In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1030: 2 Captain David

There is a vast square in front of the hall in the headquarters of the Aoyu Multiverse Republic Parliament, surrounded by huge silver trees.

Under the shade of one of the trees, three people sat together, sipping tea and chatting leisurely.

One of them was impressively tall and handsome, the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom - the master of time and space, Rakipresis.

The other two were two men of the Jinpao Yu clan with extraordinary aura. They were 1000 feet tall, and they had become normal human heights at this time, and the dragon emperor Rajplessis, who was about the same height, sat chatting and laughing. The three of them seemed to be very familiar with each other, as if they were old friends together.

Suddenly, Ji Haotian appeared out of nowhere beside the Dragon Emperor Rakipresis, which startled Rakipresis.

He shouted angrily at Ji Haotian: "Ji Haotian, you are like a **** ghost, you are scaring people and not paying for your life!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "You are not a human, you are a dragon. You can eat dragon meat if you frighten the dragon to death. Xiao Lazi, are you so happy to see me here?"

Rakipresis rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "I'm glad your father is in a basket, so that he didn't scare me out of a heart attack. What a bastard, beast!"

Ji Haotian lazily sat on the wooden chair under the tree beside him, and said disdainfully, "Is there a heart attack in an animal? This is the first time I've heard of it!"

One of the two Yu-Clan men sitting opposite Rakiplesis asked, "Who is this Terran boy? You dare to enter the Council headquarters without authorization. Are you tired of living?"

Rakipresis said, "He is the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian who runs and kills everywhere!"

When the two Yuzu men heard the words, they looked at Ji Haotian with surprise and curiosity.

Among them, the man of the Qingpao Yu clan said in surprise: "So you are the peerless ruthless Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, who has recently gained fame and has become famous in the infinite universe!"

Another blue-robed Yu Clan man exclaimed: "Shui Man Shui Clan, Huo Huo Clan, Lei Clan Clan, Frozen Ice Clan, killed the Pope of the Sky Multiverse, and sacked the secret treasures of the Demon Cloud Multiverse. Your Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian also He is truly a ruthless person, powerful, count you as ruthless!"

Ji Haotian's Heavenly Dao eyes can see through two big realms and twenty small realms higher than him, but he can't see through these two Yuzu men, obviously their cultivation is extremely high, he asked indifferently, "What do you call the two of you? What cultivation realm?"

The blue-robed Yu clan man proudly said, "I am the Manolas Guard Captain of the Parliamentary Guard of the Republic of Aoyu Multiverse, and he is the Deputy Guard Captain of the Parliamentary Guard Caffes. Both of us have the tenth Heavenly Emperor Venerable Realm."

The Great Infinite Universe, also known as the Super Unified Universe, includes countless super Universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. The practitioners of the Great Infinite Universe are collectively called the Universe Venerable. The main ability of the Universe Venerable is to possess the Dao Zunzhizhi. force and large galaxies in the body.

The realm of the Venerable Universe is divided from low to high as:

Yuan Zun, Earth Zun, Tian Zun, Great Zun, Ji Zun, Shi Zun, Emperor Zun, Supreme Zun, Ancestor Zun, Great Ancestor Zun, each big realm is divided into one to ten heavens Ten small realms.

The seven grades of the Universe Venerable Tool:

The low-grade cosmic venerable device, the middle-grade cosmic venerable device, the high-grade cosmic venerable device, the emperor's venerable device, the supreme device, the ancestral device, and the sub-universe constant device.

Ji Haotian's current cultivation base is at the fifth-level Great Venerable Realm, that is to say, the cultivation base of the two captains of the parliamentary guards is three realms higher than his, and it's still a corner!

Rakipresis said to the two captains: "Ji Haotian came for two purposes, one was to rescue the ten heavenly archangels who were suppressed and imprisoned by your parliament; the other was to save the thirty-six heavenly angels who died. The old will take revenge, and he will blow up your Aoyu Multiverse Republic Parliamentary Headquarters!"

Hearing that, the two captains of David looked at Ji Haotian with bad expressions, and became vigilant.

Ji Haotian looked at Rakipresis and scolded: "Little Lazi, you are like a motherfucker, there is nothing to do with you, why don't you go up to the sky, you should stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!"

Captain Manolas said coldly to Ji Haotian, "Ji Haotian, you terrorist, hand over the bomb in your hand immediately. If you dare to bomb the parliament headquarters, we won't spare you, you can never leave alive!"

Deputy Guard Captain Kafis shouted vigilantly: "Ji Haotian, hand over all the bombs in your hands immediately, if you dare to bomb the parliament headquarters, I will kill you right now! The parliament headquarters is not a place for you to be arrogant, you dare to mess around. , definitely a dead end!"

Ji Haotian cursed Rakipresis secretly, ignored the two captains, looked at Rakipresis, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Little Lazi, why do you think I will blow up the parliament headquarters?"

Rakipresis proudly said: "I am also one of the five transcendence masters. My time and space eyes can see through time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws and everything! Your innate supreme weapon Zhu Tian Inside the bracelet are three large, pitch-black bombs with the size of human heads, called Heisha Lei Fire Bombs, which can kill a large area of ​​Supreme Realm powerhouses and blow up the parliament headquarters in an instant! You are here to save people and take revenge, so I guess , after you rescue the ten archangels, you will blow up the parliament headquarters to the ground, in order to take revenge on the parliament of the Aoyu Multiverse Republic!"

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