In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1209: supreme super almighty

Heaven's Dao is beyond boundless and boundless calamities: also known as the Great Destruction of Chaos Yanji, it is the ancestor of all tribulations and the catastrophe of the Great Destruction of Chaos Yanji. Its explosion means a Chaos Yanji (six trillion years) the big end.

Birth and death, restoration, cause and effect, and reincarnation are the basic laws of all things in the universe, and the laws of their operation are called the Tao of Heaven.

Whether the heaven and the earth are not benevolent or the heavenly heart is compassionate, it is a matter of the mentality of each creature, but the supreme way of heaven, one thing is for sure, it is fair to all things, to all living beings, and even to gods, saints, demons, ghosts and monsters.

Therefore, in the heaven and the earth, all living beings are evolving, they are struggling for survival, and their fates are intertwined to form various cause and effect. , which is called calamity.

There are ten kinds of kalpas, ranging from small to large: kalpas, quanta kalpas, immeasurable kalpas, supreme Brahman immeasurable kalpas, great Brahman immeasurable kalpas, Taiyi immeasurable kalpas, Tai Brahma immeasurable kalpas, and Taiwu Infinite immeasurable kalpas, transcendent Brahma immeasurable kalpas, and the way of heaven transcends immeasurable immeasurable kalpas.

The biggest and most terrifying thing is that the Dao of Heaven is beyond limitless and infinite calamities. It is caused by the collapse of cause and effect that supports the operation of all multiverses. It is the ultimate judgment of the Dao of Heaven on all the multiverses. This calamity is to return all universes to nothingness. Absolute transcendent nothingness, no one can reverse it, even those who transcend samsara and original powers will disappear completely and return to nothingness.

The Way of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and immeasurable kalpas and is the ancestor of all kalpas. It can evolve, destroy, restrain, modify, manipulate, dissolve, devour, and erase all kalpas.

The Tao of Heaven is beyond immeasurable and infinite kalpas and can destroy countless multiverses, the so-called eternity, and everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc. It is the absolute ultimate power that transcends and destroys everything.

The appearance of Heaven's Dao Chaos Infinite and Infinite Tribulations means the end of a chaotic era and the birth of a new chaotic era.

According to the law of the universe, a chaotic epoch is 6 trillion years. Therefore, in 6 trillion years (a chaotic epoch), there will be an immeasurable and infinite calamity of heaven, which represents the end of the universe.

The two transcenders are indeed super powerful enough, and Ji Haotian is so full of firepower that he can only be tied with them, and neither side can do anything about the other!

The four transcenders of the Megatron Eternal Universe are indeed well-deserved, and Ji Haotian recognized their power in his heart!

Four Transcendents, four mysterious and incomparably powerful young Transcendent geniuses, holding four almighty treasures Four Transcendent Swords, all possessing Transcendent Dao Body and Twin Transcendent Talent Dao Supernatural Powers, no one knows who they are What race they belong to, and no one knows where they come from. It is rumored that the four transcendents are all super giants with a height of 30,000 meters, but no one has seen their bodies. They usually appear at the height of normal humans, surpassing everything, ignoring everything, omniscient, omnipotent, immortal and immortal.

The four transcendents are:

The Void Transcendence Dawei Tianlong——The image is a beautiful white man with white hair and white eyes, with a pair of white Void God Wings on his back, Void Dao Body, Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Power Great Void Art and Great Hongmeng Art, Almighty Treasure Void Beyond the sword.

Hongmeng Transcendence Daguanyangyang——The image is a beautiful man of purple race with purple hair and purple eyes, with a pair of purple Hongmeng divine wings on his back, Hongmeng Taoist body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great Hongmeng technique and great chaos technique, the almighty treasure of Hongmeng transcendence sword.

Chaos Transcendor Odios - a beautiful man of gray race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a pair of gray chaotic wings on his back, a chaotic body, twin talents, avenues of supernatural powers, great chaos technique and great space-time technique, almighty treasure Chaos transcends swords.

Time and space transcendence Zeuxis - a beautiful blue man with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue time and space wings on his back, a time and space body, a twin talent, avenue of supernatural powers, great time and space art and great chaos art, almighty The Treasure Time and Space Beyond Although the two sides fought very hard, it was difficult to determine the outcome, and it was difficult for each other to defeat the other, but they had a tacit understanding and did not use the almighty treasure, because they knew that once they used the almighty A great confrontation between the treasures is bound to destroy the entire Judgment Star, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the planet will be annihilated, so they have committed a big sin!

Ji Haotian also didn't use the five supreme super all-around cards, because he rarely encounters a strong enemy, he needs to hone his combat power!

The two transcenders are opponents, not mortal enemies, so Ji Haotian did not use the five supreme super all-around trump cards, otherwise any kind of supreme and super almighty trump cards would end the battle soon!

Ji Haotian is the most dangerous and terrifying existence in the Great Eternal Universe!

If he becomes mad, he can even destroy the entire Great Eternal Universe!

Because he has a soul that is beyond the realm of heaven!

The supernatural soul of heaven is the master of heaven, and the master of heaven is everything!

The Heavenly Dao Chaos No Profound Righteous Soul is the unique and ultimate first cause of all things. He is the most powerful, no one!

His ultimate ability is - he can do whatever he wants, he can do whatever he wants, and he can change whatever he wants!

He is everything, and nothing can surpass him!

Destroying hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe in the blink of an eye, the soul of heaven is the most powerful and ultimate existence in all multiverses!

The multiverse is just like a drop of water in the vast ocean to the supernatural soul.

He wanted to be as strong as he was.

He is supreme and almighty!

The strongest beings in all of the multiverse are like microbes in his eyes.

What he said, everything was what.

He is a billion times more powerful than all the powerhouses in the multiverse combined!

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