In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1212: Hongmeng Beyonder

Not long after, the news that the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian sacked the ten secret treasures of the Universal Judgment Society spread like the wind, shocking the Great Eternal Universe!

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

One hundred years later.

In the past 100 years, several pieces of news have shocked the Great Eternal Universe one after another!

The four emperors of the demon, the witch, the demon and the dragon have risen strongly, and the four have defeated the four transcenders one after another, revealing that they are also transcendent geniuses!

Four new young transcendent geniuses were born, causing a huge shock and sensation in the universe!

Soon, the "Cosmic Genius List" also changed. The top five emperors of the universe ranked in the top five, beating the four transcenders!

Among the top ten geniuses in the universe, nine are beyond geniuses, and the tenth is replaced. She is Pan Tianchan, the queen of heaven, a creative female genius with the body of destiny!

"Universal Genius List", the most authoritative and convincing super-genius ranking list of the entire universe in the Great Eternal Universe. Young super geniuses, and have rankings, the top 100 are called the top 100 geniuses in the universe, and the top ten are called the top ten geniuses in the universe.

The ranking of geniuses on the "Universal Genius Ranking" is not fixed, and may change at any time. Some rise, some fall, some are newly added to the list, some disappear, and often change.

At present, the top ten geniuses in the universe recorded in the "Cosmic Genius List" are:

The first place, Ji Haotian, is the master of the heavenly way, the emperor of the kingdom of heaven, the human race, the all-around genius with the heavenly body.

The second place, Francis, is the master of nothingness, the devil emperor of the devil kingdom, the devil race, the transcendental genius with the body of nothingness.

The third place, Di Jingyu, is the great master of Hongmeng, the Wu emperor of the Wu Kingdom, the Wu clan, a transcendent genius with the Hongmeng Taoist body.

The fourth place, Biemonds, is the master of chaos, the demon emperor of the demon kingdom, the demon clan, the transcendent genius with the chaotic body.

The fifth place, Rakipresis, is the master of time and space, the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Clan, a transcendent genius with a time and space body.

The sixth place, Dawei Tianlong, is a transcendental genius with unknown origin and race.

The seventh place, Daguanyangyang, is known as the Transcendence of Hongmeng, whose provenance is unknown, his race is unknown, and he is a transcendental genius with the body of Hongmeng.

The eighth place, Oedios, is the Chaos Transcender, whose provenance is unknown, his race is unknown, and he is a transcendent genius with a Chaos body.

The ninth place, Zeuxis, the transcendence of time and space, the origin is unknown, the race is unknown, and the transcendence genius with the body of time and space.

The tenth place, Pan Tianchan, is the master of destiny, the queen of heaven, the human race, and the female genius of creation with the body of destiny.

The All-Father Multiverse, a super-multiverse within the Great Eternal Universe.

Fa Tianxing, the core super-high-level life planet in the Wanfa multiverse, is the planet where the headquarters of the Cosmic Law Enforcement Association, one of the four associations in the universe, is located.

Cosmic Law Enforcement Mountain, the largest super mountain range in Fatian, where the headquarters of the Cosmic Law Enforcement Association is located.

Majestic, there is a beautiful valley deep in the vast and deep Cosmic Law Enforcement Mountain.

In the middle of the vast green grass in the valley, there is a huge treasure tree with golden branches and golden leaves. The tree is covered with golden fruits the size of fists, shining brightly and beautifully.

At this moment, two people were standing under the huge golden treasure tree, watching the many golden fruits on the tree, full of expectations.

One of these two people, a handsome and dignified young man in white robe, is the supreme son of the Cosmic Law Enforcement Association, Ulfilas, a genius of creation with a space body.

The other person is a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of beautiful purple wings shining brightly on his back, tall and handsome, with a peerless aeolian spirit, extraordinary.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, the corners of his long and narrow eyes raised a charming arc, and his red lips were slightly raised in a smile that was not a smile. On his face that was so beautiful that a woman would be jealous, a pair of fox eyes were so beautiful that they stunned the soul. A beautiful man called Fengshen.

This person is impressively one of the four transcendences, who is ranked seventh in the "Universal Genius List" and has a transcendence genius Daguanyangyang with a Hongmeng Taoist body.

Four Transcendents, four mysterious and incomparably powerful young Transcendent geniuses, holding four almighty treasures Four Transcendent Swords, all possessing Transcendent Dao Body and Twin Transcendent Talent Dao Supernatural Powers, no one knows who they are What race they belong to, and no one knows where they come from. It is rumored that the four transcendents are all super giants with a height of 30,000 meters, but no one has seen their bodies. They usually appear at the height of normal humans, surpassing everything, ignoring everything, omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The four transcendents are:

The Void Transcendence Dawei Tianlong——The image is a beautiful white man with white hair and white eyes, with a pair of white Void God Wings on his back, Void Dao Body, Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Power Great Void Art and Great Hongmeng Art, Almighty Treasure Void Beyond the sword.

Hongmeng Transcendence Daguanyangyang——The image is a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of purple Hongmeng divine wings on his back, Hongmeng Taoist body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great Hongmeng technique and great chaos technique, the almighty treasure of Hongmeng transcendence Chaos Transcender Odios——A beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a pair of gray wings of chaos on his back, a chaotic body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great chaos Art and big time and space art, the almighty treasure Chaos Beyond Sword.

Time and space transcendence Zeuxis - a beautiful blue man with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue time and space wings on his back, a time and space body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great chaos art, almighty The Treasure Time and Space Transcends Sword.

At this time, Ulfilas looked at the many golden fruits on the golden treasure tree, and said with a smile: "The Nine Heavens True King Fruit has a total of 10,000 Nine Heavenly King Fruits, blooming every ten thousand years, and fruiting every ten thousand years. , it will take another 10,000 years to mature. Even if the Henghou Realm is one star Henghou Realm, if you take the next Nine Heavens True King Fruit, there will be a 90% chance of breaking through to the Heng King Realm in one fell swoop, and the strong Heng King Realm will take it. The next Nine Heavens True King Fruit, the cultivation base can also rise to three stars, this Nine Heavenly True King Fruit can be called a rare and unparalleled treasure fruit, and there are not many in the entire Great Eternal Universe, it is extremely precious and rare!"

The Grand View of Hongmeng Transcendence smiled and said: "This Nine Heavens True King Fruit is indeed a good thing, and it will be truly mature in ten days. We still need to wait another ten days. I need three Nine Heavens True King Fruit. , after taking the refining, my cultivation base should be able to break through to the ten-star constant king realm!"

Ulfilas smiled and said, "I am in charge of the Nine Heavens True King Fruit Tree. We have been friends for many years. You have rescued me once. I will give you ten Nine Heavenly True King Fruits."

Daguan said with a big smile: "Thank you so much! I need the Nine Heavens True King Fruit, and the cultivation of the other three transcenders are also the Seven Stars Constant King Realm, and they also need the Nine Heavens True King Fruit, I guess they are in the past few days. It may also come. Our four transcenders have not seen each other for many years, and this time the nine-day real king fruit is mature, our four transcendences may meet again!"

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