Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 967: Psychic Formation, from 2

Chapter 967 Psychic Array, from 2

It's just that he is usually low-key, so he didn't let the Ye family find it.

Thinking of this, Ye Xueman ran to the Heavenly Pole Valley in person, and wanted to wait for everyone to come out when the Five-Star Power Contest was over. She waited at the entrance of the valley to identify people.

Unexpectedly, she had only waited here for less than ten minutes. The entire Celestial Valley was stunned because of this energy riot, and then she was thrown to the center of the stone disc by accident. Next to the silver light.

Falling to a place not far from Yaoxuan.

Yao Xuan bitterly looked at a small black spot on the edge of the silver light rising into the sky.

Damn it, let Jun Mohuang escape.

He really did not expect that Di Lingtian would be so fast!

Yao Xuan gritted his teeth. It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge him for ten years. When he arrives in the Bafang Profound Realm to take refuge in his uncle, one day he will become stronger and avenge all the dead in the medicine family!

Yao Xuan glanced at Ye Xueman who fell to his feet.

The energy riot that the silver ball of light turned into a beam of light not only stunned Ye Xueman, but also severely injured him.

Yao Xuan glanced at the gray-headed Ye Xueman. Although she was kind to her, he was very busy now, not to mention that the other party was seriously injured. In this case, it was an oil bottle, and he had no time to save her.

To die here, she can only blame her own life.

Just when Yao Xuan was about to step into the silver beam of light, a circular light burst suddenly burst out of Ye Xueman's body.

In the light array, a seven-pointed star and several mysterious runes in the shape of a six-petal snowflake appeared.

Yao Xuan's eyes stared slightly, looking at the light array.

It is a seven-pointed star!

Yao Xuan's eyes flashed, suddenly changed his mind, bent over to hold Ye Xueman, and jumped into the silver beam of light.

The silver beam swallowed the two of them, and it was vaguely visible that Yao Xuan and Ye Xueman were quickly sent high into the sky by the silver beam.

From a distance, Jun Mohuang looked at Yao Xuan thoughtfully at the black spot in the beam of light.

"Ling Tian, ​​this shouldn't be the channel connecting the upper planes."

It was too far away and the silver light was too strong, she did not see the scene where Ye Xueman was thrown to the side of the silver light and taken away by Yao Xuan.

Just vaguely seeing the black spots in the silver beam of light, it must be a mystery of medicine.

Di Lingtian said: "Not bad."

Jun Mohuang knew instantly, and also embarrassed that Yao Shangtian and Yao Xuan made such a big move this time.

It turned out to achieve the goal by taking the Phoenix Crystal in her body, fearing that Emperor Lingtian would settle the accounts, and use this channel to escape directly.

In order to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to create a tide of animals and kill hundreds of people.

"Why do you want to let Yaoxuan go? Don't you want to catch a big fish again."

Jun Mohuang actually has many questions in his mind, but

"Not bad."

This is a psychic formation leading to the Bafang Profound Realm. There are tens of thousands of large and small cities in the Bafang Profound Realm. It is too much trouble to find a city lord named Lin.

Therefore, Emperor Lingtian directly released Yao Xuan and let him lead the way.

Yao Xuan was deliberately let go by Emperor Lingtian, and the five-star power competition was over. This incident was a small end.

Everyone returned to the courtyard where Qianhuan Academy stayed.

The psychic burst out shocked countless cultivators in the Star City. Everyone didn't know the origin of this thing. They were very disturbed when they saw this silver beam of light.

People kept coming to ask about what happened in the valley of Heavenly Pole these days, and what was going on with that silver light soaring to the sky.

But the students at Thousand Fantasy Academy couldn't pay attention to these people, because they were so tired that they fell into bed with their heads covered and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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