In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1286: Primal Terror

The prehistoric dinosaur man was too ferocious. After he swallowed the stall, he shocked the scene, but no one dared to care, no one dared to provoke him, and let him continue to wander around Dafang City.

Suddenly, "Boom!" A loud noise was accompanied by a series of screams!

Countless people in Dafang City were horrified to see that a man in a black robe who had transformed into a terrorist tribe smashed a man who set up a stall and his stall into ashes with a huge flaming fist!

The fear clan is one of the eight peak ancient clans in the omnipotent universe.

There are seventy-two species of terror, also known as the tribe of terror and the primitive terror, known as the original seventy-two terror.

The original seventy-two terrifying races, seventy-two extremely terrifying alien monster races, the terrifying race means the terrifying race, they are all extremely mysterious, ancient, terrifying, powerful, ferocious and evil super alien creatures, all over countless diverse The cosmos is extremely large in number, and each terrified clan has a kind of innate talent and supernatural power. The original seventy-two terrifying clans are:

1. Void family, the image is a strange vast cloud, in the cloud is a mist column full of phantoms, inside the mist column is a pair of huge cold and ruthless gray-black eyes and a terrifying gray-black giant mouth. Knowing what kind of terror lurks in the mysterious and huge vast cloud and mist, all things and spirits shrouded in the vast cloud and mist will disappear completely in an instant and return to nothingness. Talented Dao supernatural power - Great Void Technique.

2. Spiritual race, the shape is like a huge purple shell, several multi-segmented cylindrical pseudopods protrude from the half-opened shell, and a mouthless face with sunken eye sockets peeks out from the body . The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great spiritual art.

3. The cursed family, the image is a silhouette of a human figure, wearing a shimmering veil, surrounded by black mist. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Curse.

Fourth, the vengeful family, tall and tall, with blood-red eyes, the head of a dog, the hair of a snake and the wings of a bat. The Great Way of Talent - Great Revenge.

5. The plague family, the image is a humanoid torso with tentacles and limbs and a toothless mouth with only a neck. Talented avenue supernatural power - great plague.

6. Spirit Devourers, the image is a huge dark matter mass with many slender tentacles on it, they use these tentacles to capture and devour living beings. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the Great Devourer of Spirituality.

Seventh, the star family, the image is a vast nebula shining with stars, they are always floating in the universe, and use the stars as their food. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big star technique.

8. The end of the law, the image is a gel-like creature with countless eyes and mouths. Talent Dao supernatural power - the ultimate spell.

Nine, the black water tribe, their body is a kind of existence that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, usually in the form of a huge black water element aggregate. The avenue of talent and supernatural power - the great black water technique.

10. Disasters, they look like giant black mice, with black hair on the surface, three clover-like red eyes on their heads, and some tentacles on their bodies. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Disaster.

11. Ice cold people, the image is a fecal-like blue icy stone, surrounded by icy mist. Talented Dao supernatural power - great ice cold technique.

12. The anti-chaotic tribe, the image is a strange complex made of animals, plants and minerals. Talented Dao supernatural powers - Great Rebellion Chaos.

Thirteen, the fog family, the image is a black fog, with a mysterious dazzling light in the fog, a huge shadow or endless fog will accompany it, and then it will appear under the dazzling light. Talented avenue supernatural power - great fog technique.

14. The poisonous tribe, whose image is a huge eye emitting a strange black light, with many black tentacles growing on the edge of the eye. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great poisoning technique.

15. The dominant family, the image is a huge eyeball with a large group of golden tentacles and countless golden tentacles. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great **** technique.

16. Restricted family, its image is a large aggregate of silver internal organs and silver eyeballs, with many silver tentacles growing on it. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great restriction technique.

17. The sensory family, the image is a huge golden spider with a face similar to that of a human. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great induction technique.

18. The vampires, in the image of a vampire giant with an elephant head, have a terrifying mouth of blood. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great blood-sucking technique.

19. The filth, with its ugly appearance, combines the worst characteristics of octopuses, elephants and humans. When it is hungry, it moves at a speed disproportionate to its huge body, and uses it to resemble a lamprey. The "elephant trunk" of the structure **** the blood of other creatures. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Defilement.

20. Detonation family, the image is a huge, hot red fireball or plasma block. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big explosion technique.

Twenty-one, the Destruction Clan, appearing in the image of thousands of flame spirits, where there will be a strong explosion immediately, the terrifying high temperature and flames will cause a large-scale destruction indiscriminate between the enemy and the enemy, and the destructive power is enough to rival small nuclear weapons. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Destruction.

22. The Frozen Clan, they are a huge, icy, white flame that does not burn objects, but completely freezes objects that come into contact with it. Talented Dao supernatural power - Great Freeze.

Twenty-three, the deep diving family, the image is a blue giant with an octopus head, a human body, and bat wings on its back. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great deep dive.

Twenty-four, the silent family, the image is a huge white worm with countless white strange tentacles. Talented Dao supernatural power - Great Silence.

25. Sins, they look like a large aggregate of tentacles, and the curled tentacles can extend to amazing lengths. Talented Dao Supernatural Powers - Great Sin Technique.

Twenty-six, petrified people, they appear as a huge mass of unshaped flesh, with many tentacles and huge mouths, and their bodies are covered with wrinkles and white scales. They can petrify the creatures that witness it, and the creatures who enter this state will not die completely, and their brains will live forever in the petrified body, becoming a "living statue". Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big petrification technique.

Twenty-seven, the Sleeping Clan, the head has lush hair and tentacles, they only have one eye, and the eyes are also covered with tentacles and webbed palms. In addition, they can also affect the minds of living beings through dreams. Talented Dao supernatural power - big sleep dream technique.

28. Blasphemers, they have a conical black body and a lizard-shaped head, with four stout tentacle-shaped arms with suction cups on their necks, which are like starfish when they are unfolded, and also grow on their heads. tentacle. Talented avenue of supernatural powers - great blasphemy.

Twenty-nine, the change family, has a multicolored octopus-like body, a pair of colorful wings that retract freely, and multicolored tentacles with grooved claws. Talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Change Technique.

30. The Tear Race is a huge octopus-shaped creature with a shell, with eight segmented legs and six long arms, with claws at the top of the long arms. Talented avenue supernatural power - big tearing technique.

Thirty-one, crazy people, the image is a huge human figure with webbed toes, red eyes, and thin bones. Their faces are horribly twisted, like a human face that has been pulled and deformed, full of pain; Innate talent avenue supernatural power - great madness.

Thirty-two, the evil deeds, the image is a human figure with huge black horns, covered with hair, claws as sharp as knives, ferocious fangs in the mouth, and eyes with a fiery luster. They will exhale large clouds of mist, and snowflakes will strangely surround it. Talented Dao supernatural powers - great evil deeds.

Thirty-three, the tracker, a huge piece of flesh with countless tentacles, and a pair of cyan wings. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big tracking technique.

Thirty-four, the abyss family, the image is a huge dark mass of indeterminate shape, surrounded by black mist. Talented Dao supernatural power - the great abyss technique.

Thirty-five, the exhausted people, the image is a terrifying giant with no eyes on his head and no legs on his body. They appear with a terrifying yellow fog, and once swallowed by the fog, they will lose all their energy and become dead bones. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great depletion technique.

Thirty-six, Stuffers, eight-legged, long-bodied, blue monsters with crab-like forelimbs. Talented avenue supernatural power - big filling technique.

Thirty-seven, the digestive family, although they look like huge gray crabs, they can **** creatures through the tentacles in their mouths. Their digestive systems are extremely powerful. If they don’t eat, they will begin to digest themselves until they fall into a dormant state. . Talented Dao supernatural power - great digestion.

Thirty-eight, the imprisoned, resembling a huge, black-covered terrifying worm, with a porous stomach; their eyeballs seem to be made up of small droplets of blood that keep dripping. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great confinement technique.

Thirty-nine, the Corrosive Race, the image is a gray monster with a huge body several miles long. From time to time, a strange acid fluid leaks out of its mouth, and a strange acid fluid flows out at the same time. Talented Dao supernatural powers - Great Corruption.

Forty, the shadow family, the image is a mass of gelatinous substance, with a pair of black wings. Talented avenue supernatural power - great shadow technique.

Forty-one, strange race, the image is a huge gray horror like a gray insect. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big strange technique.

Forty-two, abominations, the image is a human figure with black soft fur and a huge belly like a toad, and sometimes changes to other postures. When they are hungry, no matter it is human beings or other creatures, or even invisible baby spirits, they will not refuse to come. Talented avenue of supernatural powers - great abomination.

Forty-three, the blind people, the image is an armless, winged two-legged toad with a long, twisted neck and an ugly face that is completely covered by tentacles. The Great Blindness Technique.

Forty-four, Despair, with short black legs and slender arms, with a bald head hanging from the bottom of the body. Talented Dao supernatural power - great despair.

Forty-five, the sinister family, the image is a half-snake and half-human with bat wings covered in scales. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great sinister technique.

Forty-six, the arrogant, has an octopus-like body, with snake-shaped eyes and tentacles that can move independently. Talented Dao supernatural power - great arrogance.

Forty-seven, the jealous family, the shape is a bulging, almost oval giant body, which is supported on countless legs without flesh; eyes constantly appear on its oval gelatinous body. Talent Dao supernatural power - great jealousy.

Forty-eight, the Furious Clan, in the shape of a huge slug-like creature, covered with metal spikes all over the body. These spikes appear to be inorganic, but they actually have an organic structure and can grow. It also grows a pair of tentacles with eyeballs at the top of its body. Talented avenue supernatural power - great rage technique.

Forty-nine, lazy people, their bodies are not much bigger than a child, they are as dry and wrinkled as a thousand-year-old mummy. The neck as thin as a skeleton supports the head without a hair, and both the head and its featureless face are covered with countless tiny cracks. That way, like a shriveled stillborn who died without a single breath in its mother's body; at the end of their slender arms were scrawny claws that stretched out hard as if they were forever groping for something. Same. Talent Dao Supernatural Power - Great Laziness.

50. Greedy, they look like a giant human head statue, but it is entirely composed of plants that can squeeze out long vine-like appendages. Innate avenue of supernatural powers - great greed.

51. Gluttony, they have only one eye, a large mouth, a large number of tentacles and a large and long nose on their heads, and their bodies resemble carapaces. Talented Dao supernatural power - great gluttony.

Fifty-two, the **** tribe, their appearance resembles a colorful scorpion, with a head like a huge colorful ant, a mouth like an ant for sucking, and multiple pairs of huge colorful compound eyes. They have many tentacles on their bodies and a pair of huge colorful wings on their backs. Talented avenue supernatural powers - great **** technique.

53. Modified family, the image is a plant-type creature with black vine-like tentacles. Talent Dao supernatural powers - a major revision technique.

Fifty-four, the fear family, the image is an entity with tentacles and bat wings. They have the ability to shapeshift and transform into what everyone fears the most. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Fear.

55. Tumors, they look like a large deformed tumor. Their bodies are composed of a kind of black mucus. Blisters and scars are constantly formed on their surfaces, and they crack periodically, spraying nausea. black toxin; they can change their shape at will to move. In addition, deformed heads are constantly produced in their bodies, which are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads appear to briefly observe their surroundings before disappearing. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the big tumor surgery.

Fifty-six, the excision family, they look like a huge golden turtle, with a dozen short legs, the ends of the legs are sucker-like feet, and there are two golden tails behind them; they have a golden body , has no eyes, and has two tentacle-like probosciss, which are used to cut off and eat the eyes of prey. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers--major excision.

Fifty-seven, solid family, the image is a cluster of huge colored crystals with long sharp crystal tendrils on it, any creature touched by these crystal tentacles will be transformed into a solid mineral structure. Innate avenue of supernatural powers - great solid technique.

Fifty-eight, the doom family, the image is a purple humanoid monster, with gray skin, no mouth, and purple tentacles on the abdomen. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great doom technique.

Fifty-nine, the Clan, a pig-like horror, with a bloated, corpse-like body covered in thick, wrinkled, rhino-like hide. It has eight stout legs, a pair of red eyes on its head, and a mouth full of wild boar tusks and teeth under its snout. Talented Dao supernatural power - big impact technique.

60. Hate Race, appearing as festering, dripping mucus, bubbling clumps, stirring and swirling constantly, producing degenerate appendages and reabsorbing them, bubbles constantly growing and bursting on his body surface, revealing eyes full of hatred , drooling mouths form and close at will around Zasog's hideous body. Talented Dao supernatural power - great hatred technique.

Sixty-one, the contract tribe, whose image is an egg-shaped creature with golden scales, a crescent-shaped head, a face without facial features, and several golden beard-shaped horns on its head. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the great contract technique.

Sixty-two, the phantom family, whose image is a lump of indeterminate shape, with eight arm-like appendages, and there are many phantoms in action, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the real. The avenue of talent and supernatural powers - the Great Illusion Technique.

Sixty-three, the manipulator, the image is an elegant purple entity, lingering in the void. Although seemingly invisible, it can grab and manipulate objects with enormous force. It is capable of a variety of biological and mechanical sounds, the two most notable of which are mechanical clicks and screeching sirens. Talented Dao supernatural powers - great manipulation.

64. The enslaved people, the image is a huge purple bat-shaped creature with hundreds of deformed purple eyes and a strangely shaped throat. Talented Dao supernatural power - great slavery.

65. The Shattering Race, a hungry unknown terror force field, builds its body by absorbing metal elements, smashing it into a highly destructive swirling metal vortex. Innate talent avenue supernatural power - big crushing technique.

Sixty-six, the monitoring family, the image is a golden slug-like monster with countless golden eyes on it. Talented avenue supernatural power - great surveillance.

67. The Twisted Race is a roughly human-like existence, but a large number of snake-like limbs twist it into something terrible. Its head is more like a huge ball of meat, with no other organs except a large mouth with fangs under its one Strangely colored flames are scattered all over it, which seem to be constantly emitting from within its body, pulsing rhythmically with its movement. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Twisting Technique.

68. Murderers are a semi-invisible black alien creature with the characteristics of a polyp. Only part of its body is made of matter, it is not known what the rest is made of. Talented avenues of supernatural powers - big murder.

69. The Anxiety Clan is a huge black cone-shaped creature with some kind of uneven semi-elastic scales all over its body. At the top of the cone, there are four retractable cylindrical organs that appear to be made of the same material as the cone. Talented Dao Supernatural Power - Great Anxiety Technique.

70. The jealous family is a humanoid monster with elastic skin like rubber. It had feet like hooves, a face like a dog, and pointy claws, and it spoke in a rapid, weeping voice. Talented Dao and Supernatural Powers - Big Jealousy.

71. It is like a giant purple spider. It is covered with wart-like things all over its body, and has bristles on its long legs. Its belly is mottled dark purple, the front of its body is indigo, and the tips of its legs and claws are black. Talented Dao supernatural powers - Great Newscasting.

72. The hypnotist. It looks like a huge black giant crustacean. Its feet are divided into multiple segments like insects, and there are bat-like membrane wings on the back. The head is attached with a whirlpool-shaped elliptical tumor block, which passes through the tumor. The color of the block changes to communicate with peers, so no language is required. But it is also possible to simulate the language of any kind of creature with the vibration of body organs, and use this language with humming sound to communicate with other creatures, in addition to hypnotizing creatures with ultra-high frequency sound. Talented Dao supernatural power - great hypnotism.

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