In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1238: 2 Great Austrian Patriarchs

Shi Yong and the clan chief stared at him and shouted, "Fuck you, we have nothing to talk about with you two robbers, get out of here!"

The two patriarchs of the Demon God clan were about to speak when they suddenly heard loud bangs and violent fights in the air, and they all looked up.

Seeing two groups of people fighting fiercely together in midair!

The patriarch of the Andos Demon Clan said in surprise: "The Demon, the Witch, the Demon, the Four Emperors of the Dragon and the Four Transcendents are fighting again!"

The patriarch of the Simonli Demon Clan said: "Fuck, they are still not finished, I can see them fighting everywhere, I have seen them several times! They are really old enemies, they fight when they meet, and they often fight. Enemies have a narrow road, they often meet each other, and every time they are beaten to pieces, they can't wait to kill each other, how much hatred they have!"

The two sides of the fierce battle in midair are the four emperors, the four emperors, the witch, the demon, the dragon, and the four transcenders!

Four Transcendents, four mysterious and incomparably powerful young Transcendent geniuses, holding four almighty treasures Four Transcendent Swords, all possessing Transcendent Dao Body and Twin Transcendent Talent Dao Supernatural Powers, no one knows who they are What race they belong to, and no one knows where they come from. It is rumored that the four transcendents are all super giants with a height of 30,000 meters, but no one has seen their bodies. They usually appear with normal human heights. What is surprising is that every time the four transcenders see Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian reluctantly knelt down and kowtowed three times, and then trembled three times in a feigned panic.

The four transcendents are:

The Void Transcendence Dawei Tianlong——The image is a beautiful white man with white hair and white eyes, with a pair of white Void God Wings on his back, Void Dao Body, Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Power Great Void Art and Great Hongmeng Art, Almighty Treasure Void Beyond the sword.

Hongmeng Transcendence Daguanyangyang——The image is a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of purple Hongmeng divine wings on his back, Hongmeng Taoist body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great Hongmeng technique and great chaos technique, the almighty treasure of Hongmeng transcendence sword.

Chaos Transcendor Odios - a beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a pair of gray chaotic wings on his back, a chaotic body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great chaos technique and great space-time technique, almighty treasure Chaos transcends swords.

Time and space transcendence Zeuxis - a beautiful blue man with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue time and space wings on his back, a time and space body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great chaos art, almighty The Treasure Time and Space Transcends Sword.

The patriarch of the Shiyingchao clan looked at the world-shattering battle in the void and said, "The four emperors of the universe are all transcendent geniuses, and they are powerful, needless to say. They are too mysterious! No one knows what race they belong to, and no one knows where they come from. It is rumored that the four transcendents are all super giants with a height of 30,000 meters, but no one has seen their bodies, they usually It will appear at a normal human height, and what is surprising is that every time the four transcendents see the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, they will reluctantly kneel and kowtow three times, and then tremble three times in fake panic!"

The patriarch Shichichi said curiously, "I've also heard that every time the four transcenders see the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, they will reluctantly kneel down and kowtow three times, and then tremble three times in fright! I don't understand, the four mysterious and powerful transcenders are not inferior to the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian in terms of genius and strength, but why are they so...awe of Ji Haotian!"

At this moment, two tall and handsome men in brocade came over.

The patriarch of the Andos Demon Clan looked at the two approaching, and said in surprise: "Burning the Ao Clan Patriarch? Insight into the Ao Clan Patriarch? You two alien creatures turned into humans and came out to swindle!"

The two who came are the Burning Ao Clan and the Insight Ao Clan, the second of the thirty-six Ao Clan of Life. When they walk out, they often change into other races, and rarely appear as their true bodies.

The Patriarch of the Burning Ao Clan, its body image is a huge colorful flame, and there are three burning petal patterns in the center of the body. It will appear as a huge colorful fireball, and then gradually become larger, becoming a super huge colorful fireball with a pattern of burning petals. Talented Dao supernatural power burning technique.

Insight into the patriarch of the Ao clan, its body looks like an invisible green void, with a thousand green eyes like a sphere. With excellent insight, its thousand eyes can see all time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, and destiny. The Great Insight of the Great Dao of Talent.

The two patriarchs of the Austrian clan who turned into two tall and handsome human beings came over.

The Patriarch of the Burning Austrian Clan said with a smile, "How can we be tricked and deceived? If we appear as our main body, it would be too shocking to the world. In order not to be shocking, we had to change into human beings, which would be relatively low-key."

The Patriarch of the Insight Ao Clan smiled lightly: "Haven't you always been at odds with the Patriarchs of the Three Beginning Orc Clan and the Patriarchs of the Two Demon God Clan?

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