In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1027: Ransack the Cosmos

In front of the Magic Cloud Multiverse Religion's Secret Treasure Barrier, the four Emperor Venerable Realm demon men who were sitting with their eyes closed suddenly opened their eyes at the same time, all showing a look of horror!

One of the demon men said with a solemn expression: "The Pope sent a message that the Demon Emperor Francis stole a **** thunderbolt from the queen. The **** thunderbolt was extremely powerful and could kill the Great Ancestor Venerable Realm. There is a chance that Francis will blow up the Vault Enchantment with a Hellfire Firebomb, we're going to double it up..."


There was a huge explosion that shattered the sky!

Before the barrier, a huge explosion suddenly erupted!

The four emperor-level demon men were directly bombed into slag, and the enchantment was also bombed, and cracks appeared!

Demon Emperor Francis suddenly appeared in front of the barrier, he quickly smashed out the transcendent treasure Void Wheel, swung the black light, the mighty Void Wheel, and smashed it down according to the cracked secret treasure barrier!


Another loud bang!

The secret enchantment was directly smashed by Francis' Transcendence Treasure Void Wheel!

Francis put away the wheel of nothingness, and then quickly flew into the magic cloud multiverse teaching secret!

As soon as he entered the treasury, Pope Thessalos suddenly appeared outside the treasury. He was so frightened that he immediately followed and flew into the treasury!

The two entered the secret treasure one after the other.

However, when they entered the treasury and saw the empty treasury, they were all dumbfounded!

Pope Thessalos roared angrily: "All the resources and treasures in the treasury have been stolen, who did it? Who looted the treasury? What **** did it!"

Francis is now fetching water from a bamboo basket, and he is annoyed looking around for nothing.

After a while, he suddenly exclaimed in anger: "The power of the heavens, the aura of the power of the heavens in the secret treasure, was done by Ji Haotian! Beast, bastard, Ji Haotian, you despicable and shameless bastard, actually let you Get there first!"

When Pope Thessalos heard this, he asked in shock: "The power of heaven? Ji Haotian possesses the first avenue of heaven in the universe? In a chaotic era, there will only be one creature who understands the way of heaven, called the master of the way of heaven. Is Ji Haotian a legend? The Lord of Heavenly Dao?"

Francis nodded resentfully and helplessly...

Soon after, Ji Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven, killed the Pope of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse and sacked the secret treasures of the Demon Cloud Multiverse Religion, which caused a shocking sensation in the entire Great Infinite Universe!

The Shuiman Shui Clan, the Huo Huo Huo Clan, the Thunder Clan Clan, the Frozen Ice Clan, killed the Pope of the Vault of Heaven Multiverse, sacked the secret treasure of the Demon Cloud Multiverse Cult, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian has completely become famous in the Infinite Universe!

The stars are brilliant, in the vast and boundless starry sky of the universe.

Ji Haotian burned the high-grade Zunjing to destroy the almighty and supreme treasure, the purple lotus.

After looting the secret treasure of the Magic Cloud Multiverse Religion, Ji Haotian quickly left the Magic Sky Star and appeared in the vast cosmic starry sky.

Now that his cultivation is at the Great Venerable Realm, he can destroy the main ability of the almighty and supreme treasure, the Heavenly Dao Zilian—traveling through time and space!

Tiandao Purple Lotus, also known as Time and Space Purple Lotus, its main ability is to travel through time and space, which is the name of time and space.

It can make the owner travel from one time and another to another.

Traversal is not limited to going back to the past, but also to the future, or to parallel spaces, parallel worlds, parallel universes, or the same time and space and the same era.

The Heavenly Dao Purple Lotus is similar to a super-space-time wormhole, which allows the owner to make instantaneous space transfers or time travel, and travel back and forth between different universes.

Traveling through countless multiverses, you can go wherever you want, you won't get lost, you arrive in an instant, which is extremely convenient and mysterious.

In other words, Ji Haotian, who possesses the purple lotus of the Heavenly Dao, has countless multiverses and countless different universes in the infinite universe.

Heavenly Dao Purple Lotus: The almighty treasure, the image is a huge, supreme and holy purple-gold lotus flower, emitting endless purple light and purple energy.

Tiandao Purple Lotus, also known as Time and Space Purple Lotus, its main ability is to travel through time and space, which is the name of time and space. It allows the owner to travel from one time to another. Traveling is not limited to going back to the past, but can also travel to the future, or travel to parallel spaces, parallel worlds, parallel universes, or the same time and space and the same era.

The Heavenly Dao Purple Lotus is similar to a super-space-time wormhole, which allows the owner to make instantaneous space transfers or time travel, and travel back and forth between different universes. Traveling through countless multiverses, you can go wherever you want, you won't get lost, you can arrive in an instant, which is extremely convenient and mysterious.

The Heavenly Dao Purple Lotus is the embodiment of a solitary, supreme, and extremely huge abstract existence before the emergence of all infinite dimensions of time and space. It has absolute dominance over six aspects of time, space, spirit, soul, power, and reality, so it can control all time, space, reality, mind, power, and soul in the entire multiverse. It can create, distort, or reorder any space-time and cause-and-effect. It can plunge the entire universe, or even the entire multiverse, into an infinite time loop.

It can bring the entire multiverse to a complete halt, only in the eternal present. It can turn anyone's imagination into reality and realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless before it, because it can modify them at will. Able to create, steal, manipulate or modify any soul, can enter into other people's also allows all fantasies, dreams and thoughts to enter its brain. It enhances mental strength and increases psychic abilities. into the mind of everything that exists at the same time. For example, if you are imagining that a character can destroy countless universes, your fantasy will be automatically absorbed by Tiandao Zilian as its own fantasy and become part of its energy. And it can easily turn this fantasy into reality, the only difference is that your fantasy can be realized because of its energy.

Tiandao Zilian is also a defensive treasure, and can be called defense invincible. Sitting inside Tiandao Zilian can be invincible. When it was sacrificed, all evils evaded, all laws did not stick to it, the five colors of light illuminated the heavens, and the eight-sound fairy music resounded throughout the world.

Every ability of Tiandao Zilian can give the user omnipotent control power in some respects - including: time, space, power, soul, reality and mind. With Tiandao Zilian, it can be said that there is nothing that cannot be achieved except for making stones that cannot be lifted by oneself.

The six absolutely infinite powers of Heavenly Dao Zilian are:

1. The power of infinite time: It can exist anytime and anywhere and control time itself, such as time acceleration, time still, time reversal, time shuttle, time plunder, etc.

2. The power of infinite space: it can exist anywhere in the universe. Users can move to any space, move any object, or even rearrange the entire space.

3. The Power of Infinite Power: It contains all the energies that have been or will always exist.

4. The power of infinite reality: It can change reality, including the basic laws of the universe.

5. Infinite Soul Power: Can control, change and destroy living or undead.

6. The power of infinite mind: It allows the owner to contact, control and dominate every mind in the universe.

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