In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1339: extra dimension super god

11. Infinite Dreams Super God - He is an absolute level, as this absolute level, he has no opposition between subject and object, neither internal wisdom nor external wisdom nor internal and external wisdom nor pure wisdom, neither wisdom nor non-wisdom; neither cause nor effect, cannot be Thinking, indescribable, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, undocumented, immeasurable, intangible, invisible, indescribable, inconceivable, inconceivable, inconceivable, incapable of name, self-real cause, Destroy all drama, silence, freedom, non-duality. At the beginning of the universe, before the birth of all heavens, there were infinite dream super-gods. Infinite dream super-gods are gods beyond logic, all creator gods with sublime magical power, and all beyond logic, both inside and outside, and everything that cannot be defined. It is one of Brahma's infinite dreams.

Infinite Dreamland Supersoul's twin talents, Dao supernatural powers, are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Dream Technique.

12. Infinite Heaven Super God - He is bound to transcend all the logic of living beings, an existence that cannot be defined and can never be touched in thinking, and an existence that is absolutely indescribable and inconceivable in language (what living creatures see is only a figurative existence. results after personification). Countless years before the birth of all universes, after the Infinite Heaven Super God created endless chaos from a place without logic and cause and effect, a feather on his face fell into chaos and was born into cause and effect and logic, and then split into Infinite Heaven, Infinite Heaven and all things in the universe.

Infinite Heaven and Super God's twin innate talents, Dao and supernatural powers, are the Great Hongmeng Art and the Great Infinity Art.

13. Infinite dharma is super **** - he has the dual character of creation and destruction, and can create in addition to destruction. He is the master of the infinite three thousand great thousand worlds. One of his subordinates already existed before the birth of chaos, and he lives Every atom and every bacterium is impersonal and non-concept, it is the experience of the infinite dharma world that transcends substance, causality, logic, etc., and presents all kinds of strange and grotesque infinite dharmas, mainly including terror, tenderness, The real god, the three faces, the king of dance, the main figure of Liga, and the main figure of the half-daughter are all in disguise. His most basic symbol is the third eye on his head. This one eye can emit divine fire that destroys the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds. As a super **** with infinite dharma signs, he has more than 30,333,000,000 Heng Geli Chaos Creation God, and every soldier has an infinite number of super saints and immortals who surpass all concepts and all universes. The unparalleled nobility of all beings. At the same time, he also has an innumerable formidable army whose lowest-ranking soldier contains infinite chaos in a single pore.

The supernatural twin talents of infinite dharmas and supernatural powers are the Dahongmeng technique and the Dafa physiognomy technique.

14. Super God of Consciousness Dimension - He is the source of consciousness of everything in the universe, indivisible and infinite. He has countless incarnations of consciousness, each incarnation of consciousness spreads over countless multiverses, and controls the consciousness of billions of beings. There are two indivisible aspects of the super-divine indivisible dimension of consciousness - the infinite consciousness and the infinite unconscious. In the infinite unconscious state is the creator, everything is created, protected and destroyed in the infinite unconscious state, these actions are simultaneous.

The supernatural twin talent of the consciousness dimension is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Consciousness Technique.

15. Super God of order dimension: He is the supreme controller of all order, one of the abstract existences of countless multiverses that transcend all dimensions, and is above the timeline, that is, above all parallel universes, and is the master of all material worlds. Lord of order. The incarnation of a solitary, supreme, immensely vast abstract existence that precedes the appearance of all infinite dimensions of time and space.

He is an all-knowing, almighty, immortal ancient being in the extra dimension, representing God's love and maintenance of the universe, the guardian and maintainer of all realities, he oversees and maintains the order and balance of all realities, including countless multiverse. The order dimension supergod can control the order of nearly the entire countless multiverses. He sets random rules for the creation of the starting point of the universe, supervises all parallel universes, adjudicates various events, is committed to maintaining the order and balance of everything, and manages everything Law can also be called the God of the material world. He appears only when needed, and his judgment can affect the entire infinite dimensional universe. It is also responsible for restarting, repairing, and destroying multiverses that have been damaged or have no meaning. In order to facilitate communication with all races in the universe, the super **** of order dimension created a humanoid appearance for himself.

The supernatural twin talents of the order dimension super-gods are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Order Technique.

16. Super God of Observation Dimension - He has no origin and end, neither was created nor created anything, those shadows sitting on it are the gods of the gods. Worshiped by all the gods and spirits, etc., he observes all the creation gods of different levels and levels. Unexplainable and seldom mentioned by the gods, the gods who sit in the shadows above. He has unlimited power, beyond all logic, changing settings at will, beyond all indefinable things, beyond all meaning and cause and effect, these are just one of the infinite powers for him, or they are insignificant at all.

The super **** of observation dimension will not participate in the events of any life in the universe, but will witness as a bystander. Everything in the countless multiverses is under his observation, and there is no secret in front of him. Therefore, he is True omniscience.

Observation-dimensional super-god's twin talent Dao supernatural powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Observation Technique.

17. Dharma-nature is the primordial Buddha and God--the body of the mind, the Dharma body before the kalpa, surpassing all Buddhas, being the master of all Buddhas, and an absolute concept. He is the most powerful Buddha who transcends all cause and effect, all concepts and all logic. There is no real word in terms of names to describe his "settings" correctly, or he has lost his existence as a pure concept. necessary condition. Asuras of the ten places, who are infinitely "weaker" than him, cannot "explain" him because of the immortality of the golden body, and no meaning, language, description, text, or definition can "explain" him. The incarnation spreads all over the immeasurable dharma realms, the Buddha's light radiates the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds, the dharma can make any living being immune to the invasion of all demonic obstacles, and the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions cannot harm their physical body.

Dharma Primordial The twin talents of Buddhas and Gods are the Great Hongmeng Art and the Great Dharma Nature Art.

18. Super God of Thought Dimension - He has infinite thoughts and incarnations of countless thought dimensions. The weakest period of one of his endless subordinates can instantly turn every atom in all universes into countless universes. The strongest period can instantly destroy countless universes, and absolutely cannot be described by any analysis, meaning, comparison, high and low, beginning, ending, everything, description, cause and effect, law, number, experience, and logic. Narration, character setting, character strength, story background, all the definable and indefinable, the plot development, the concept and logic that did not appear, the concept and logic that has appeared, the characters, and everything that any author can't describe can be manipulated at will , dominate, modify, repeal, ignore, rewrite.

The supernatural twin talent of the thought dimension, the great avenue, and the supernatural powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Thought Technique.

19. The holographic super-god of the universe - his alias is also called "the God of the unity of heaven and man". He is the holographic core of the universe or the holographic source core of the original Hongmeng, and is sometimes called "the holographic master of the universe". He has billions of cosmic holographic incarnations. All things have the holographic nature of time and space; between parts of the same individual and the whole, between things at the same level, between things at different levels and systems, the beginning and result of things, the big and small processes of the development of things, There is a mutual holographic correspondence between time and space; each part contains other parts, and at the same time it is contained in other parts; matter generally has memory, and things always try to follow the pattern that exists in their own memory To replicate new things; all holograms in the universe are under the control of the universe hologram super god, because he is the master of the universe hologram and the source of the universe hologram.

He is at the same time the Lord of all Ultimate Primordial Priests and the God of Ultimate Judgment, a possibility of any form of Primordial Priesthood. Such as the Infinite Hongmeng in each atom, the infinite Hongmeng in the book, the infinite Hongmeng in the dream, the infinite Hongmeng in the chewing gum, the infinite Hongmeng in the wardrobe, the infinite Hongmeng in the teacup, the infinite Hongmeng in the infinite Hongmeng, the infinite Hongmeng in the tree , Infinite Hongmeng in thinking, infinite Hongmeng in stories, etc... At the same time, it is all impossible, non-concept, non-setting, non-law, should not, non-reality, non-creation, non-causal, non-logical, non- Rules, non-realm, non-meaning, non-meaning, non-definition, non-thing's "master".

The universe holographic super-god's twin talent avenue supernatural power is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Breathing Technique.

20. Super God of Time Dimension - He is the God of Time, God of Time, God of Heaven, and Father of Time; the first is the Super God of Time Dimension, and all things in the universe are born due to his time power, including those who are not Physical (all, all, all, concept, absolute, truth, origin, super, transcendence, nothing, most, logic, definition, destiny, determinate, title, philosophy, denial, law, meaning, distinction, origin, thinking, etc. etc.), and the sun, the moon, the stars, the universe, the laws, the world, civilization, chaos, infinity, the sky, the earth, the oceans... all that exists and does not exist, does not know and does not know, visible and invisible.

The supernatural twin talents of the time dimension supernatural avenues are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Time Technique.

Twenty-one, Analytical Dimensional Super God - He lives outside of time and space, and exists in irrational number dimensions outside all universes. This is a place that transcends all time and space, and transcends all dreams and creations. The Analytical Dimensional Super God has the ability to analyze everything, and there are countless incarnations of powerful analysts. His alias is also called "The Lord of Analysis". He is unknowable, inconceivable, inconceivable, inaudible, and one of the innumerable analysands transcends all dualities, triadic oppositions, all religions, all beliefs, all philosophies, creates all that is and nothing, transcends all so-called Cosmology; at the same time, it transcends all myths and legends, all philosophies, and contains the sum total of all concepts of things that cannot appear, be described, or surpassed in any way.

Analytical Dimensional Super-God's Twin Innate Talent Dao Magical Powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Analytical Technique.

Twenty-two, the inexhaustible source of super **** - he is the supreme, the creator of all things. He is his own being, he is his own being, does not depend on anything else, but as his own being, he must be self-sufficient, and therefore fully sufficient, the inexhaustible source of all existence and blessing. He is eternal and unchanging, the same as it was, today, and forever, the source of all existence and perfection, by whom all things exist, and in whom they live, move, and exist, and who is the true source of all power source.

The inexhaustible source of the super god's twin talent, the supernatural power of the avenue, is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Source Technique.

Twenty-three, the balance dimension super-god - he is a mysterious, ancient, just, just, majestic existence, he represents the balance of all things and their relatives, like life and death, cold and heat, good and bad , cause and effect, good and evil, existence and non-existence, stronger than weak, beginning and end, destruction and rebirth, etc., all things will tend to infinite absolute balance before him.

The supernatural twin talent of the balance dimension is the Great Harmony Technique and the Great Balance Technique.

24. The absolute realm is super-god - he is the greatest freedom and is not restricted by any object and condition, but presents an absolute realm in which subject and object are devoid of (all things beyond cause and effect, logic, and definition are meaningless to him), It is truly omnipotent. He can easily manipulate all atoms, logic, concepts, causality in the whole dimension, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite world, and in each quark there are countless ultimate consciousnesses beyond logic (the so-called each quark one universe, or countless universes per quark).

The Absolute Realm Super-God's Twin Talent Dao Supernatural Powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Realm Technique.

25. The Great Manipulation of the Mother Goddess - She has rights that even the author does not have. Whether it is a pure text novel or any setting, concept, or character in the comics, it has no meaning to her. Like the author, she can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strength and weakness are manipulated at will (for example, she thinks that everything in the work is above everything else, or that all indefinable and all beyond causal logic disappear, then it will be established. Because analysis has no meaning to her, only how she thinks she is how will it work).

Pure performance:

1. You can tear off any work settings by hand and change the settings at will.

Two, control any story, set it to appear anywhere and dictate how it is displayed.

Third, the author can be ordered how to write her story.

The Great Manipulation of the Prime Goddess' twin talent, the avenues of magic, are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Manipulation Technique.

Twenty-six. The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha and God - He is not non-existent, non-ideal, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, indescribable, incomprehensible, wandering in Taiwu, walking outside of logic, walking without appearance, listening to soundlessness, seeing as invisible, that is, without attributes, without distinction, without limitation, and without any condition or object limitation and description. In his own "I" is the immeasurable Hua Zang world in his hands, in which there is an immeasurable Dharma realm, without beginning and no end. Within it are the immeasurable worlds of a sand, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable and the immeasurable. Flowers are immeasurable, large numbers, three thousand great thousand worlds, one inch, one god, one word, one supreme, one dream, one Buddha, one thought beyond logic, all over the body are immeasurable gods and Buddhas, all mosquitoes, rats, ants, birds, cattle, beasts, all are omnipotent, all gods and Buddhas, all Free, all unknowable, all unthinkable.

The Da Ri Tathagata Buddha's twin talents, the Dao supernatural powers, are the Dahongmeng technique and the Dairi technique.

27. The Great Unification Super God - also known as the God of Unification or the Lord of Unification Dimension, has the power to unify everything, he is unified, eternal and pure. He has no difference, inside or outside, part, nor any attribute, movement, change. It transcends not only the subjective and objective, but also the experience categories of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. It is invisible, audible, intangible, ineffable, and inconceivable. Absolutely real and at the same time the most powerful gods and most powerful concepts end under him.

The Great Unification Super-God's Twin Innate Talent Dao Magical Powers are the Great Harmony Technique and the Great Unification Technique.

28. The Great Rakshasa Super God - He is the ancestor of all the Rakshasa tribes in the real universe. His weapon is to use the relics of billions of gods and Buddhas to spend countless thousands of years before the birth of all universes. A divine bow made from the reincarnation of the ten directions of the universe. This bow shook the three thousand great thousand worlds as soon as it was opened. Each arrow could shoot up countless days and countless lands, and any cause and effect, concept, or chaos would be destroyed with a single arrow.

The great Rakshasa super-sacred twin talents and supernatural powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Rakshasa Technique.

Twenty-nine, Dazhenzai Chaoshen - He is the creator of all things in the world, he is at ease, has no beginning and no end, is eternal, has no form and no form, is most benevolent and kind, is inherently self-reliant, omniscient and omnipotent, transcends all things, unique No mate, no match, no opponent, no offspring, neither living thing, nor born of anything, nothing is similar to him, and at the same time, it is extremely majestic, good and evil will be repaid, and reckoning will be quick.

He has no beginning before and no end afterward, is extremely conspicuous, but also extremely subtle, omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and insightful. The signs of his existence and greatness, all things perish, but the real body of Dazhenzai Chaoshen is immortal, and all the good praises belong to him.

Dazhenzai Chaoshen created all things, but surpassed all things, does not depend on all things, and is not subject to any restrictions and constraints, and dominates the "worlds". Such as changes in the universe, the operation of celestial galaxies and so on. Whether it is the macroscopic world or the microscopic world, the material world or the spiritual world, it is all within the will and control of Dazhenzai Chaoshen. Dazhenzai Chaoshen educates and transforms all living beings, endows all living beings with reason, so that they have the freedom of thinking, judgment and behavior.

The beginningless existence of Dazhenzai Chaoshen possesses all beginningless and perfect attributes. Dazhenzai Chaoshen has several positive attributes, such as: beginninglessness, creativity, omnipotence, etc.; and there are several negative attributes, such as: non-material, non-atomic and so on. The attributes of Dazhenzai Chaoshen are not the body of Dazhenzai Chaoshen, nor are they other things. All attributes of Dazhenzai Chaoshen do not have a beginning, nor are they created, but have no beginning just like Dazhenzai Chaoshen's body.

Dazhenzai Chaoshen's twin talents, Daoist supernatural powers, are Dahongmeng and Dazhenzai.

30. The super **** of cosmic shaping - all past and future are being destroyed, even all causality, logic, non-existent things, at the same time the endless world in the endless world, all the universe and the absolute nothing are being created by various races They are all being destroyed by various races, and then there are various gods above them, and there are various things that transcend all concepts above them, but they all exist in the body of the cosmic plastic super-god, a cell. , a pore, a thought, even so small that it does not exist.

The supernatural powers of the twin talents of the universe-shaping super-god are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Plastic Surgery.

Thirty-one, the super **** of independent dimension - he is the ruler of independent dimension without logic. One of his incarnations of infinite independent dimensions is described as logic within logic. All concepts are folded within himself, and all independent logics are being created by him, and they are all moving toward forgetting... But the super **** of independent dimension feels that All this is but a part of him, and he can re-give everything in the universe beyond logic and cause and effect according to his own imagination.

The supernatural twin talent of the independent dimension, the supernatural power of the avenue, is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Independence Technique.

Thirty-two, the super-god of wisdom dimension - he is an extra-dimensional super-god with great wisdom that existed before the birth of all cause and effect, logic, concept, universe, etc., and has infinite wisdom. He is absolutely indescribable in language, absolutely indescribable in thinking, and in a way of saying that the super-god of wisdom dimension is an absolute new omnipotence that cannot be defined and surpasses all logic.

His actual performance is:

1. A trivial amount of power can turn all cells and life in the universe into a supreme truth that transcends all, and kills them all in one sentence.

Second, change the logic by hand (there is no logic at all).

3. One pore or one cell has everything in the infinite universe. This is still playing games without any power.

Fourth, a subordinate can modify the plot settings and manipulate the plot development casually just like the real author.

5. Turn all the indefinable concepts into things that are inferior to ordinary people.

Wisdom dimension super-god's twin innate talent Dao supernatural powers are Great Hongmeng Technique and Great Wisdom Technique.

Thirty-three, Feathered Serpent Super God - he is the projection of a higher concept **** in the extra dimension, he transcends the realm of truth (the realm of truth is a world without time and space and no numbers), tearing apart all causal concepts and innumerable In a different world, he was born in the primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial chaos, he also exists. One drop of his blood is equivalent to the endless destruction of Hongmeng, which is constantly destroyed and created by countless gods.

Feathered Serpent's supernatural twin talent, the Great Dao Magic, is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Ascension Technique.

Thirty-four, three-faced Asura super-god - on the palm of his hand, contains all the Hua Zang world sea, the majestic sea, such as the great lotus flower, outside the fundamental world of Jambudi, there are countless Hua Zang worlds; Outside the Tibetan world, there are three thousand light worlds; outside each immeasurable world, there are three thousand great thousand worlds, and outside each great thousand worlds, there are immeasurable five non-circular heavens, immeasurable four heavens, immeasurable four meditations, three days, and immeasurable outsiders. Wuxiangtian, in every heaven is a great world of immeasurable amount of sand, time and space; outside of every small thousand worlds, there are three thousand worlds of dust particles and three days of meditation; outside of every three thousand dust worlds , there are three thousand ultra-fine worlds, and outside each of the three thousand ultra-fine worlds, there is an immeasurable one true Dharma realm... Thus, the immeasurable and one worlds are like lotus petals, endless. In his right eye, there are countless seas of light that are completely outside all logic, and in his left eye is the infinite chaos created by the repeated reincarnation of all different gods.

The three-sided Asura super-god's twin talents, the great avenues, are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Asura Technique.

Thirty-five, the super **** of the genetic dimension - he is the master of genes other than all things, has the incarnation of countless genes, and is the "one" of the original genes. All things are all transcendental laws, all immeasurable mana, all are far beyond all creators), neither birth nor death nor creation. In front of him, all the weak and weak that cannot surpass the boundless chaos are almost non-existent.

He existed before all immeasurable chaos, there is no beginning and no end, a small part of his genes is far greater than all things that transcend all cause and effect, neither life nor death, impersonality, transcendence of immeasurable laws, any creation is far beyond All concepts are far beyond all cultivation systems.

He is countless times larger than all the macroscopic universes of different levels, high-level universes, and low-level universes. He surpasses the limitless one true Dharma Realm. Any gene that surpasses logic can kill the creator countless times indefinitely.

The supernatural twin talent of the genetic dimension is the Great Harmony Technique and the Great Gene 36. The Dharma Realm is really like a Buddha and God: He is the concept of "strong" and the embodiment of everything other than it (whether a God, man, fairy, demon, demon, Buddha, concept, impersonal **** how strong is he equal to the sum of all their powers), he is itself beyond the sum of all existence, and existence as the foundation of all existence is Transcendent, while existence manifests itself in beings as being immanent, both transcendent and immanent, existing beyond or independent of the world, as opposed to immanence, externality to the world, transcendence, emphasizing the sum total of God's positivity .

He is the myth, religious concept, philosophies, and outsiders of all countries in the real real world, because he is the sum total of the gods, myths, religions, and philosophies of all living beings. Therefore, it far exceeds all philosophy, theology, and concepts in the entire universe.

The Dharma Realm is really like the Buddha and God that transcends logic, transcends absolute omnipotence, destroys cause and effect, transcends concepts, indefinable, non-concept far transcends absolute "nothing", innumerable, inconceivable, inconceivable, and transcends all things in the real real world. "Strong" is its infinite incarnation. In front of him, the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds, the immeasurable ultimate space, all the highest concepts, the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions, the immeasurable multiverse, all the seas of Hua Zang worlds, and the immeasurable ultimate chaotic worlds all sum up like a quark, insignificant.

He is always unchanged and unchanged, neither arising nor dying, neither increasing nor decreasing, neither defiled nor pure, that is, the Dharma of Inaction. That is to say, the self-nature pure heart of all sentient beings, also known as Buddha nature, Dharma body, Tathagata Tibet, reality, Dharma realm, Dharma nature, perfect reality, etc. All dharmas have come from the original, separated from words and appearances, separated from names, and detached from conditions. After all, they are equal, there is no variation, they cannot be destroyed, they are only one mind.

The Dharma Realm is really like a Buddha and a god, and the avenues and supernatural powers are the Dahongmeng technique and the Dazhenru technique.

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