Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 934: Messenger 2

Chapter 934 The Messenger 2

Yao Xuan didn't know exactly what Yao Shangtian was planning, but Yu Guang saw that Yao Shangtian was calm while drinking tea, and Yao Xuan had to suppress his doubts and cooperation.

When they checked it over and over again, they finally put on an expression of awe.

After incomparable inspection, Yao Xuan put on his coat.

The second elder of the Ye family respectfully stepped forward and bowed his hand to apologize: "My messenger, the villain had no eyes before, and I didn't know the identity of the messenger. There are many improprieties, please forgive me."

The three elders of the Ye family were terrified of Yao Xuancheng, and extremely awed.

As the elders of the Ye family with five-star blood, the three naturally knew secrets that most people on the Cangyuan Continent did not know.

This mysterious six-pointed star is the symbol of the Bafang Mysterious Realm.

Anyone on the Cangyuan Continent with this totem pierced on their back was either an envoy from the Bafang Profound Realm.

Either it was the seed chosen by the Eight-Fange Profound Realm in the Cangyuan Continent, and no matter which one was the envoy of the Eight-Fone Profound Realm.

So as soon as the three of them saw this picture drawn by Yao Shangtian, they immediately invited people in.

Recalling that the three of them didn't know the identity of Yao Xuan's messenger before, and actually kicked people out, it was really disrespectful.

The three elders of the Ye family felt a panic in their hearts.

They finally remembered it, no wonder Yao Xuan could survive that kind of attack at the time, because it had been selected by the Bafang Profound Realm.

During the whole process, Yao Xuan didn't know what medicine was sold in Yao Shangtian Gourd, and he was in a daze.

But he still pretended to be calm, and even the three elders of the Ye family asked him to take off his clothes and agreed with a calm expression.

This will see the three elders' attitudes toward them suddenly change, and they will vaguely understand Yao Shangtian's purpose.

So he pretended to say: “It’s okay, the one who doesn’t know is not guilty. The three elders are just being retaliated by the super strong, and I can understand it. In fact, the three elders don’t need to be so afraid at all. Artificial."

Yao Shangtian wanted to borrow the hands of the Ye Family to erase the Qianhuan Academy.

The awe of the three elders of the Ye family nowadays is exactly what the pharmacists use.

"My Envoy, the powerful blow that broke the mountain peak outside Star City was really not artificial?"

Yao Xuan said indifferently: "Naturally not. The Thousand Fantasy Academy in the Southern Territory has a heritage of tens of thousands of years. It can't even trap the formation of the trapped spirit formation. It has a powerful attack magic weapon that breaks the mountain peak. It is easy to do it yourself."

He clearly knew that the blow was made by Di Lingtian, and the Ye Family also suspected that this blow was the work of a super strong, and was quite worried.

But if Yao Xuan wants the Ye Family to deal with the Thousand Fantasy Academy, they must dispel their worries and make them believe that it is definitely not artificial.

The three elders of the Ye family exchanged glances again. Could the attacking magic weapon be so powerful?

This is too unbelievable.

"Why, the three elders don't believe what this messenger said?"

Seeing that the three of them didn't believe it, Yao Xuan sneered and began to pretend to be pretending.

Elder Ye Family hurriedly said respectfully: "That's not the case, it's just beyond the common sense of the villain, it feels unimaginable."

"The three elders don’t believe it? You only need to inquire a little bit to know that the Southern Territory Thousand Fantasy Academy and the Southern Territory Pharmacist where this messenger is located have always been at odds. If there are super powers behind them, this messenger will naturally not be killed. But how can I let this messenger's grandfather live to the present?"

Updated today

(End of this chapter)

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