In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1090: The rise of the Supreme 5

After Ji Haotian finished speaking, his thoughts moved, and he released the two younger brothers from the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm and the most holy four-day slaughter.

He looked at everyone in surprise and said, "I'll go, your cultivation has improved so much!"

Everyone who came out was very happy.

Ji Haokong smiled and said: "Third brother, have you forgotten, one day in the outside world, one year in the heavenly realm, one year in the outside world, three hundred and sixty-five years in the heavenly realm! Now ten years have passed from the outside world, and we are already in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. Stayed in the world for more than 3,000 years and cultivated for more than 3,000 years!"

Now, Ji Haokong and Ji Haoyang's two brothers' cultivation bases have broken through to the emperor's realm.

Ji Haotian and the others chatted together for a while, then said goodbye to Wu Yufei, took the purple lotus of the Heavenly Dao together, traveled through time and space, and soon returned to the Heavenly Kingdom of Eternal Life.

After everyone returned, they learned that the kingdom of heaven and the coalition forces of the five multiverse nations fought a cosmic war for ten years. In the end, the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven joined the war, and the war ended soon.

The kingdom of heaven has defeated the coalition of the five multiverse republics, and the kingdom of heaven has many legendary ancient (prehistoric) primordial powers. The news came out that shocked the infinite universe.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is famous in the Great Infinite Universe and is called the No. 1 Power in the Great Infinite Universe, and the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian is called the No. 1 Giant in the Great Infinite Universe!

Soon after, Ji Haotian took out all the super-high-level spiritual veins and gave them to the eight super-primitive ancestors of the heaven. The life planet, and then the super-primitive eighth ancestors implanted all the super-high-level spiritual veins into the new super-life planet Eternal Life, and the new eternal star was upgraded to a super-high-level life planet in one fell swoop!

The three high-level planets merged into a new super-high-level planet Eternal Life Star, and the power pattern of the new Eternal Life Star has also changed, forming eight major forces, one super and seven strong, and one super is the super power and the first power in the universe. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the top seven are: the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, the Temple of the Sky, the Heavenly Court, the Honggu Gate, the Qionggu Gate, the Wangu Gate, and the Aogu Gate.

Time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

One hundred years later.

In the past 100 years, the Kingdom of Heaven has held four grand weddings, namely, the wedding of Ji Muxue, the eldest princess of the reincarnation of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the marriage of Gao Yunrui, the Lord of the Heavenly Domain, and the wedding of Ji Qingxue, the eldest princess of life in the Kingdom of Heaven. , married Fan Tiancheng, the master of the Northern Heaven Territory of the Kingdom of Heaven; shortly after that, Ji Haokong, the King of Space of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Ji Haoyang, the King of the Sun, also got married.

Heaven has spent a peaceful and festive 100 years, while the Great Infinite Universe has been very unsettled during these 100 years, and there have been many world-shattering cosmic wars!

The coalition forces of the five multiverse republics have successively fought endless cosmic wars with the four kingdoms of the devil, the witch, the demon, and the dragon. The reason is that the four emperors of the five multiverse republics killed the five presidents of the five multiverse Republics!

The supreme rulers of the five multiverse republics are the five supreme leaders. The five supreme leaders have the greatest power under the five supreme leaders. The five presidents are the five second figures of the five multiverse republics.

The endless cosmic war lasted for decades. In the end, the primordial powers of the four supreme kingdoms of the universe participated in the war, and the five multiverse republics were defeated, shocking the infinite universe.

Heaven, Demon, Witch, Demon, and Dragon Cosmos Supremes have risen strongly one after another. They are known as the five emerging super-universe powers, and they are tied with the five multiverse republics, collectively known as the top ten super-powers in the infinite universe.

The primordial and powerful presidents of the newly-rising five supreme states of the universe also automatically become the supreme members of the Great Infinite Cosmos Council. The members of the Great Infinite Cosmos Council are divided into two types, namely the Supreme Councillors and the ordinary Councillors, both of whom are Great Ancestors. The realm is the strongest, and only the tenth-level great ancestor can become the supreme councilor.

At this point, the power pattern of the Great Infinite Universe has changed.

The most powerful superpower in the Great Infinite Universe is: One Meeting, Ten Nations, Twelve Religions, Eighty-Four Clans.

One meeting is the Great Infinite Cosmic Council, the Ten Kingdoms are the Supreme Five Kingdoms and the Five Super Multiverse Republics, the Twelve Religions are the Twelve Multiverse Religions, and the Eighty-Four Groups are the Twelve Elemental Ancients and the Primitive Seven. Twelve Horrors.

The hierarchy and dimensions of the universe:

1. Dimensions:

Also known as "dimension", it is the number of independent parameters in mathematics. In the fields of physics and philosophy, the number of independent space-time coordinates. High-latitude creatures = high-dimensional creatures. We humans are three-dimensional creatures, that is, three-dimensional creatures. "Dimensional gap" = "Dimensional gap".

2. Monolithic universe:

Three-dimensional space (three-dimensional). Just like the real universe in which every one of us lives, it consists of three space dimensions and one time dimension. Each parallel universe is a single universe, and all the different parallel universes make up a multiverse.

3. Multiverse:

Ten-dimensional space (tenth dimension). All the different parallel universes constitute a multiverse, representing the completeness of a series and a system, including all the possibilities and impossibility of the system. It consists of nine space dimensions and one time dimension.

4. The super universe:

Super-large dimensional space (ten dimensions, super-large dimension). The concept of cross-system includes at least two or more systems. If put into our real world, the super universe is all the possibilities of "another system" (different physical laws, definitions, concepts, thinking, consciousness, etc.) that are completely different from all possible universes in our reality, but this is beyond Our understanding is out.

5. The Great Infinite Universe:

Infinite dimensional space (infinite dimension). Unlimited thinking includes all systems, including all history, future, novels, games, animations, comics, movies, obscenities... including all known and unknown, all existing and non-existent, all imaginable and unimaginable. Everything that can be defined and cannot be defined, everything within and outside the scope, everything and everything outside, belongs to the Great Infinite Universe.

Ten-dimensional space-time (multiverse):

A multiverse has only ten dimensions at most, and ten dimensions constitute a complete multiverse.

The essential idea is:

Identify a point, or condense multiple dimensions into one point (to find another point).

A line between two distinct points (to produce higher dimensions).

Forks on the line (to create higher dimensions).

Distort the high-dimensional plane resulting from the bifurcation (to produce higher dimensions).

Condenses the higher dimensions of the warped high-dimensional plane into a point (to find another point).

...and so on.

In a little more detail, it is:

Zero dimension: There is no length, width and height, just a single point, such as a singularity.

One-dimensional: connecting two points;

Two-dimensional: The connection produces bifurcations and forms a plane;

Three-dimensional: The plane is distorted to form a three-dimensional space;

Four-dimensional: Condensing the three-dimensional space into a point, the fourth dimension is time, connecting the past and the future;

Five-dimensional: the connection produces bifurcation, and a certain time produces a different future;

Six-dimensional: The five-dimensional space-time plane is distorted, and you can directly jump between different futures, so as to obtain all possibilities, so you can directly think of the beginning of the big bang to the end of the universe (the destruction of the This means All possibilities created by the Big Bang;

Seventh dimension: Condensing the beginning of the big bang to the destruction of the universe into a single point, different big bangs produce different destructions of the universe, connecting the two points becomes the infinite possibility line;

Eight-dimensional: an infinitely possible line bifurcates into an infinitely possible line beyond the possible, forming an infinitely possible plane;

Nine dimensions: distort the plane formed by infinite possible lines to become infinite possibilities;

Ten dimensions: cannot be constructed. But at least, infinite possibility has become a point in ten-dimensional spacetime. According to superstring theory, the smallest particles are matter formed by superstrings with different vibration frequencies, and different frequencies produce different external manifestations. In ten-dimensional space-time, matter is no longer different, or there is no matter. Only strings with different vibration frequencies exist. Everything is possible in ten-dimensional space.

When the different big bangs were connected to form the seventh dimension, since the time axis has been used up in the fourth dimension, there is no such a standard to draw the seventh dimension.

Further, all the possible sets of the big bang form an eight-dimensional plane, then the "jump" produced by the distortion of the eight-dimensional plane will still be meaningless because there is no connection standard of the seventh dimension.

But at least, under the premise of the assumption that all possible space-time universes exist, it proves that all possible space-time universes have a total of ten dimensions, that is, the multiverse is ten-dimensional space-time.

A multiverse is a corresponding collection of all parallel universes.

A multiverse contains at most ten dimensions, and ten dimensions constitute a complete multiverse.

The time dimension is merged into ten dimensions, and the sum of all space and time dimensions is the ten-dimensional time-space (multiverse).

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