In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1319: 3 mysterious grandmothers

The King of Spy, King of Yu, and King of Fish all looked at Ji Haotian in surprise when they heard the words.

King Shiyan Yu said in a high-pitched voice: "Boy, your Taoist eyes are so powerful that you can actually tell our identity!"

The spy king looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "Boy, what's your name? Why can't this king see through you? Where are you?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "I am Ji Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven, what are you three primordial masters of the Beginning Orcs doing here?"

The fish king said with a cold face: "Since you know that the three primordial powers of us are coming, why are you so indifferent? Aren't you shocked? Aren't you afraid? Are you a writer?"

Ji Haotian said coldly and arrogantly, "You are not worth shocking me, and I don't need to be afraid of you. It has nothing to do with you whether I am a writer or not."

King Yu Yu of Shiyan glared and exclaimed, "Hey, you are quite a human cub! It seems that you don't agree with us, it doesn't matter, I'll take care of all kinds of disagreements!"

The spy king honed his fists and said: "I also specialize in dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction. I beat children in rainy days, and I am idle when I am idle. Since this little human cub doesn't agree, I will repair him and make him convinced. Plus admiration!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, you three old beasts still beat me?"

The Fish King Shichi said viciously, "Little brat, how dare you call us old beasts, are you tired of living?"

Ji Haotian said, "You are all ancient primordial powers, of course you are very old. You are all primordial beasts, primordial beasts are beasts, I said you are three old beasts, is there a problem? Isn't it right?"

Shijian King Yu shouted fiercely: "Fart, nonsense, arrogant words, full of feces, and what we say is pig's words! We are not old animals, we are... a great and noble ancestor, a supreme primitive Yes! You insulted us as old beasts, you are simply daring, the sin is extremely heinous, the sin is unforgivable, and the rebelliousness is not as good as the beasts!"

The murderous intention of the spy king was revealed, and he said coldly: "Human brat, kneel down and kowtow to confess your guilt, then commit suicide, and apologize with death! If you dare to resist, I will make your life worse than death!"

Suddenly, three dazzling rays of light appeared on the scene, turning into three mysterious and mysterious women. They are all sacred, noble, unfathomable, and extraordinary, like a nine-day mysterious girl descended from the earth, aloof, looking down at the common people, sacred and inviolable!

One of them is an elf woman with a headband, a scarf and a veil, with long wings on her back and a robe of wisdom.

The other image is of a beautiful, serious woman holding a gorgeous rose, double-figured as an educator of kings.

There is also an image of a beautiful blue-haired woman with six arms.

Seeing the sudden appearance of these three mysterious and magical women, the three primordial beast kings immediately became vigilant and looked surprised.

The spy king said in horror: "Mother Perry, Mum Spandalmat, Mum Anahita, why did your three grandmothers appear here?"

The three grandmothers ignored the three primordial beast kings and looked at Ji Haotian at the same time.

Among them, Paili's mother said with a smile: "Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, hello, I am Paili's mother, and they are Spandalmat mother and Anahita mother. We traveled around the nearby planet and found you. I'm here, so I'm here to see you and help you out of trouble by the way."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet your three grandmothers. Thank you for your help. I feel that your essence and aura are very similar to those of the Twelve Primitive Ancestors of the Kingdom of Heaven. I think you and the Twelve Primitive Ancestors must be related bandits. shallow."

Grandmother Spandalmat nodded and said, "We do have a close relationship with them, you will know later."

Ji Haotian asked, "The three of you should also be primitive powers, right? Can you deal with these three primordial beast kings?"

Anahita's mother said with a smile: "We are indeed primordial powers, and we are of the same level as the original twelve primordial ancestors of the kingdom of heaven. As for these three primordial beast kings, you can ask them if they are afraid of us!"

Ji Haotian looked at the three primordial beast kings who were on high alert, as if facing a great enemy, and asked, "Are you three primordial beastmasters afraid of the three great grandmothers?"

The three primordial beast kings: "..."

Ji Haotian curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Looking at you guys like this, you don't need to ask, you are really afraid of the three grandmothers, you are really three old beasts who bully the weak and fear the hard! You are so timid and afraid of things, greedy for life and fear of death, scared to speak by the three women, and timid, like three old turtles, don't call the Beginning Beast King in the future, call the Turtle King!"

The three primordial beast kings: "..."

The grandmother of Spandalmat scolded the three primordial beast kings with a black line: "What are you still doing here? Get out now, as far as the sky is, and let the three sisters see you again, don't fight. You can't break your animal legs!"

Mother Anahita was about to stare and scold, when the three primordial beast kings suddenly turned around and flew away in confusion, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Uh..." Ji Haotian was shocked. He didn't expect the majesty of the three grandmothers to be so powerful that they would actually scare the three primordial beast kings away!

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