In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1005: 1 country, 1 sea, 4 gates

In the end, the violent and ferocious original Twelve Ancestors beat all the more than 10,000 island owners of the Eternal Life Sea, looted them all, and then kicked them all back to the Eternal Life Sea.

After knowing the power of the kingdom of heaven, the island masters of the Eternal Life Sea no longer dare to seek revenge, and the matter will be settled.

At the same time, the mysterious and powerful heaven in the immortal star has many super-powerful superpowers and emperors, and there may even be ancestral superpowers. The strength has surpassed that of the eternal star, one sea and four gates. Called the first power and the first superpower of Eternal Life Star!

Since then, the power pattern of Eternal Life Star has changed, and it has become one country, one sea, four gates and six superpowers.

One country is the kingdom of heaven, one sea is the sea of ​​eternal life, and four gates are the four gates of the eternal continent.

Years later.

The Eternal Continent, the Eastern Region.

Hong Ancient City, the largest super city in the Eastern Region, is adjacent to Hong Gu Mountain, the super mountain range where Hong Gu Gate is located.

There is a beautiful lake in the western part of the ancient city of Hongming called Hongming Lake. There is a super large trading area along the shore of Hongming Lake, which is called Hongming Lake Trading District. extraordinary.

The Hongming Lake Trading Area holds the World Trade Conference every 100 years. This session of the World Trade Conference has already begun. It will last for three months. Heroes from all over the world have stepped on the scene.

The stall area in the Hongming Lake Trade Fair is located on the vast south bank of Hongming Lake. It is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance. Many people like to come here to Taobao or try their luck, so it is much more lively than the shop area.

At this time, Ji Haotian and his wife were walking around the vast and lively street stall area with their nine daughters, Princess Jiuxiao, who looked like they were in their teens.

The first queen and second concubine of the kingdom of heaven, three female masters of creation, possessing three kinds of gods' souls, and holding three treasures of creation:

Tianhou Pan Tianchan, the master of destiny, the soul of the **** of destiny, the plate of destiny.

The causal concubine Feng'e Huang, the causal master, the causal god's soul, the causal chain.

Create the goddess Aglaia, create the master, create the soul of God, and create the pillar.

The nine daughters of the Emperor of Heaven, known as Princess Jiuxiao, are nine female geniuses with emperor-level Taoism, namely: Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Bixiao, Danxiao, Jingxiao, Yuxiao, Langxiao, Zixiao, Taixiao Xiao.

They were born with nine pieces of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Jiuxiao Sword, and the power of forming the Innate Promise Jiuxiao Sword Array is comparable to the almighty treasure.

Princess Jiuxiao was born in the same year, the same month and the same day after the first and second concubines of the Kingdom of Heaven were pregnant for thousands of years. They are nine born female saints. They are all triplets, but their appearance is different. They are all very lively and lovely, elegant and graceful, and they are legendary The nine born girls of color.

The nine little princesses are now all lively and lovely little girls in their teens. They all have big watery eyes, bright eyes, bright and clear, like stars, with a frown and a smile, a noble look is natural. Revealed, people have to marvel at their elegant and graceful light.

Their nine sisters are the daughters of the great master of the heavenly way, and they all have the bloodline of the heavenly way. Because the bloodline is too strong, it will take tens of thousands of years to truly grow up.

Among them, the eldest princess, the second princess, and the third princess are the triplets born to Tianhou Pan Tianchan; the fourth, fifth, and sixth princesses are the triplets born to the concubine Feng'e Huang, the seventh and eighth princesses. , The nine princesses are the triplets born to the creator goddess Aglaia. They and their Taoist bodies and the Hongmeng treasure are:

The eldest princess Shenxiao, Shenxiao body, Shenxiao sword

Second Princess Qingxiao, Qingyun Taoist, Qingxiao Sword

Three Princesses Bi Xiao, Bi Bo Dao Body, Bi Xiao Sword

Four Princesses Dan Xiao, Danxia Taoist Body, Dan Xiao Sword

Five Princess Jingxiao, Scenery Dao Body, Jingxiao Sword

Sixth Princess Yuxiao, Yuhua Taoist Body, Yuxiao Sword

Seven Princesses Lang Xiao, Lang Huan Dao Body, Lang Xiao Sword

Eighth Princess Zixiao, Ziguang Dao Body, Zixiao Sword

Ninth Princess Taixiao, Taizhen Taoism, Taixiao Sword

The husband and wife, with their nine children and a family of thirteen, wandered and chatted in the lively trade fair, leisurely and leisurely.

At this time, the Four Young Sect Masters of the Four Sects of the Eternal Ancient Continent came towards him.

In the Eternal Ancient Continent, the Eternal Ancient Four Sects, the Four Young Sect Masters, and the Four Great Venerable Realm King-level geniuses:

Hong He, the young master of the Honggu Sect

Qiong Han

Wan Jiangchao, the young master of Wangumen

Ao Yunlong, the young master of Aogumen

Hong He, the young master of the Honggu Sect, and Qiong Han, the young master of the Qionggu Sect, came forward to greet Ji Haotian warmly, while Wan Jiangchao, the young master of the Wangu Sect, and Ao Yunlong, the young master of the Aogu Sect, looked at Ji Haotian with cold eyes. Very cold, even hostile.

Wan Jiangchao, the young master of the Wangu Sect, looked at Ji Haotian, and said coldly, "Ji Haotian, the island owner of the Eternal Life Sea and the island owner of Shaodao are my uncles and cousins. You and the people from the kingdom of heaven have beaten them badly!"

Ao Yunlong, the young sect master of Aogumen, said coldly: "Ji Haotian, the island master and the young island master of the Eternal Life Ocean are my uncles and cousins. You and the people of the heaven not only beat and humiliated them, but also ransacked them. It's too much of a deception, it's a jerk!"

Ji Haotian was about to speak, when the eldest precious daughter, Princess Shenxiao, suddenly shouted angrily: "Bastard, you two dare to hate our great father, and you are rude to our great father. It's a heinous crime and unforgivable! Sisters! , sacrifice the Nine Heavens Sword and cut them!"

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