In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1300: Atal and Imma

Tumor King, it looks like a large deformed tumor, its body is composed of a kind of black mucus, blisters and scars are constantly formed on its surface, and it cracks periodically, spraying disgusting black toxins; It can change its shape at will to move. In addition, deformed heads are constantly produced in its body, which are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads appear to briefly observe the surrounding environment before disappearing. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the big tumor surgery.

The King of Doom, in the image of a burly and domineering purple man, with gray skin, no mouth, and eight purple tentacles on his abdomen. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great doom technique.

The two evil and powerful kings of terror stared at Ji Haotian coldly at the same time, revealing their murderous intent.

The cancer king said in a cold and evil voice: "Ji Haotian, you **** little bastard, you have slaughtered all our clones and the countless descendants of our original seventy-two terror kings in the Great Infinite Universe and the Great Eternal Universe. Today we will Your bones and ashes will be smashed to pieces, your body will be broken into ten thousand pieces, your body and spirit will be destroyed, your soul will be scattered, and you will never be supernatural!"

Ji Haotian was secretly highly vigilant, but on the surface he was calm. He said coldly, "I finally saw your deity. I didn't expect to meet your disgusting and evil monsters so soon!"

The King of Doom said coldly: "You are not worthy of us. In our eyes, you are just an ant that can be trampled to death with one foot! Today we will torture you to death, and make you feel the pain. Life is better than death. You died in endless pain and endless regret!"

Suddenly, a dazzling red light and a dazzling golden light appeared out of thin air beside Ji Haotian, turning into two mysterious ancient aliens!

The image of one of them is a mighty giant with red hair, red eyebrows, and red beard, wearing a fiery red robe, with flames churning all over his body, like a flame giant.

The image of the other person is a white-bearded old man with long snow-white eyebrows, with a clear face and ancient vicissitudes. His two long snow-white eyebrows have grown to his waist, which is particularly obvious.

When King Doom saw two aliens suddenly appear, he frowned and said, "Attar Guzu, Imagozu, what are you two old **** doing here? You want to protect Ji Haotian, this little bastard?"

The Cancer King beside him said in an indifferent voice: "Two old **** are protecting a little bastard, it's normal, they are a group!"

The two mysterious and ancient aliens ignored the two fearful kings, but looked at Ji Haotian at the same time.

Among them, the flame giant Atal Guzu laughed loudly: "Ji boy, we finally see you. I am Atal Guzu, and the long-browed old man is Imago."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Hello, the temperament and aura of the two ancient ancestors are very similar to those of the original twelve ancient ancestors of the kingdom of heaven. There must be a close relationship between you two?"

The old man with long eyebrows, Ima Guzu, laughed in his old voice: "We really have a close relationship with them. You will know in the future. We made a special trip to see you."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet the two ancient ancestors."

Atal Guzu laughed and said, "We are also very happy to meet you. We are here at the right time. We can save you, Ji boy. These two disgusting and hateful monsters are handed over to us."

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "Then there are two of you. If you can kill these two disgusting monsters, that would be great!"

Ima Guzu said: "We are both primordial powers of the same level. If we really fight, the entire first day universe may be destroyed by us! Therefore, we can drive them away, but we can't be as big as them. Fight, otherwise it will cause charred life and boundless catastrophe!"

The King of Doom said ruthlessly: "What if the first universe of heaven is destroyed? If you don't fight us, we will fight with you, and we will destroy the universe of the first heaven, so that the kingdom of heaven will be destroyed. gain a foothold!"

Atal Guzu sneered disdainfully: "You two fools are really bold enough to dare to sneak into the Celestial Star. If the kingdom is in the Celestial Star today, aren't you afraid of the ancestors of the Celestial Kingdom? They can come by just one or two. Solve you, you dare to take risks, are you tired of living?"

Imagozu threatened: "Give you two beasts a chance to escape, get out now! Otherwise, I will shout and call the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven, swarming around you, and leaving you two abominable monsters dead without burial. place!"

The two kings of fear knew that they secretly sneaked into the Celestial Star, in order not to be discovered by the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven. Before Ji Haotian had grown up, they secretly killed him, but now that the two ancient ancestors appeared, they knew that they had lost their punishment. The chance to kill Ji Haotian!

The King of Doom shouted resentfully, "Damn Attar and Ima, how dare you do something wrong with us, we're not finished with you, just wait and see!"

The Tumor King said grimly to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, you must never leave the Celestial Star, or you will surely die!"

After the two fearful kings finished their harsh words, they suddenly turned into two gusts of black mist and disappeared out of thin air.

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