In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1092: 5 big and young leaders

The Three Queens of Life and the Young Patriarch of the Twelve Elements looked at the domineering Yu and Zhou youths who were approaching.

The Queen of Creation suddenly shouted coldly: "Leader of the Aoyu Multiverse Republic Mobius, and the leader of the Golden Universe Republic of Jinnadius, you two tyrannical and sinful beasts are here!"

The youths of the Yuzu and the Universes who came are the leaders of the five young leaders of the five super multiverse republics, the young leaders of Mobius and the young leaders of Jinnadius.

The five young leaders of the five super multiverse republics are the five successors of the five supreme leaders of the five super multiverse republics. They are all young emperor-level geniuses with emperor-level Taoism. Zunqi are the four outstanding talents of the younger generation of the Megatron Infinite Universe. They are:

Aoyu Multiverse Republic - Leader of Mobius

Jinzhou Multiverse Republic - Jinnadius Young Leader

Galactic Multiverse Republic - Young Leader of Yoonis

Devouring the Republic of the Multiverse - Leader of Hiroshi Amano

The Republic of the Phantom Multiverse--Leader of Gezius

Young Leader Mobius said arrogantly: "If someone dared to talk to us like that, we would slap him to death! But the beautiful and noble three queens of life, we can't do it!"

The young leader of Gennadius smiled proudly: "Three Queens of Life, I have been fascinated by you for many years, and your three sisters will follow me, right? Marry me, and I will give you happiness!"

Young Leader Mobius suddenly said to Young Leader Gennadius: "You want it all? You are greedy! You want it, so what will I do with Young Leader Joonis?"

The young leader of Gennadius said solemnly: "That's true! Why not! The three queens of life, one of our three young leaders, one for each of the three young leaders, equally distributed, everyone is happy!"

Young Leader Mobius nodded in satisfaction and said, "This is almost the same!"

Resurrection Queen's beautiful eyes spit fire, and she said coldly, "Have you both woken up? You two bastards, get out of the way!"

The Twelve Elements Young Patriarchs opposite all looked at the two Young Leaders with bad expressions.

Mu Xiaoxian said coldly: "I think these two pieces of **** are indeed still awake!"

Huo Yunwei said: "I have urine, I will use it to wake them up!"

Guangming Rui said: "I pee yellow, I will wake them up!"

Fengyunhe said: "I have uremia, I will wake them up!"

The leader of Gennadius said indifferently: "No matter how much urine you twelve stupid lack, can there be as much urine as our two super giants? We pee like the Milky Way falling for nine days, can you twelve Drowning every scumbag!"

The young leader of Mobius looked arrogant and arrogantly said: "You twelve element young patriarchs should stay away from the three queens of life, the three queens of life are women we fancy, they are incomparably noble and inviolable. , it's not something you can get close to!"

Lei Xiaozhan glared and shouted, "Fuck Nimabi, you guys are the scumbags, we can drip whatever we want, we don't need your two animals!"

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of fierce fighting in the distance, and looked at them one after another.

I saw a group of genius men and women from the ancient twelve elements and a group of dragon men and women fighting fiercely together.

The dragons are too large. In order to walk or do things, they usually transform into humans or other races, but the dragon horns on their heads are visible, so it is easy to recognize that they are dragons.

Soon, several screams came out one after another, and several young geniuses of the ancient twelve elements were beaten to death by the group of dragon men and women!

Seeing this, the young patriarch of the Twelve Elements was furious, and they all rushed up, joined the battle group, and fought with more than 30 dragon men and women.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Not long after, a series of screams came out one after another!

The young patriarch of the Twelve Elements smashed out twelve powerful ancestral weapons of various kinds, and bombarded a group of dragon men and women indiscriminately, killing all the more than thirty dragon men and women to scum!

Suddenly, a dazzling blue light appeared in the air, turning into a green lotus flower as huge as a mountain, full of blue light!

Inside the lotus stood a tall and handsome young dragon youth in silver robe. He had silver hair and silver eyes and a pair of silver dragon horns on his head. Common people, sacred and inviolable!

The silver-robed young dragon youth standing within the blue lotus is impressively the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, the master of time and space - Rakipresis!

The green lotus is his almighty treasure - the space-time Qinglian!

At this time, Rakiprises had a gloomy face, and suddenly a silver scepter appeared in his hand, which was his almighty treasure scepter of time and space.

He smashed the almighty treasure time and space scepter to reverse the time and space, and resurrected many young geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom who were bombarded by the young patriarch of the twelve elements.

Then he looked at the highly vigilant Twelve Elements Young Patriarch on the ground, and said indifferently: "Twelve Elements Young Patriarch, you dare to slaughter many young geniuses in our Dragon Country, it is a heinous crime, and the crime deserves death! This seat is dominated by time and space. Name, sentence you to death!"

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