Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 969: The life experience of Jun Mohuang, the body of Divine Phoenix

Chapter 969 The life experience of Jun Mohuang, the body of Divine Phoenix

"Then start with the question you are least willing to answer, what is Huang Jing."

The brilliance in Jun Mohuang's eyes flashed with a touch of cunning.

"You ghost girl."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and gently pinched the tip of her nose. That's right, this was the last question he didn't want to answer.

Answering this question means that she will begin to get in touch with the truth of the year and get involved in unknown troubles. What's more troublesome is that she will misunderstand him.

But Jun Mohuang is going to the Nine Netherworld Realm with him soon, and it is time to let her know about some things.

"Huang'er, your name, the mark on your body, the jade pendant, and even the cultivation techniques are related to the character'huang', don't you ever doubt anything."

Di Lingtian spread out Jun Mohuang's right hand, and gently kneaded it, a small and exquisite ink-colored phoenix with nine feathers appeared in her white palm.

This ink-colored phoenix is ​​exactly the same as the ink-colored phoenix on the Huangyu space, the carrier of the Phoenix Jade.

Nine feathers were born in the same tail. The original nine feathers were all cut off. As she repaired her body three times, three feathers became intact.

Jun Mohuang's eyes opened slightly, his pupils dilated, and he immediately looked at Emperor Lingtian.

His words can be regarded as asking her heart.

As early as the 21st century, Jun Mohuang was troubled by his own life experience.

After all, normal people don't have their own portable space at all, and they don't have the magical ability of the series of inherent powers.

Nor would he carry the birthmark of an ink-colored phoenix in the palm of his right hand.

As for the name...

At that time, she was an orphan since she was a child, and she had no impression of her parents. She grew up in the Jun Family Orphanage.

She was named Jun Mohuang because she wore a phoenix jade around her neck when she was found in the orphanage.

The people at the Jun’s Orphanage named her Jun Mohuang based on the ink-colored Nine Feather Phoenix on Huang Yu.

She awakened from the age of seven with supernatural powers, opened up the Huangyu space, and gradually realized that she was different from ordinary people.

From then on, Jun Mohuang wanted to figure out his life experience very much.

So she chose to become a bounty hunter at the age of sixteen, specializing in various top secret missions, using the national information channels she had contact to find out her own background.

It's a pity that after four years of investigation, until Jun Mohuang accidentally died on the last mission, there was no eyebrow.

Now that Di Lingtian said this, he must know.

Jun Mohuang stared at him for a moment, for fear of missing every word.

Di Lingtian went on to say, "Then, Huang'er, you also know something about special physique."

Jun Mohuang nodded: "Yeah."

In this world, apart from paying attention to cultivation talent, family guardian bloodline, and hidden talent, cultivators also have the distinction of ordinary physique and special physique.

The so-called special physique means that the physique is special and different from ordinary people, and has some unexpected benefits.

For example, when Jun Mohuang was in Biling Island, the eight-clawed old octopus once misunderstood that it was a celestial spirit body, and eating it could greatly replenish the aura in the body, so the eight-clawed old octopus was desperate to eat her.

In addition, in Wan Beast City, Su Zhiyu was found to be the moon yin body, and the man and her had unexpected benefits.

Therefore, Jun Mohuang is no stranger to the term special physique.

It's just that it's hard to find one out of hundreds of thousands of people because of the special physique, which is even rarer than hidden talent.

So this concept is rarely mentioned.

When Di Lingtian mentioned this, could her so-called life experience have something to do with her special physique?

(End of this chapter)

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