In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1045: infinite universe

Emperor Spirit Continent, Emperor Ancient City, and four ancient tribes: Emperor, Ming, Ji, and French.

Ancestor Ji Yuan looked at the five Ji Haotian and said in surprise: "You five young people killed the four ancestors of the imperial clan? You own five legendary cosmic constant devices?"

Ji Haotian and the others didn't explain anything, they all nodded.

All the ancestors were surprised and sighed.

The head of the Ming clan, Ming Cangsheng, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, God helps my son, God helps my Ming clan, and the Ming clan will inevitably rise!"

Suddenly, everyone found a golden spaceship flying from the distant sky.

On the spaceship stood three men in golden robes, standing proudly and domineering.

Ming Yucheng suddenly shouted: "The Emperor Xiongba is here, destroy the treasure, and kill him!"

Ji Haotian and the Supreme Holy Four Heavenly Slayer quickly burned Zunjing again as the force to destroy the five almighty treasures.

Under the shocked gazes of Ming Cangsheng and the ancestors, the three people on the spaceship were bombarded to ashes in a moment, their bodies and spirits were destroyed, and ashes vanished!

Just as the five of them took back their almighty treasures, Ming Cangsheng suddenly rushed over and said with a wry smile: "It's a big deal now, you five boys are in trouble, and our Ming clan will suffer!"

Ming Yucheng was taken aback and said, "Father, what happened to us? How could the Ming family suffer?"

Ming Cangsheng said with a dignified expression: "The Hongyang cosmos country rules our Hongyang galaxy, and the Hongyang cosmos country is on the most advanced life planet. There are many super-powerful people in the supreme realm, and there are even super-powerful people in the ancestral realm. And The two men in brocade with Emperor Xiongba are the eighth and tenth princes of Hongyang Universe Country! You killed Emperor Xiongba, and also killed the two princes of Hongyang Universe Country. This is a big disaster. Hongyang Cosmos Nation will definitely not let you and the Ming clan go, our Ming clan is about to face disaster!"

Ji Haotian's five people's faces became solemn when they heard the words, they knew that this time they really caused trouble!

Ancestor Ji Clan Ji Yuan gloating on the side said: "Hongyang cosmos country has only fourteen princes, the eighth prince and tenth prince you killed are the two most outstanding genius princes, and Emperor Hongyang values ​​him the most. A son, he knows that after the two genius sons are killed by you, he will be furious and crazy, you and the Ming family are in disaster, and you will not escape!"

Ming Yucheng suddenly sneered and said, "That's not necessarily true, I can save the Ming clan!"

Ancestor Shengzao frowned and asked, "Yucheng, how can you save the life clan?"

Ming Yucheng said, "Let's go back to the Ming clan first."

Everyone left together and returned directly to the Ming family...

The next day, the patriarch of the Ming clan immediately announced the recall of all the members of the Ming clan who were out of the clan, and demanded that all those who were out of the clan must return within a month...

A month later.

A piece of news caused a shocking sensation in the entire Emperor Ancient City and even the entire Emperor Jixing. The Ming clan suddenly disappeared out of thin air overnight, and there was not a single clan member left!

Soon after, Ji Haotian and the Holy Sacred Sitianzai returned to the Heavenly Kingdom of Eternal Life with the entire life clan.

All 100 million people of the Ming clan moved to the kingdom of heaven, settled down in the kingdom of heaven, and became the people of the kingdom of heaven...

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

One hundred years later.

In the past 100 years, there have been several wars in the kingdom of heaven, which have caused the shock of countless universes. The Sky Multiverse Cult, the Magic Cloud Multiverse Cult, the Aoyu Multiverse Republic and the Golden Universe Multiverse Republic have successively sent many strong men to the kingdom of heaven to take revenge. .

After several world-shaking wars, the two major religions and the two multiverse republics have been killed by the kingdom of heaven directly, or driven out of the immortal star by the kingdom of heaven.

The power of the kingdom of heaven has caused the shock of countless universes, and the outside world is rumored that there are many super-powerful ancestors in the kingdom of heaven, and even the most powerful people of the great ancestors. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is called the elemental multiverse. Twelve element ancient clans Afterwards, the thirteenth titan power and the first power in the elemental multiverse, Tiandi Ji Haotian is also known as the elemental multiverse supergiant.

The Hunming Multiverse, a super multiverse in the Great Infinite Universe, which rules the Hunming Multiverse is the Hunming Multiverse Republic, one of the five super-multiverse nations.

The fifth Hunming universe, the fifth super single universe in the Hunming multiverse.

The extreme universe, a subsidiary universe of the fifth mixed universe.

Extreme universe: The universe with extremely harsh environment is almost known as the universe of death, and the natural birth is extremely rare.

The type and division of the universe, first of all, is the collective universe. All universes that are grouped by the same type can be called the universe group, and other worlds that are grouped by the same type can be called the world group. The following are the specific classifications:

Chained universe group: This type of universe is connected by life and is linked in an unknown way. Unlike parallel universes that do not interfere with each other, if one side collapses, the other will also be affected and collapse. If a large piece collapses, it will even cause a domino effect. .

Siamese universe group: This type of universe is connected and separated only by wormholes, so it is much more stable than ordinary universes, but the expansion is also limited. For example, the junction cannot continue to expand, otherwise it will lead to division.

Fusion universe group: The product of multi-universe fusion, the laws are chaotic, the entropy value is extremely high, and there are many variables after stabilization, but it may also unilaterally swallow or explode during fusion, so try to choose laws that are stable and not rigid. Fusion of unowned universes with similar quality and energy.

Ether Space: The ether space overflowing with magical energy is more active, and it is easier to activate non-biological matter and give birth to life.

Dark matter universe: A universe in which the main energy source is basically opposite to the actual universe, and the laws are not very different.

Particle universe: There is a relatively microscopic universe hidden in particles, and the sum of mass and energy is much smaller than that of the external relative macroscopic universe, which is almost negligible.

Infinity Universe: A universe that expands and collapses at the same time. Time is almost immeasurable. The expansion is greater than the exhaustion, and the time of the universe is advanced. The exhaustion is greater than the expansion, and the time of the universe is reversed. The big bang is the dimensional collapse. The process of going to four or five dimensions down to zero dimension.

Five-dimensional probabilistic universe: When the infinite universe increases in value to five-dimensional, uncertainty arises. Due to uncertainty, each minimum time point splits into many parallel universes, that is, the direction of space and time, which can be called countless, but share the underlying matter.

Inanimate Universes: A collection of universes where no creatures are born for various reasons.

Chaos Universe: A universe in which laws are chaotic and conflicting, and it is possible that living things cannot be produced.

Violent Ambient Universe: Universes with harsh living conditions, usually caused by excess energy.

A low-dimensional universe or space: a universe or space that has stopped increasing its dimensions due to various reasons. One dimension is a line without time, thickness, and area, two dimensions are surfaces without time and thickness, three dimensions are subspaces without time, and four dimensions are destiny. An incomplete unit universe of locked possibilities.

Unstable universe: The entire universe is unstable due to various reasons, such as sudden birth, sudden disappearance, sudden dimensionality reduction, sudden dimensionality increase, etc., with beating development, the possibility of producing normal creatures is almost zero.

Box Universe: It's the Universe within the Universe.

Intermittent Species Universe: Species produced for a period of time, destroyed, born, developed, and destroyed again. There is a periodic sky that hinders development.

Extreme universe: The universe with extremely harsh environment is almost known as the universe of death, and the natural birth is extremely rare.

Impossible Sea: The impossible sea consists of countless or even infinite impossible time lines or space-time lines (world lines), existing in impossible space.

Inanimate universe group: The universe group in which the law does not support the birth of life.

Dark Universe: A Universe that does not produce a light source.

High-entropy universe: A universe with high entropy to a low-entropy body that cannot survive.

Continuity Universe: A Universe without a minimum unit of time and length.

Auxiliary Universes: Some universes may have auxiliary mini-universes.

Warp Carrier: A universe that carries a small, low-dimensional space.

Dimensional separated universe: a universe separated by different dimensions, high and low dimensions, and different dimensions.

Parallel space: There is a five-dimensional space in the ultra-high-dimensional universe that can generate possibilities.

Cosmic evolution: The universe that evolves clockwise is getting bigger and bigger, and time flows downstream.

Reverse-evolving universe: The universe that evolves counterclockwise is getting smaller and smaller, and time flows backwards.

Dimensional gap of nothingness: the gap between universes, there is no concept of space, and the gap is infinite.

Infinite Universe: Universe with infinite levels.

Infinite dimension universe: A universe with infinite dimensions.

Infinite space-time universe: a universe with infinite layers of time dimension, the final product of variable dimension ascension.

Warped space-time. Chaos dimension: Above space-time, there is a timeline mixed with high-dimensional space, the nature of which is unknown.

Falling dimension: the space of collapse and dimension reduction at the high-dimensional level.

Infinite space dimension: the ultimate form of the box universe, an infinite layer of box space.

Virtual Universe/World Group: A collection of worlds imagined by humanoids.

Dimensional dimension: also known as relative dimension, first set a real dimension value standard, the virtual first layer is one dimension lower, the virtual second layer is two dimensions lower, and the bottom layer is endless.

Infinite Dimension: The ultimate version of the relative dimensional dimension. This worldview believes that the realism of infinitely higher dimensions and infinitely lower dimensions is a huge lie, a dream or fantasy of an unknown creature that is also false, and the relative realism of higher dimensions rises. There is no end (that is, infinite false higher dimensions).

Human parallel universe group: There is a universe where human beings were born. Humans of all races have the same development process due to coincidence or origin and evolution into intelligent life, and there is no secondary evolution. The appearance and genes are basically the same. As a human parallel universe group.

Humanoid parallel world group: Humanoid species (differential differences and major differences) have evolved due to the existence of places with similar environments and development processes, and are listed as humanoid parallel world groups, which is more than the previous one.

Human-free universe/world group: The universe/world group without human beings is the mainstream of the universe and the world.

Cosmic group without stars and quasars: A cosmic group without stars and quasars.

Observer Universe: A quantum universe where observations are born, and when they stop observing, they disappear.

The vacuum-fluctuation universe: Every Planck time exists to create and disappear universes in the way of fluctuations.

Dimensionless universe: low-dimensional can interfere with high-dimensional cosmology, which is actually unimaginable, because it is not within a space and information level, and it may exist in the sea of ​​impossibility.

Endless planes: billions of planes, endless creatures.

The big and small heavens; namely, the realm of chaos and the sea of ​​​​Hongmeng, and Hongmeng evolves into the sea of ​​chaos and realm.

Technological universe group: The high-level life in the entire universe can only develop technology and cannot continue to evolve.

Cultivation Immortal World Group: Cultivation flow with heaven and earth as the background.

Cultivation cosmic group: A cosmic group with poor rationality. There is no scientific and effective development path for the entire universe. The evolution direction is single and templated, and survival wisdom, ideology and life level are not proportional to the level of Great World: God For the evolution research fields of high-level civilization, the evolution limit of each field is locked, and the evolution direction is relatively single.

The Great World: The oldest primitive world.

Bloody Space: A world ruled by blood races.

Infinite Projection World: The only real world that projects other worlds into the universe.

The Great Thousand Universes: The collection of infinitely small thousand universes is one thousand universes, and the collection of infinite medium thousand universes is the cosmic group of one great thousand universes.

Sorcerer plane group: The plane group ruled by wizards.

The Magical Plane Group: The Western World of Swords and Magic.

Spiritual plane group: A collection of ghosts and monsters, the undead and illusion are the mainstream.

Horror Plane - Creeping Chaos Essence: The world created by squirming chaos is similar to the supernatural plane, but more ferocious and terrifying.

Origin Universe: The origin of the universe.

Multidimensional Void Sea: A collection of multiverses.

Internal world group: The internal world group or universe group produced by advanced life.

Multiple influences; multiple worlds or multiverses communicate information to each other.

Polytheistic universe group: A universe group with multiple gods.

Monotheistic Universe: A universe in which a single pantheon exists.

Super unified universe: each particle is a universe, and the particles in the particle universe are also universes.

Types of particle universe:

Quark Momentum Universe

Electron Light Quantity Universe

The Micron Unstable Universe

nuclear energy universe

Nucleus Twins ~ Siamese Universe

Atomic Chaos Universe

Molecular Microscopic Medium Universe

Mustard Seed Ancient Magic World

Cell Fahua Ancient Universe

Mote dust is a true Dharma realm


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