In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1335: congenital yin yang tree

However, the matter was not over yet. A few days later, the Third Empress of Hongmeng hurriedly found Ji Haotian, and the three sisters accidentally fell into the innate yin and yang in the secret realm!

So, the speechless Ji Haotian was forcibly caught by the three sisters and fell into the ancient cave...

Another nine days and nine nights passed, and when they came out again, almost all the fortunes in the secret realm were taken away by the three young leaders and the eight great heaven generals!

The three empresses of Hongmeng, who were already aggrieved, got angry and dispatched one after another, looting all the unlucky three young leaders and the eight kings of heaven, and then walked away and walked away!

After the Third Empress of Hongmeng left, Ji Haotian and the others walked out of the secret realm and came to the ruins of the ancient Yin-Yang Temple. The empty-handed people were angry and helpless. They were unwilling to leave, so they began to explore the secrets in the ancient Yin-Yang Temple ruins.

Two days later, the three young leaders said goodbye to Ji Haotian and left. In the vast and deep ruins, only Ji Haotian and the Eight Great Heavenly Generals were left to walk around each other, looking for good fortune.

At this time, in a cloud-shrouded canyon deep in the ruins of the ancient Yin-Yang Temple, under a cliff, Ji Haotian suddenly turned into a purple light and disappeared into the cliff.

He only felt that his eyes lit up, appearing in a blessed land.

This is a quiet and beautiful secret realm outside the world. The secret realm is a vast green grass with a huge treasure tree in the middle of the grass.

The treasure tree is black and white, the trunk, branches and leaves are all black and white, and even the three thousand different fruits on the tree are black and white, emitting a faint black and white light, mysterious and beautiful. Huan, which contains endless source energy and heaven and earth aura.

Ji Haotian stood under the mystical treasure tree watching, and said in surprise: "This is a rare and rare innate yin and yang tree recorded in the "Universe Tree List", it blooms once every 300,000 years, bears fruit every 300,000 years, and gets three more It takes 100,000 years to mature, and each time there are 3,000 innate yin and yang fruits. The innate yin and yang fruit contains rich innate yin and yang energy and innate yin and yang aura, which can make the soul and body of life break through, and can make the cultivation of life skyrocket. It can be called a peerless treasure tree! It seems that the three thousand innate yin and yang fruits produced this time will mature in three months. I only need to wait here for three months before I can get this chance! Great, three thousand innate yin and yang fruits will definitely double my strength, and both my cultivation base and Taoist body can break through!"

Suddenly, the Eight Great Heavenly Generals appeared in the secret realm at the same time. After they saw the Innate Yin-Yang Tree, they all recognized it. They were all excited, excited, and overjoyed.

The kings of the eight great heavenly generals flew under the congenital yin and yang tree one after another, and happily watched the congenital yin and yang tree.

The energy heavenly general Wang Nenglei laughed and said, "The innate yin and yang tree, this is a rare and unparalleled treasure tree, the three thousand innate yin and yang fruits that bear on the tree will mature in three months! After transforming 3,000 Innate Yin-Yang Fruits, not only will the soul and Dao experience break through, but the cultivation will also greatly increase, and our chance is here!"

Heavenly General Wang Cang Anyu said happily: "Yeah, if we wait here for three months, we will be able to get 3,000 Innate Yin-Yang Fruits. This chance and good fortune belongs to our Eight Great Heavenly Generals! The ruins of the ancient Yin-Yang Temple, We didn't come here in vain after all!"

The spiritual general Wang Jingyao looked at Ji Haotian who was standing under the opposite tree, and shouted, "Ji Haotian, what are you doing here? Go away, the innate yin and yang fruit has no place for you!"

The Sun Heavenly General Wang Yangxian said disdainfully to Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, you are only a weak third-order Taoist realm, you are not worthy to share the innate yin and yang fruit with our Eight Great Heavenly Generals, leave the secret realm immediately, don't have any illusions, the innate yin and yang fruit does not have you. portion!"

Ji Haotian said indifferently, "I discovered this secret realm. You all came in after seeing me coming in. This innate yin and yang fruit should belong to me, and it is you who should leave the secret realm!"

The energy heavenly general Wang Nenglei suddenly attacked with a thunderbolt, punching Ji Haotian violently and violently, as fast as lightning!

Ji Haotian teleported and easily dodged away.

Ji Haotian's Tiandao Wing, Haotian Boots, and Tiandao teleportation technique, triple power acceleration, can reach dozens of times the speed of light, the absolute speed is unparalleled, no one in the Aozu realm can match.

Although the Eight Great Heavenly Generals of the Aodi Realm had a very high cultivation level, their speed was not as fast as Ji Haotian.

The Eight Great Heavenly Generals also saw that although Ji Haotian's cultivation base was very low, his speed was extremely fast, and they suddenly attacked Ji Haotian at the same time.

Ji Haotian relied on his unparalleled speed to teleport and dodge in all directions. No matter how strong the Eight Great Heavenly Generals were, they couldn't help Ji Haotian, and they couldn't destroy the Chaos Treasure against Ji Haotian, because once they destroyed the Chaos Treasure, the incomparably powerful Chaos Treasure would destroy the world. The secret realm together with the innate yin and yang tree!

There is nothing to do with Ji Haotian's Eight Great Heavenly Generals, all of whom are screaming and angry, but they can't catch Ji Haotian, and they can't hurt Ji Haotian in the slightest!

A few hours later, the Eight Great Heavenly Generals joined forces and did not hurt Ji Haotian in the slightest. Angrily and helpless, they stopped the siege and stared at Ji Haotian, angrily speechless.

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