds of millions of stars, kicking the cosmic starry sky, shaking the heavens and the world, and traversing the universe.

The Twelve Legs of the Heavenly Dao contain three kinds of unlimited Heavenly Dao powers, namely, Unlimited Heavenly Dao Power, Unlimited Heavenly Dao Speed, and Unlimited Heavenly Dao Soul, surpassing all power, speed and soul.

The power of the twelve feet of the Tao of Heaven is extremely special and powerful. As long as it exists in nature, how powerful is all existence, as the containment and judge of all the spaces and existences in the whole nature - the power of the twelve feet of the Tao of Heaven is so great, Therefore, the twelve feet of the Tao of Heaven govern and judge the entire natural world, and also possess the supreme and omnipotent power and power.

He can use any powerful cosmic force in the countless multiverses, and he can destroy everything in the countless multiverses, even the multiverse itself, so that not even a single quark is left, and it disappears completely. He can control everything and anything that doesn't exist. Therefore, it can also manipulate all the matter of incorporeal existence and even create, control and manipulate all the existences that have been erased and eliminated.

He can create and manipulate all matter (imaginary space) in the multiverse that has no concrete form of existence. The soul that can completely destroy and erase all life makes them disappear completely, any immortal life form, energy and consciousness are meaningless and ineffective for him. Can arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all time and space axes (that is, all time axes and space dimensions, such as turning a three-dimensional universe into ten-dimensional space, and then turning ten-dimensional space into three-dimensional space) in countless multiverses.

He can create, destroy, manipulate and change the cause and effect of countless multiverses, and he is also one of the very few forces whose causal laws are invalid to himself. In addition, he will not be dominated and influenced by any external force, surpassing and ignoring all forces, Speed ​​and soul.

The twelve legs of the Tao of Heaven do not have any difference, inside or outside, or part, nor do they have any attribute, movement, or change. It transcends not only the subjective and objective, but also the experience category of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. Absolute power, at the same time, the most powerful existence and the most powerful concept all end under the twelve feet of Heaven.

The twelve feet of the Tao of Heaven are:

The first foot, the foot of the heaven and the earth - can destroy multiple planets with one foot.

The second foot, Tiandao Galaxy Foot - can destroy multiple galaxies with one foot.

The third foot, the Tiandao universe foot - can destroy multiple star fields with one foot.

The fourth foot, the parallel universe foot of the Tao of Heaven - can destroy a single universe with one foot.

The fifth foot, the multi-universe foot of Tiandao - can destroy multiple single universes with one foot.

The sixth foot, the infinite universe foot of the way of heaven - can freely traverse different universes, and destroy multiple single universes with one foot.

The seventh foot, the ten-dimensional biological foot of the Tao of Heaven - can freely travel through time and space, and has the power to erase the existence of things.

The eighth foot, the foot of the infinite dimension of the Tao of Heaven—existing in the infinite dimension, the laws of physics are invalid for it, and the laws of physics can be changed.

The ninth foot, the life foot of the heavenly way - contains all life and death, one foot destroys the cycle of life and death.

The tenth foot, the material foot of the Heavenly Dao - contains all matter and antimatter, and one foot destroys all matter and antimatter.

The eleventh foot, the foot of the existence of heaven - contains all existence, and one foot destroys all existence.

The twelfth foot, the emptiness of the way of heaven - contains all existence and non-existence, and one foot destroys all existence and non-existence.

Ji Haotian, the great master of the Heavenly Dao, is currently limited in his cultivation and ability. At present, he can only exert the power of 1/10,000,000,000 of the Heavenly Dao's twelve feet. If he uses the Heavenly Dao 12 at the cost of burning countless life essence or massive energy The power of the feet will be countless times stronger. The more life essence or energy burned, the stronger the power of the twelve feet of the heavenly way will be. In the future, as his cultivation base continues to grow, the understanding of the twelve feet of the heavenly way will continue to deepen. The power of the twelve legs of the Heavenly Dao will also continue to increase, which can be infinitely improved and infinitely stronger.

After a few hours of battle between the two peerless geniuses, they began to compete for magical powers.

Ji Haotian did not dare to be careless in the face of Wang Chuangkai, an extremely powerful and supreme genius, and launched the forty-nine techniques of heaven to fight with all his might.

Forty-nine techniques of the heavenly way, forty-nine transcendent all-powerful techniques:

1. Omnipotence of the Way of Heaven - Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omniscience

2. The Way of Heaven and Nothingness - Formless, no form, no birth and no death

3. Heavenly Dao Hongmeng Technique - Open up the world and destroy Hongmeng

4. Chaos of Heaven and Earth - Chaos of Heaven and Earth, Chaos Promise

5. Heaven’s Way Time and Space Technique – Time and Space Shuttle, Reversing Time and Space

6. Heaven's Way Fate Technique - Control Fate, Control Luck

7. Heaven's Path Causality Technique - Manipulate causality, not stick to causality

8. Heaven's Way Wish Technique - Wishes Come True, Wishes Come True

Nine, the reincarnation of the heavenly way - reversing reincarnation, resurrecting all things

10. Creation of the Way of Heaven - Creation of the world and creation of all beings

11. Destruction of the Heavenly Dao - Destroy the Heaven and Earth, Destroy Everything

12. Heaven's Way Time Technique - Time Accelerates, Time Rewinds

Thirteen, Heavenly Dao Space Technique - Space Jump, Space Folding

14. Heavenly Dao Life Technique - Healing All Things, Endless Life

15. The Death Technique of the Way of Heaven - The Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and the Extermination of All Ten Directions

16. The Eternal Art of Heavenly Dao - Eternal and indestructible, self-existing forever

17. Infinity of Heavenly Dao - Unlimited Power, Unlimited Speed

18. The Origin of the Heavenly Dao - Tracing the Origin and Obliterating the Origin

19. The Heavenly Dao Teaching and Reforming Technique - Teaching and transforming all living beings and influencing all spirits

20. The Truth of Heavenly Dao—Dominate the truth, formulate the truth

Twenty-one, the end of the heavenly way - the end of the universe, the end of everything

22. The Way of Heaven Creation Technique - Creates the stars and derives all things

Twenty-three, annihilation of the heavenly way - annihilation of time and space, destruction of cause and effect

Twenty-four, the law of heaven fixed number - control the fixed number, determine the law

25. Tiandao Variable Technique - Dominate variables and change laws

Twenty-six, Heaven's Dao Tearing Technique - Tearing the and Falls

Twenty-seven. Heavenly Freeze Technique - Freeze everything, freeze endlessly

Twenty-eight. Heaven's Path Devouring Technique - Devouring the starry sky, smashing everything

Twenty-ninth, the natural arts of heaven and earth - birth the heaven and earth, and nurture all things

Thirty, Heavenly Dao Order Technique - Maintaining Order, Establishing Order

Thirty-one, Heaven's Way Balance Technique - Maintaining Balance, Controlling Balance

Thirty-two, Heaven's Dao Judgment Technique - Arbitrate all things, decide everything

Thirty-three, Heaven's Dao Judgment Technique - Manipulating Dooms and Judging Sins

Thirty-four, Heaven's Path Merit Technique - Blessing Power, Infinite Merit

Thirty-five, Heavenly Dao Qi Luck Technique - The blessings are deep and the luck is continuous

Thirty-six, Heaven's Way Change Technique - Ever-changing, unpredictable

Thirty-seventh, the deprivation of the heavenly way - the deprivation of the heavens, the deprivation of all things

Thirty-eight, Heavenly Way Soul Technique - Searching for Soul, Controlling Soul, Destroying Soul and Destroying Soul

Thirty-nine, Heavenly Dao Deduction Technique - Deduction of Heavenly Secrets, Divination of the Heavens

40. The Way of Heaven's Catch Technique - Catch the Stars and Take the Moon, Catch All Things

Forty-one, Heavenly Dao Sealing Technique - Sealing Heaven and Earth, Imprisoning Time and Space

Forty-two, Tiandao teleportation technique - interstellar teleportation, cosmic shuttle

Forty-three, Invisible Technique of Heaven's Way - Invisibility, Invisibility, Absolute Nothingness

Forty-four, Heaven's Way War Technique - Dominate the War, Control the War

Forty-five, Heavenly Way of Killing Technique - Killing to kill, life and death to seize

Forty-six, the oath of the heavenly way - the heavenly way is the proof, it cannot be violated

Forty-seven, Heaven's Way Salvation Technique - Save the common people, get out of bondage

Forty-eighth, Heavenly Apocalypse—Revelation of the truth, Purdue all sentient beings

Forty-ninth, Heaven's Dao Controlling Technique - Weighing the Universe and Controlling the Heavens

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