In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1316: All Medicine Saint Princess

The Seven Great Heavenly General Kings walked into the pavilion and greeted Wanyao Shengji who was sitting in the pavilion with a smile. Wanyao Shengji casually asked the Seven Great Heavenly Generals to sit down.

After the Seven Great Heavenly General Kings sat down, the Wisdom Heavenly General Wang Zhixiang smiled and said, "Sacred Concubine Wanyao, ten years ago we asked you to help us refine 7,000 Nine Heavens Ao Di Pill and 70,000 Nine Heaven Ao Wang Pills. Has it been done yet? We came here to get the medicine pill, and we are ready for the reward."

The Myriad Medicine Saint Ji, who is like an iceberg beauty, nodded and said, "It has been refined, and it can be traded now."

The King of the Seven Great Heavenly Generals was overjoyed and handed the Seven Space Rings to the Saint Ji of Wanyao.

After reading it, Wanyao Shengji handed it to the Seven Great Heavenly General King seven purple gold gourds.

After watching the medicine gourd, the king of the seven heavenly generals showed a satisfied smile, and the two sides successfully completed the transaction.

Wang Yan, the prophecy of the heavenly general, smiled and said to the Saint Ji of Wanyao: "Saint of Wanyao, we also want to invite you to refine seventy-two Nine Heavens Aozhu Dan. I wonder if you are free? The reward is negotiable, and you can ask for the price. "

Wanyao Shengji shook her head and said, "I haven't been free in the past thousand years. If you are in a hurry, go find someone else!"

Suddenly, a purple light appeared outside the pavilion, turning into a beautiful man with black hair and black eyes, with a vertical eye between his eyebrows and a pair of purple wings on his back.

The person who came was Ji Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven.

Seeing Ji Haotian's sudden appearance, Wanyao Shengji said coldly, "You broke in without an appointment, and you have violated my rules. I will punish you!"

In Ji Haotian's hand, nine colored lotus seeds the size of nine fists suddenly appeared.

Wanyao Shengji looked at Ji Haotian's nine nine-colored lotus seeds, suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, and exclaimed in surprise, "The nine lotus seeds of Chaos Qinglian, this is a rare super-ancestor-level holy medicine, nine Chaos Qinglian. Lotus seeds are definitely comparable to nine rare and rare peerless treasures!"

Ji Haotian put away the nine chaotic green lotus seeds again, and said with a light smile: "Wan Yao Sheng Ji really has extraordinary eyesight, she can see it all at once, I admire it! How about you, do you want to trade with me?"

Wanyao Shengji nodded and said, "Come in, you can trade."

Ji Haotian walked into the pavilion and unceremoniously sat on the wooden chair opposite Saint Ji of Wanyao, ignoring the Seven Great Heavenly Generals sitting beside him.

Wanyao Shengji looked at Ji Haotian and asked, "What's your name and what kind of panacea do you want?"

Ji Haotian said, "I am Ji Haotian, the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Dao Multiverse, and I want 100 million Nine-Tian Ao Didan, one billion Nine-Tian Aowang Pill, and 10 billion Nine-Tian Ao Zun Pill."

The seven heavenly generals Wang Wenyan's eyes widened and they were shocked. At the same time, they were also surprised that Ji Haotian was also from the multiverse of the Tao of Heaven.

Saint Ji of Wanyao frowned and said, "Ji Haotian, are you kidding me? How could I have so many elixir? Even a big cosmic country can't come up with so many elixir at once!"

Ji Haotian said, "Aren't you the number one refining pharmacist in the universe? You don't have one for now, can't you refine it?"

Wanyao Shengji said angrily, "You want to exhaust me?"

Ji Haotian said: "I'm not in a hurry, I'll give you a thousand years. After you've finished refining, send these pills to the Heavenly Kingdom of the first Heavenly Dao universe in the Heavenly Dao Multiverse, and hand them over to my wife, the Heavenly Queen, Pan Tianchan. Then she will give you these nine chaotic green lotus seeds."

Saint Ji of Wanyao thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, deal! Ji Haotian, within a thousand years, I will personally deliver these medicinal pills to Heaven, and if your wife Pan Tianchan fails to give me nine Chaos Qinglian Lianzi, I will kill her, and then kill you!"

The swallowing heavenly general Wang Tunxian said to the Saint Ji of Wanyao: "Saint of Wanyao, if I also take out nine chaotic Qinglian lotus seeds, would you be willing to trade with me?"

Wanyao Shengji said in surprise: "You also have nine chaotic green lotus seeds?"

The swallowing heaven general Wang Tunxian said: "I don't have it, doesn't Ji Haotian have it? I can grab it and trade with you with these nine chaotic green lotus seeds."

The other six heavenly generals and kings nodded in agreement, all of them looked at Ji Haotian with bad expressions, eyeing him!

Wanyao Shengji said with an expressionless face: "This Ji Haotian is not simple, you can grab it and talk about it!"

King Shachao, the slaughtering general, shouted fiercely to Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, immediately give us your nine chaotic green lotus seeds. If you dare to disagree, I will kill you immediately!"

The kings of the seven heavenly generals are aggressively targeting Ji Haotian. If Ji Haotian does not agree, they will immediately start to **** it up!

Wanyao Shengji looked at Ji Haotian who was calm and calm, and said coldly, "Ji Haotian, if you ask me, I may be able to help you through this disaster."

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you want me to beg you?"

Wanyao Shengji said, "You can ask me to marry you. As long as you become my wife and become the wife of Wanyao Mountain, they won't touch you."

Ji Haotian was stunned when he heard the words, and the kings of the seven heavenly generals all looked at Wanyao Shengji in amazement, not knowing where Wanyao Shengji was playing.


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