In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1288: 4 big and young mansion masters


Another loud noise and a scream!

Under the shocked and frightened gazes of countless people at the scene, the evil man who had just successfully killed the Terrorist in the sneak attack was also suddenly attacked.

The man who killed the evil man was a tall, handsome, majestic and domineering young man of purple race in golden robe!

Many people at the scene recognized that this person was impressively one of the four young palace masters of the Four Great Heavenly Palaces of Tianjie Xing, the young palace master of Riyao Tianfu, Yaozhan!

The four masters of the four major palaces of Tianjie Xing, the four young palace masters, and the four young king-level geniuses with king-level Taoism are:

The young mansion master of the Sun Yat-Sen Heavenly Mansion is fighting fiercely, a young man of the purple race

Huixian, the young master of Yuehui Tianfu, is a young man of the yellow race

Guang Lun, the young master of Xingguang Tianfu, a young man of the blue race

Chenji Tianfu's young mansion master Jiyi, a young man of the young race

Yao Zhan, the young mansion master of Riyao Tianfu who killed the evil clan, was complacent, and suddenly felt that he saw a flower!


A muffled sound and a scream of pain!

Under the stunned gazes of countless people, Ji Haotian suddenly teleported in front of Yao Zhan and kicked Yao Zhan who was caught off guard!

The embarrassed Yaozhan quickly rushed back in anger. He glared at Ji Haotian and shouted angrily, "Bastard, why did you sneak up on me?"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "You are a bastard. You dare to molest my sister. I beat you to teach you a small lesson. If you dare to molest my sister in the future, I can't forgive you!"

The furious Yaozhan was stunned when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "You and Ji Muxue really look alike, so you are Ji Muxue's younger brother, and my future brother-in-law! Hmph, look at my beloved sister Muxue. In terms of face, I don't care about you today!"

Ji Haotian sneered disdainfully and said, "My sister is a creative female genius with the Taoist body of reincarnation. You, a mere king-level genius, are delusional. You really want to eat swan meat! Besides, let me tell you, my sister already has a Taoist companion. , don't be delusional!"

Yao Zhan said proudly: "I am the only heir of the Sunyao Tianfu, and a giant in the future of the Celestial Star. I am the only one in the entire Celestial Star who can be worthy of the beautiful and noble Ji Muxue! It doesn't matter if she has a Taoist companion. It's enough to kill her Dao Companion!"

At this moment, a slender, handsome and handsome young man came over, he smiled at Ji Haotian: "Hello, my future brother-in-law, I am your future brother-in-law Huixian, and I am the young mansion master of Yuehui Tianfu. You and my beloved sister Mu Xue really look alike, and they have the same bone age. You two should be twins, right?"

Ji Muxue and Ji Haotian are indeed twin brothers and sisters, and they are eighty alike.

Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian has seven brothers and sisters, holding many treasures:

The eldest brother, the Infinite King, Ji Haoyu, holds the supreme treasure of Hongmeng Infinite Mountain.

The second brother, the Eternal King Ji Haozhou, holds the Eternal Sea, the most precious treasure of Hongmeng.

The third brother, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, holds many treasures.

The fourth brother, the space king Ji Haokong, is in charge of Hongmeng's most treasured space river.

The fifth younger brother, the Sun King Ji Haoyang, holds the Sun Staff of the Supreme Treasure of Hongmeng.

The elder sister, Ji Muxue, the eldest princess of reincarnation (the Taoist companion is Gao Yunrui, the lord of the celestial realm in the kingdom of heaven), holds the reincarnation scripture of the supreme treasure of Hongmeng.

The younger sister, the eldest princess of life, Ji Qingxue (the Taoist companion is Fan Tiancheng, the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Territory in the Kingdom of Heaven), holds the most precious life cup of Hongmeng.

Before Ji Haotian could speak, Yao Zhan, who was on the opposite side, suddenly glared at Hui Xian, the young mansion master of Yuehui Tianfu, and shouted, "Hui Xian, you bastard, Mu Xue is the woman I like, get out of my way! "

Huixian smiled indifferently and said, "My fair lady and gentleman are so arrogant, whoever can catch Mu Xue, who can be patient, we can compete fairly!"

Yaozhan snorted coldly, ignored him, looked at Ji Haotian, smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, what's your name? Can you take me to see your sister? I also want to meet your sister's Taoist companion. My sister's **** companion was killed, so that I can fly with my beloved Muxue Shuangsu!"

As he said that, he smiled and handed Ji Haotian a space Ji Haotian swept away his senses, and saw that there were actually 100 million mid-grade Ao Jing in the space ring.

He didn't speak, and put it directly into the Zhu Tian bracelet.

Hui Xian immediately gave Ji Haotian a space ring with a flattering smile. There were 200 million mid-grade Ao Jing in the space ring.

Ji Haotian put it away unceremoniously, but still remained indifferent and did not speak.

At this time, two more young people came over, one of them was a young man from the blue race, and the other was a young man from the young race. They were both tall, handsome, majestic and domineering.

The two walked up to Ji Haotian, and one handed Ji Haotian a space ring.

Ji Haotian was stunned for a moment. With his divine sense, he saw that there were 200 million mid-grade Ao Jing in each space ring. He didn't ask, and put away both space rings.

The young man from the blue race opposite smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Guang Lun, the young mansion master of Xingguang Tianfu, he is Jiyi, the young mansion master of Chenji Tianfu. What is the name of Xiongtai?"

Ji Haotian said indifferently: "I'm Ji Haotian, what is the purpose of each of you two giving me 200 million mid-grade Ao Jing?"

The young man from the young mansion of Chenji Tianfu smiled and said: "So brother-in-law, your name is Ji Haotian, I fell in love with your sister Ji Muxue, I want to take her as my wife, I hope you can help me, I will give you a lot of benefits. "

Guang Lun, the young master of Xingguang Tianfu, said with a smile: "Ji Haotian... handsome and handsome brother-in-law, hello, I fell in love with your sister Ji Muxue, if you can take me to find her, I will give you a lot of benefits, if you can help I chased down your sister, and I will cover you from now on, you Ji Haotian are the little overlord of the Celestial Star, if you want the wind to catch the wind and the rain to rain, you can do whatever you want, this is my promise to you!"

Ji Haotian looked at the Four Young Palace Masters with disdain on his face. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he turned around and left.

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