Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 914: Miracle, talent burst 12

Chapter 914 Miracle, the explosion of talent 12

As soon as Meng Yu's group came on the field, waiting for a student to launch a special attack to control the seven disciples of Ling Xiaozong, Meng Yu fired seven arrows in a row, and at the same time the precision level 2 hidden talent was turned on, and seven sharp arrows shot at the seven disciples.

The seven people of Ling Xiaozong were locked by Meng Yu's precise sky, no matter which direction they dodge, how fast they dodge, they can't evade at all.

Use your own aura or weapons to resist the offensive of these seven arrows?

I'm sorry, they are only ready to block, the next wave of seven arrows fly again, can block the second wave, and there is a steady stream of three waves to the fourth wave.

Meng Yu sent seven arrows in a row without much effort. They had to deal with the dense rain of arrows continuously, but it was extremely difficult.

A disciple of the Lingxiaozong wanted to kill Meng Yu through a heavy encirclement. Unfortunately, a certain student released his control skills to restrict his movement, and was killed by a random arrow shot in the heart.

In the end, Meng Yu's arrow was getting faster and faster, and Ling Xiaozong's disciples could not resist it.

Soon, the disciples of Ling Xiaozong had more than a dozen feather arrows hung on their arms, legs, and bodies, and they were captured by the students of Qianhuan Academy.

In the fifth group, there is Yun Lan.

He had already comprehended the power of the ice element, the mystery of the ice arrow, and after taking the elixir of Jun Mo Phoenix, Yun Lan realized another mystery of the ice element—the world of ice and snow.

With a wave of his hand, the ice element spread from his feet, and directly froze to the feet of the Lingxiaozong disciples.

The seven disciples were turned blue by the ice element, their hands and feet were stiff, and the blood and spiritual energy flow in their bodies became very slow.

Not to mention their movements are even more sluggish and abnormal.

Although the duration is only two or three seconds, Yun Lan's ice element is like a metamorphosis, inexhaustible.

After time passed, another continuous ice element invaded the seven.

For a while, the temperature dropped sharply on the high platform in the barrier, and even white snowflakes began to float, and the high platform was covered with frost.

The seven disciples of Lingxiaozong can only do their utmost to transport the aura in their bodies to resist the invasion of Yunlan ice element.

Even if they struggled to resist, within three minutes, the seven people's faces were blue and purple, and they were directly frozen into seven ice sculptures.

In this game, the other six students did not even make a move, and they were completely in a state of soy sauce.

In the sixth group, there are Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng.

The two of them had practiced before, and Wu Qianyong attacked with power, and Shi Feng quickly intercepted them.

There were also two students with control skills in the team. As soon as they controlled the seven disciples, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng immediately rushed forward. There was no need for the other three academies to take action, but two or three rounds, they would control the seven of the Lingxiaozong All the disciples are done.

In the seventh group, there are Zi Shuilan and Yuan Kun.

Zi Shuilan cultivated a prefecture-level purple vine technique, and he was also a seventh-stage spirit casting realm. After these three days, according to the special training of Jun Mohuang, his purple aura awakened his stun skills.

His attack speed was as fast as lightning, and a few groups of purple spiritual light **** smashed past, and the disciples of Ling Xiaozong couldn't resist at all. They were stunned and stood there dementia.

During this period of time, Zi Shuilan felt aggrieved, and before Yuan Kun's shot, he stepped forward to attack.

After being stunned by him, the Lingxiaozong disciple had no strength to fight back, and his defense ability declined rapidly.

It didn't take long for these seven people to become prisoners of Thousand Fantasy Academy.

At this point, the life and death challenge between Ling Xiaozong and the seven teams of Qianhuan Academy is over.

The update is complete today!

Thanks to Firefly's Miss Baby for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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