Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 961: Double trap 10

Chapter 961 Double Trap 10

In the Heavenly Pole Valley, Di Lingtian could not enter it to help, and Jun Mohuang couldn't escape with his wings.

Now the entire Huang Jing is his!

As long as he grabs Jun Mohuang and takes out the Phoenix Crystal from her body, he can regain his youth and break through the spiritual realm.

Re-established a pharmacist, gave birth to a new baby, and ruled the Cangyuan continent.

"My Lord, My Envoy, help!"

On the huge stone disk, there are close to a dozen survivors.

Most of these survivors are the elders of the four five-star forces, and a small part are the younger generation of the four five-star forces.

Although they are still alive, the blood in the wound is continuously absorbed by the mysterious disc, and the blood in the body is rapidly decreasing.

It won't be long before they all lose too much blood and die.

The elders who were still alive couldn't figure it out very much. He obviously followed the instructions of the City Lord and Yao Xuan of the Star City to rush into the valley and kill all the people in Qianhuan Academy.

But a bunch of flying arrows came inexplicably behind and shot half of the people dead.

Sudden change occurred in the valley, and a weird blood-sucking disk was drilled out to continuously **** their blood.

The few elders who were still alive saw the city lord of Star City, Yao Xuan and Yao Shangtian appearing in a flying beast. They saw the straw and hurriedly called for help.

Without waiting for the City Lord and the other three to answer, Jun Mohuang looked at the blood line in the stone circle that was constantly approaching the silver energy ball, and replied lightly: "Don't waste your energy, they won't save you."

If she thinks right, this huge formation is based on blood. As long as the blood fills all the mysterious runes and patterns, the blood line spreads to the silver energy ball, it will trigger this formation. .

"Jun Mohuang, don't talk nonsense here, Lord City Lord and Lord Messenger will definitely save us!"

An elder of Panguzong retorted loudly, and his pale face became paler with excessive blood loss.

Jun Mohuang chuckled and shook his head: "I can't see clearly when I die. If these three people want to deal with Thousand Fantasy Academy from beginning to end, it would be fine to kill people directly after entering the Heavenly Extreme Valley. So troublesome."

In the first three days, Thousand Fantasy Academy was besieged by four four-star forces and barely retreated.

At that time, it was an excellent opportunity to kill everyone in Thousand Fantasy Academy.

It must be Yao Shangtian's intention to inspire this formation, so he designed this series of events and arranged the animal tide, in order to gather the blood that stimulated the formation.

In other words, this is a double trap.

" talk nonsense! Impossible, Lord City Lord and Lord Messenger will not harm us!"

The elder of Panguzong still had his mouth hard, even though he was already suspicious of this matter in his heart.

"Yes, Jun Mohuang, don't be fooled by this demon, Lord City Lord and Lord Messenger will not frame us!"

Others didn't believe Jun Mohuang's words at all, and believed that the emergence of this weird big disk was just an accident.

"Jun Mohuang, please help us, the Ye family will definitely give you a generous reward."

The second elder of the Ye family was also among the survivors. He was more clear-headed and not so stubborn. After hearing Jun Mohuang's words, he immediately asked her for help.

Jun Mohuang just smiled lightly without answering.

Well paid, sorry, she doesn't need it.

She talked more about this now, and she didn't show her kindness to make these people understand, but she just wanted to make out what Yao Shangtian said.

(End of this chapter)

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