In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1036: 3 Supreme Sons

The white-robed youth among the three geniuses of creation said coldly and arrogantly, "We are the three supreme saints of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse Cult of the Megatron Universe. You should have heard of it, right?"

Hearing the words, the Supreme Holy Four Heavenly King nodded. They had heard of the three Supreme Sons of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse Cult. They were the three peerless arrogances of the Megatron Infinite Universe. They overpowered the younger generation of the Infinite Universe. The great giants, the three supreme arrogances of the younger generation, who dominate the multiverse of the sky, and the Megatron universe, everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.

In addition, it is rumored to the outside world that the three supreme saints of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse Cult possess three legendary powerful almighty treasures. Countless cosmic powerhouses have died under their almighty treasures. Invincible and powerful!

The three supreme holy sons of the multiverse sect of the sky, the three creation geniuses possessing the Tao of Creation, possess three almighty treasures:

The Son of Cause and Effect is from Heaven, the Tao of Cause and Effect, the Platform of Cause and Effect

Wish for the Son of Heaven, wish for the Taoist body, wish for the bell

Reincarnation Saint Son Wheel Xuantian, Reincarnation Dao Body, Reincarnation Well

The three geniuses of creation who possess the three all-powerful treasures are extremely dangerous and extremely terrifying.

Fa Minrui said indifferently: "So you are the rumored three supreme heavenly arrogances of the younger generation - the three supreme saint sons of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse Sect, I didn't expect you all the way to appear here, what's the matter with you? "

Among the three supreme saints, the wishing saint who wears a azure robe, wished Hongtian, with an arrogant face, and asked back with insolent disdain, "Are you the four most sacred slayers in the kingdom of heaven? Are you Ji Haotian's four brothers?"

Xiang Hedi saw that the three supreme sons had bad intentions, he frowned and said, "Yes, do you know our boss Ji Haotian?"

Lunxuantian, the holy son of reincarnation in black robe, said coldly, "Ji Haotian, this despicable and shameless beast, took advantage of the fact that our pope in the multiverse of the sky was seriously injured, and secretly attacked and maimed our pope. We are here to take revenge! Ji Haotian! Damn it, everyone in the kingdom of heaven should be damned, we want to kill Ji Haotian, wash the kingdom of heaven with blood, eradicate the grass and roots, and leave no chickens or dogs!"

Xing Yixiang sneered disdainfully, "You three so-called supreme geniuses, compared to our boss, are simply worlds apart, three mad dogs who can only bark, you dare to seek revenge on our boss, you really don't know whether to live or die..."

Before he could finish his words, Lunxuantian, the son of reincarnation, suddenly shot out two destructive white lights from his eyes, and Xingyixiang, who was close at hand and caught off guard, was instantly smashed into ashes, his body and spirit were destroyed, his soul was scattered, and ashes were destroyed!

The remaining three heavenly slaughterers were extremely frightened, and they were about to take revenge. The holy son of the cause and effect suddenly smashed the almighty treasure karma platform, just a shock, instantly shattering the Dao body of the three heavenly slaughter, making the three heavenly slaughter to the There are three illusory soul bodies of anger and resentment left!

Yin Cangtian looked at the three illusory soul bodies of the three heavenly slayers, and said with a look of disdain: "Things like ants dare to shout in front of us!"

Fa Minrui said angrily and angrily, "Just wait and see, you won't end well either. We died here today, and our boss will avenge us in the future!"

Wishing the Son of Hope Hongtian said indifferently: "You go to **** first, Ji Haotian will come to accompany you soon!"

The Saint Son of Samsara, Lunxuantian, said coldly: "They will not go to hell, they will all be destroyed, their souls will dissipate, and they will never be supernatural! Even if the Almighty comes, they will not be able to resurrect them. They and Ji Haotian will both disappear completely and return to nothingness. !"

The three supreme saints were about to destroy the souls of the three heavenly slayers when suddenly, a dazzling white light appeared out of thin air, transforming into a handsome young man in white robes who was as rich as jade and graceful, blocking the body of the three heavenly slayers. forward.

The young man is extremely young, slender, with white clothes and black hair, handsome and out of the world, with sharp-edged facial features as delicate as chiseled, thin lips, high nose bridge, and dark phoenix eyes with a depth and coldness that cannot be explored.

He is like an immortal immortal who is not stained by dust, beautiful as a crown jade, and the wind **** is peerless. It seems that any modifier placed on him is a kind of blasphemy.

The three supreme saints looked surprised when they saw the white-robed youth who suddenly appeared.

The Holy Son of Karma said in horror because of the sky: "A genius of creation who possesses the Dao Body of Destiny?"

The Holy Son of Wish Wish Hongtian said in surprise, "The Almighty Treasure Wheel of Fortune?"

The young man in white robe looked at the three supreme saint sons and said coldly, "You are not bad either, three creation geniuses with the creation Tao body, and three almighty treasures!"

The Saint Son of Samsara, Lun Xuantian, asked, "What do you call your Excellency? Do you want to keep the three souls of the three people in the kingdom of heaven?"

The young man in white robe said, "I am Ming Yucheng, I will protect the three of them!"

Yin Cangtian said with a sneer, "You and ours are both in the tenth-level Heavenly Reverence Realm. Can your Almighty Treasure Wheel of Fortune resist our Three Great Almighty Treasures Union? You can't keep them, if you know each other, Leave now!"

The young man in white robe Ming Yucheng said coldly: "If I can't stop it, I have to stop it. Today I have to protect the three of them! I came a step late, and I didn't protect Xing Yixiang. If I can't even protect them, I will really be ashamed in the future. Goodbye Ji Haotian!"

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