In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1241: StarClan Elder Powers

The other four emperors nodded in agreement.

Wudi Emperor Jingyu asked, "The four transcendents have surrendered to you. Do you know their origin and true identity? What race do they belong to?"

Ji Haotian shook his head and said, "I don't know anything about them either. The four transcenders are all those who have no destiny, and they are all superhumans. They are mysterious, unanalyzable, and difficult to calculate. Not only can I not calculate them, they are the kingdom of heaven. The ancestors can't figure them out, they don't seem to belong to this universe at all, and it seems that they shouldn't exist in this universe, it's too weird and unpredictable, everything is unknown!"

The demon emperor Beyemonds said thoughtfully: "I suspect that the purpose of their appearance is to replace our four emperors. They appeared because of our four emperors!"

Ji Haotian thought for a while and said, "The four transcendents may not belong to the Great Eternal Universe. They may also have passed through from the larger and higher-level omnipotent universe. Maybe we will know their details in the future when we enter the omnipotent universe!"

Dragon Emperor Lachipius said suspiciously: "I don't think they are from the omnipotent universe. If they are from the omnipotent universe, how can their cultivation realm be so low? If they really come from the omnipotent universe The universe has passed through, so their cultivation base should be the cosmos protagonist, not the cosmos constant!"

Demon Emperor Francis said irritably: "Forget it, don't study them anymore, when the time is right, we will naturally know everything!"

Suddenly, they found that three super monsters of the terror clan and three super aliens of the holy clan rose into the air, fighting fiercely in mid-air!

They recognized that they were the three ten-star ancestral realm holy clan patriarchs and the three ten-star ephemeral ancestor realm fear clan patriarchs!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The world-shattering war was going on in midair, and suddenly someone in the sky shouted impatiently, "It's so noisy!"

Immediately afterwards, the four transcenders suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the void, kicking the three fear clan chiefs and the three holy clan chiefs all out of the thunderbolt with three fists and two feet, and disappeared!

The four transcendents who completed the feat mysteriously disappeared again without a trace!

On the ground, Ji Haotian looked at the void, and said with a light smile: "The cultivation of the four great transcenders is now at the Seven-star Eternal Ancestor Realm, and the ten-star Eternal Ancestor Realm powerhouses are no different from children in front of them, even if they are some great masters. The Ancestral Realm is not their opponent, and the strength is indeed strong enough!"

The Demon Emperor Francis sighed: "The four transcenders are indeed too mysterious and powerful. We can only defeat them by using the super all-around trump card, but we are only defeated. If we want to kill or capture them, You can't do it at all! As you said, they are those who have no destiny, they are transcendents, they are omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and indestructible, and they are also the destined enemies of our four emperors, demons, witches, demons, and dragons!"

Suddenly, rays of light shone in the void, holy mighty mighty, endless coercion enveloped the world!

Countless powerhouses in the Thunderbolt Mountains looked up in horror, but saw forty mysterious ancient, mighty Star Clan Ten-star Great Eternal Ancestors appearing in the void!


Forty Star Clan Ten Star Great Eternal Ancestor Realm ancient great powers appeared at the same time, causing a shock and sensation of countless powerhouses in the Thunder Mountain Range!

In the ruins, the five supreme emperors of the universe discovered that the forty ancient powers of the Star Clan locked them at the same time, and immediately became highly vigilant!

Their current cultivation base has not yet broken through to the Great Ancestor Realm. The ten-star Great Eternal Ancestor Realm has already caused a huge threat to them.

If the forty ancient powers of StarClan attacked them, they would not be able to compete at all. They had to run away, and they had to run fast.

In the void, forty ancient powers of the Star Clan locked onto the five supreme emperors of the universe at the same time.

One of the Star Clan elders shouted in a muffled voice: "The five supreme emperors of the universe, we are here specially for you!"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "Who are you? What do you want?"

One of the ancient great powers of the star clan in the void said in a loud voice: "We are the forty ancient great power elders of the Presbyterian Council of the Multiverse Republic of the Stars. We have personally mobilized our troops to deal with you. You should be honored!"

Another Star Clan ancient powerful elder king said indifferently: "Give you two options for the five supreme emperors of the universe, one is to make us branded with our souls and surrender to the Xingheng Multiverse Republic; the other option is to die! You five little brats think Live or die, make a choice!"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice said in the void in the other direction: "Dare to threaten the great and noble five supreme emperors of the universe, are you all forty old boys tired of living?"

As the voice fell, twelve dazzling golden lights suddenly appeared in the sky, turning into twelve burly, domineering, and mighty men in python robes.

The twelve people are impressively the twelve presidents of the Elders Association of the Dragon Country, and the twelve primordial powers—the Twelve Dragon Ancestors of the Great Desolation!

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