In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1326: 2 Great Sages

Bahram Guzu glared at the three great demon gods and shouted, "You three idiots are not allowed to do anything to Ji Haotian in the Endless Star. Be rough, don't be rude here!"

The three great demon gods were about to go into a frenzy when they suddenly saw the two primordial masters of the Saint Race coming!

These two original great powers of the saints are the Tuoyi saint and the two-faced saint among the seventy-two saints of the Great Wilderness.

Holy Monarch Tuo Yi: He is a mystical man who is only three feet tall. He is mysterious, elusive, extremely fast in walking, and he is gifted with a great teleportation technique.

Two-faced Saint Monarch: He has two faces, one in front and one behind, one kind and easy-going, and one vicious and sinister. He often shows his smiling face, and this smiling face is naturally his face. And the back of his head is often covered with a "Haoran towel", because there is an evil face hidden behind it. He is very hypocritical and cunning. He often smiled at you before, but when he twisted his head, he turned his face towards you.

In addition, when he spends a certain amount of time with him, ordinary people will also have a second face. The two-faced sage's innate talent, the avenue, is a great cunning technique.

Ancient Ancestor Ameisha raised his eyebrows and said, "Sage Tuoyi, Sage Two-faced, how could you two elusive primordial powers appear here?"

Sage Tuo Yi laughed and said: "We have nothing to do when we are full, so let's go out for a walk."

One of the two sages smiled strangely: "We want to watch the fun, are you two going to fight? Are you going to put on a good show? I'm looking forward to it! If you want to fight, let's fight, let's open our eyes and see Take a look at your three ancient ancestors and three great demon gods, the heaven-penetrating means and the peerless divine might!"

The seventy-two holy monarchs of the Great Wilderness, the seventy-two primordial great powers born in the Wild Ancient Period, the seventy-two ancestors of the seventy-two holy clans of the Great Wilderness, they are magical powers of different people with different shapes and skin colors. It is possessed of emperor-level talent Dao supernatural power.

The seventy-two holy monarchs of the Great Wilderness are all extremely mysterious and ancient, unfathomable, powerful, immortal and immortal. They are:

1. The Holy Monarch of Light: Caucasian alien, slender and incomparably beautiful, with a pair of white wings on his back, he controls the power of light, and he is gifted with the great power of light.

2. The Sage of Darkness: Caucasian aliens, strong in body, ferocious and domineering, with a pair of black wings on their backs, who control the power of darkness, and are gifted with great powers of darkness.

3. Heavenly Eye Saint Monarch: A yellow race alien, tall and burly, his eyes are as big as copper bells. His eyes are called Eternal Heavenly Eyes. Think, the Great Eternal Art of the Great Dao of Talent.

4. The Holy Monarch of Heavenly Ears: A slender human being of the yellow race, his ears are as big as a fan. His ears are called infinite heavenly ears. He can hear things hundreds of millions of miles away. He can recognize everything in the world by listening. He is especially good at listening to people. The heart, the innate avenue of supernatural powers, the infinite technique.

5. Platinum Saint Monarch: Caucasian alien, with white gold scales all over his body, a platinum snake pierced in his left ear, a human face and a tiger body, wings on his shoulders, extremely strong attack power, and a talent for the avenues of supernatural powers and sharp alchemy.

Sixth, Aoki Sage Monarch: A green alien, his whole body is the color of green wood, with a bird face and a human body.

7. Black Water Sage: A black alien, with the head of a python and black scales all over his body, he is good at manipulating water, and he is gifted with the Great Flood Technique.

Eighth, Scarlet Fire Sage Monarch: A red-species alien, he is a beast-headed human body, with fiery red scales all over his body, and he is gifted with the Great Fire Technique.

Nine, the loess sage: a yellow alien, with a snake tail, a khaki body, and eight arms.

10. The Holy Monarch of Heavenly Wind: A green race alien, he has eight human faces and ten tails. He is extremely fast, able to change the wind and walk, and he is gifted with the Great Storm Technique.

11. Saint Monarch Xuanbing: A blue-species alien, he has bone spurs all over his body, like a giant beast, exuding an icy aura, can control the power of ice, and is gifted with great powers of ice.

12. Tianlei Sage Monarch: A golden alien, with a tiger head and a body surrounded by thunder and lightning, capable of swallowing and manipulating thunder, and gifted with the Great Thunder Technique.

Thirteen, Purple Electric Lady: A female alien of the purple species, she has a human face and a bird body, her body is purple, surrounded by purple electricity, she can destroy lightning, and she is gifted with the Great Lightning Technique.

14. Feitian Shengjun: A red-species alien, with a human face and a bird body, with four fleshy wings on the back, six claws on the chest, abdomen, and legs; good speed, four wings for hundreds of millions of miles, and red scales all over the body , Talented Dao Supernatural Powers Great Speed ​​Technique.

15. Emperor Yanshen: A red-species alien, with a human face and a snake body, with a red body, controlling the power of the spirit, and gifted with great spiritual powers.

16. The Lady of Time: A Caucasian woman with a beast body and a white body. She can control the power of time, and she is gifted with the avenues of supernatural powers and great time magic.

17. Sage King Jie Hung: With a sternum that protrudes as sharp as a chicken breast, he has a strong defensive ability, and he is gifted with great defensive skills.

18. Feathermen Saint Monarch: The head is very long, the body is full of feathers, the speed is extremely fast, and the talent is the Dao, the supernatural power, and the great gods.

19. The Sage Monarch: He has a human face but has two wings, as well as a bird's beak. He is extremely fast, and he is gifted with the avenue of supernatural powers and great teleportation.

20. Sanmiao Shengjun: A green alien with three arms, who is gifted with the Great Origin of Dao and Supernatural Powers.

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