In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1313: 3 mysterious ancient ancestors

The demonic aura was so high that the giant Stolas, who was as huge as a mountain, looked down at Ji Haotian, who was as small as an ant, and said in a cold voice, "Ji Haotian, you damned little beast, you have slaughtered countless descendants of us in the low-level universe, and now you have soared to The omnipotent universe, we will never let you go, even if there are many primordial almighty protecting you, you still cannot escape death!"

Ji Haotian and the six kings of heavenly generals felt a huge crisis, and they both looked solemn and highly vigilant.

At this critical juncture, suddenly, three dazzling rays of light appeared out of thin air on the scene, turning into three mysterious aliens who were out of the world, unpredictable, and with the breath of ancient vicissitudes!

One of them is a handsome angel with eighteen wings.

The image of the other person is a dignified black old man with four heads and eight arms.

There is another person in the form of a two-headed blue-haired man with blue eyebrows.

The Great Demon God Phoenix looked at the three super-powerful beings that suddenly appeared, and exclaimed in surprise: "Surush Guzu, Rashnu Guzu, Vayu Guzu, how could your three primordial powers appear here? "

The three primordial powerful ancient ancestors ignored the two great demon gods and looked at Ji Haotian at the same time.

One of them, Surush Guzu, smiled and said, "Hello, kid Ji, I'm Surush Guzu, and the two of them are Lashnu Guzu and Vayu Guzu."

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "I'm very happy to meet the three primordial and powerful ancient ancestors. I met a few ancient ancestors with similar breaths to you some time ago. I don't know how many ancient ancestors you have. What is the relationship between the ancient ancestors?"

Surush Guzu smiled and said, "We want to keep it a little mysterious for the time being. You will know later. Now you just need to know that our ancient ancestors are friendly to you."

Rashnuguzu laughed and said: "When the time is right, you will naturally know. We are here, one is to look at you and show your face, so that we can get to know you; the other is to help you resolve a crisis."

Ji Haotian said: "These two great demon gods are really difficult for me to deal with, so there are three ancient ancestors."

He knew that the three great primordial ancestors had appeared, and his crisis had been lifted, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The threat these two great demon gods brought him was too great.

The three primordial and powerful ancestors nodded.

Wa Youguzu smiled and said, "It's a small matter. Although these two great demon gods are also primitive powers, we still don't take them seriously, because they are not as powerful as us."

The two great demon gods knew that the Three Great Ancestors had appeared, and they had already lost the chance to kill Ji Haotian!

These ancient ancestors are too powerful. If one of them comes out, it will be difficult for the two of them to fight together, let alone three of them appear at once!

Great Demon God Stolas said in a cold voice: "You can keep him for a while, but you can't keep him forever. The person our Seventy-Two Pillars Great Demon God wants to kill will never survive!"

Rashnu Guzu said indifferently, "Our eldest sister is nearby!"

Hearing the words, the two great demon gods were so frightened that their hairs stood on end, and the souls of the dead were filled with fear. They turned around and fled in panic, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After scaring away the two great demon gods, the three ancient ancestors and Ji Haotian chatted for a while, and then said goodbye. Before leaving, Guzu Surush slapped all the six great emperors unconscious with a slap!

After the three ancient ancestors left, Ji Haotian walked up to the six great kings of heaven who had passed out, unfolded the supernatural spirit of heaven and forced the six great kings to be imprinted with the soul of heaven, and then woke them all up.

So far, thirty-five of the seventy-two heavenly generals have been imprinted by Ji Haotian with the soul of heaven, completely controlling life and death.

The six kings of heavenly generals who woke up felt that Ji Haotian had been imprinted on their souls. They were all angry, unwilling, regretful, and helpless. It was a fact. No matter what they did, it was useless. They could only accept their fate and surrender!

Ji Haotian also released the ten great archangels. After chatting for a while, everyone went to explore the secrets in the ancient Huaao cosmology ruins together.

Soon after, they discovered the ancient Huaao cosmology secret treasure deep underground in the ruins, and successfully obtained a super treasure.

Ji Haotian gave one-tenth to the six great kings of heaven, and he left nine-tenths of the great treasure, and then he let the six great kings of heaven leave on his own, and use the cosmic crystal ball to contact him in the future, UU read www.uukanshu. After com, he took the ten archangels to the heavenly purple lotus and traveled through time and space.

Tiandao multiverse, a super multiverse in the omnipotent universe that is independent of the super universe. Dominating the Tiandao multiverse are seventy-two first-class forces in the universe—the 72 Tiandao Legion, the rumored 72 Tiandao Legion The strength is so powerful that if united, it is no less than any superpower in the universe.

There are more than 3,000 single universes in the Tiandao multiverse, all of which have rankings.

The first Tiandao universe, the first super single universe in the Tiandao multiverse.

Tianyuan Star Field, a super-large star field in the first Tiandao universe.

The Jiuyang Galaxy, a super-large galaxy in the Tianyuan star field, is named after the nine suns in the galaxy.

Tianjie Xing, a king-level life planet as large as a planet of superlative life in the Nine Sun Galaxy, the strongest in Tianjie Star are some Austrian Kings. Legend has it that Tianjie Xing was a superlative planet of life in ancient times. A cosmic war has caused the origin of the Celestial Star World to suffer heavy losses, and its grade has dropped from a high-level life planet to a king-level life planet.

There are five super-continents in the Celestial Star, namely: the Continent of Heaven, the Continent of Sunshine, the Continent of Moonlight, the Continent of Starlight, and the Continent of Chenji.

There are five oceans in the world, namely Zhongtian Ocean, Cangtian Ocean, Haotian Ocean, Yantian Ocean, Xuantian Ocean.

There are five giant forces in the world, known as one country and four prefectures, they are:

The kingdom of heaven that dominates the continent of heaven, the kingdom of the human race

The radiant Tianfu that dominates the radiant continent, the power of the purple race

The Moonlight Tianfu that dominates the Moonlight Continent, the power of the yellow race

The Xingguang Tianfu that dominates the Starlight Continent, the power of the blue race

The Chenji Tianfu that dominates the Chenji Continent, the power of the young people

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