Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 937: Genius Alchemist 3

Chapter 937 Genius Alchemist 3

The second elder of the Ye family took Ye Xueman's veins, muttered a few words to himself, and jumped up suddenly.

He kept muttering: "Genius, it's a genius!"

The branches and leaves of Chiyan Grass were full of fire elements. Although Ye Xueman's body had severe cold toxins, his body was weak, and he couldn't stand such a powerful fire element.

Even if the medicated bath is barely absorbed each time, the body will be damaged.

Once the cultivator's body is damaged and is in a self-protection mechanism, it will become resistant to the power of a large number of fire elements.

In this way, even if the medicinal materials used in each medicated bath contained a lot of fire elements, Ye Xueman's body would not absorb it at all, and would repel it, so it would not have the purpose of using fire elements to relieve cold poison.

On the contrary, the red flame grass roots and stems have a low content of fire elements, which does not harm Ye Xueman's body and is easier for her body to absorb.

Soaking in water every day, the constant fire element continuously enters Ye Xueman's body, of course, it is better than directly using the branches and leaves of Chiyancao!

And all this, the root cause that the second elder of the Ye Family hadn't thought of before was simply because the red flame grass branches and leaves were used to relieve cold toxins, which was recorded in the pharmacopoeia.

The pharmacists in Cangyuan Continent never doubted the pharmacopoeia when administering medicine, and they did everything in their heads, but never thought about whether there were other better methods.

And the person who asked Ye Xueman to take the Chiyancao rhizome, not only saw the cold toxin in her body, but also inferred from one another, combined with her own actual situation, gave up the Chiyancao branches and leaves, and switched to the Chiyancao rhizome.

This person is simply a peerless genius among alchemists!

The second elder of the Ye Family wanted to understand the pharmacology, and no longer doubted that Jun Mohuang was going to harm Ye Xueman.

Immediately staring at Ye Xueman with scorching eyes, he asked, "Miss, who was the person who asked you to soak the red flame grass roots in water at that time? Who is the name? Which force is it?"

The second elder was so urgent, not only because if Jun Mohuang were invited, he might be able to cure Ye Xueman's cold poison.

And because he invited this talented pharmacist, he can still ask her to ask her about the difficult problems of refining medicine.

"The situation was too urgent, I forgot to ask."

Ye Xueman looked dazed at seeing the second elder change his face so quickly.

The second elder of the Ye family suddenly raised his head and sighed, making a great pity: "Oh, oh, what a pity, what a pity..."

Yao Shangtian and Yao Xuan witnessed this scene from beginning to end.

Yao Xuan suddenly had a bad premonition. Ye Xueman said that the beautiful sister who asked her to soak in water from the roots of Chiyan Grass would not be Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang was extremely beautiful and was good at refining all kinds of pills.

No, it definitely cannot be Jun Mohuang!

Even if it was her, he wanted to destroy it so that Ye Xueman and the Ye family would never know.

Yao Xuan turned this thought in his mind, and the second elder of the Ye family said again:

"Miss, it doesn't matter if you forget, you can quickly describe her appearance and dress, I will start the Ye family to look for it, and you can always find it."

Upon hearing this, Yao Xuan's heart jumped suddenly, and he was about to say something to stop him.

His luck was good. At this time, someone from the Ye family came to report, and the elder of the Ye family brought a dozen masters of the ninth rank of the Ye family to kill the people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

However, he was seriously injured by the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy, and now they are all carried back.

The second and third elders of the Ye family, Yao Xuan and Yao Shangtian were all shocked, and the four hurriedly got up and rushed to the gate.

Seeing the great elder lying on the ground in embarrassment with the dozens of ninth-level casting spirit realm, he was even more terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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