In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1229: Outbreak of space war

The first most precious Tiandao Pagoda in the universe is here!

The 3,000-story Purple Gold Pagoda Tiandao Pagoda rose in the face of the storm, and instantly turned into a super purple-gold giant tower as huge as a giant mountain. The purple light is ten thousand feet wide, and it oppresses the universe, like the purple-golden sun that destroys the sky and destroys the earth. Swept across the world, enveloped the Eight Wastelands.

As soon as the Tiandao Pagoda appeared, it shook countless universes, and every vast and mighty force could destroy countless days and countless places, any time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, concepts, laws, etc. Everything, the Tiandao Pagoda has no All shattered under the mighty power above!

The vast and endless Heavenly Dao Pagoda, the Heavenly Dao will, descends the boundless and vast Heavenly Dao mighty power, suppresses the eternity, and obliterates the universe. Under this endless Heavenly Dao repression, all living beings must submit. If they do not submit, they will be suppressed. Crash Avenue!




Dark clouds overwhelm the city, robbery clouds are densely covered, violent storms roll, oppress the eight wastes, the sky is dim for hundreds of millions of miles, and countless creatures on the ground are all crawling on the ground, terrified, trembling all over, feeling the great and terrifying world Coercion!

The ancient city collapsed, all spirits bowed down, no one could resist its heavenly might, all kneeling on the ground.


A loud bang that shattered the sky!

"Ah ah ah!"

Four shrill screams cut through the sky!

Under the shocked and frightened gazes of countless people, Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian smashed the peerless heavy baby tower with a thunderous momentum, instantly suppressing and annihilating all the four ten-star ancestral vice presidents of the four super multiverse republics!

The ten gods of the universe were watching not far from Ji Haotian. They were also extremely shocked and unbelievable!

At this moment, they finally realized how cruel and terrifying the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian was!

Their cultivation bases are also ten-star ancient ancestors. Ji Haotian can forcefully kill four ten-star ancient ancestors vice presidents, which means that Ji Haotian also poses a fatal threat to their ten star gods!

In addition to being shocked by Ji Haotian's horror, the top ten heavenly gods in the universe are also secretly glad that Ji Haotian is a friend rather than an enemy!

This Ji Haotian is really too mysterious, too vicious, too terrifying!

After Ji Haotian took back the Super Treasure Heaven Pagoda, everything finally returned to calm, and the countless people who were shocked and terrified were relieved, all of them were pale, sweaty and embarrassed!

A few days later, a vision of heaven and earth suddenly occurred in Eudoksia Lake, and endless colorful light shone on the world. Many people knew that the legendary ancient invisible woman organization secret realm appeared in the world, right at the bottom of Eudoksia Lake!

Countless strong men have fled into Lake Eudoksia, looking for the secret realm of the ancient Invisible Woman organization.

Ji Haotian and the top ten gods of the universe also went deep into the lake, and soon found the secret realm of the ancient invisible woman organization at the bottom of the lake.

The secret realm is an ancient cave at the bottom of the lake, covered by a layer of powerful multi-colored enchantment.

Ji Haotian joined forces with the top ten heavenly gods in the universe and successfully entered the secret realm.

They happily found the secret treasure left by the ancient Invisible Woman organization in the secret realm, and everyone shared the treasure equally.

After they left the secret realm, many onlookers could only stare blankly, and no one dared to provoke them. Whether it was the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian or the top ten gods of the universe, they were all cosmic supergiants and peerless killers. People are so annoying!

After a group of eleven people flew out of the Eudoksia Lake, Ji Haotian and the top ten heavenly gods of the universe began to travel together in the eternal universe, exploring the mysteries of the universe and pursuing the miracles of the universe...

Time flies, time flies.

Three hundred years later.

A piece of news shocked the Great Eternal Universe: One hundred thousand angels from the Ten Kingdoms of Heaven and the four super-multiverse republics of Renheng, Moheng, Wuheng and Yaoheng fought a cosmic war in the universe, and finally the Ten Thousand Angels Corps of the Kingdom of Heaven was one hundred thousand The angels were slaughtered by the four-nation coalition forces led by the four presidents of the four super-multiverse republics, and the ten archangels were severely damaged by the four presidents into a terrifying black hole prison!

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven was furious, and officially issued a decree to declare war on the four super-multiverse republics of Renheng, Moheng, Wuheng, and Yaoheng. The heroes of the Kingdom of Heaven were dispatched in full force, leading the countless powerhouses of the Kingdom of Heaven and the army of 2.2 billion Heavenly Kingdom throughout the Great Eternal Universe. Comprehensively encircle and suppress all the cosmic constants of the four super multiverse republics!

The four super multiverse republics fought against each other in an all-round way, sending countless strong men and four billion troops to start endless cosmic battles with the heavenly army in countless universes throughout the great eternal universe!

Since then, the kingdom of heaven and the four super multiverse republics have broken out endless cosmic wars in various universes in the entire Great Eternal Universe, and the entire Great Eternal Universe has been plunged into turmoil and war!

Soon after, several news came out one after another, shocking the Great Eternal Universe one after another!

The Four Kingdoms of Demons, Witches, Demons, and Dragons in the five supreme kingdoms of the universe have successively erupted endless cosmic wars in various universes with the four super multiverse republics of Longheng, Yuheng, Zhouheng and Xingheng among the eight super multiverse republics!

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