Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 906: Miracle, talent burst 4

Chapter 906 Miracle, the explosion of talent 4

The seven teams each dealt with seven Seven-Star Monsters for the first time, and it took half an hour.

After all, they usually use auras, either to transform them into aura blades, or to transform them into palm winds, and in actual combat, they have to implement all kinds of weird requirements of Jun Mohuang.

Moreover, Jun Mohuang did not allow Shifeng and Wu Qianyong, Jun Jianlin and Yun Lan to take the opportunity to help, and the combat effectiveness of the seven teams was greatly reduced.

During this period, some students were affected by their usual habits, and they were all prevented by Jun Mohuang in time to correct them.

After the first batch of monsters were killed, many people were injured.

Still in World of Warcraft is just Seven Star of Warcraft, not serious.

Everyone applied the wounding medicine orally, and after a short rest, they went into battle again.

Su Zhiyun, who was in the state of a little fox, was originally lying on Zi Shuilan's shoulders, watching with cold eyes what the Emperor Mohuang was going to do.

But seeing her just made random requests, these students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy were in a mess when they played against the Seven-Star Monster. It was completely out of order.

She put down her vigilance in her heart. It seemed that Qianhuan Academy had killed her family members under her leadership, but it was only luck.

Jun Mohuang didn't have the ability to make miracles happen at all. This time he was dead when he encountered the Lingxiaozong Qianhuan Academy, and she didn't need her to try to pass a letter to the Lingxiaozong.

Su Zhiyun was determined in his heart, dragging the fox body back to Zi Shuilan's spatial ring and closing his eyes to practice.

For most of the day, Jun Mohuang only asked them to hunt down the Seven-Star Monster.

The so-called practice makes perfect, in this day's training, everyone gradually cooperated properly.

The time it took to hunt down the Seven Star Monsters was getting faster and faster, and the number and degree of injuries was getting smaller and smaller.

What made them even more happy was that they actually gradually mastered the doorway for the weird requirements that Jun Mohuang requested.

For example, if Jun Mohuang asked Feng Yunqi to steal the spirit of the beast, he can really steal a small part now;

Yuan Kun was also asked to withstand the attacks of the monsters, and gradually realized that the attacks of the monsters really hurt him less and less.

Although the changes are very subtle, they are all surprising.

The Great Elder and the Sixth Elder had been watching them all the time, and they had never understood why Jun Mohuang did this.

Out of trust in her, just watching, not stopping.

Seeing that everyone gradually cooperates properly and changes in your college.

The great elder was amazed, thinking that Jun Mohuang was indeed the lucky star of Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Groups of seven, defense, attack, raid, control and other arrangements are well done.

What surprised them even more was that the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy were able to fulfill her requirements.

When the great elder thought silently, thinking of the pill that Jun Mohuang had given everyone before, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said, "Could it be...Could it be..."

"Yes, brother, it must be so. This girl, this girl is really amazing!"

The six elders immediately thought of this, and the two immediately looked at each other, and their eyes showed strong joy and deep admiration.

The two of them were afraid of someone lurking nearby, and they both had a tacit understanding and did not say what it was.

"Well, everyone is tired today, let's go to the restaurant in the city to treat it."

Jun Mohuang took it as soon as they saw it, and didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it because they had made small progress.

"School girl, it's only this afternoon, it's still early, let's continue."

"Yeah, boss, we are training well, and we are going to hit the iron while it's hot to strengthen it."

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy only touched the doorway, and they were very happy. They didn't go back until dark.

The update is complete today.

Thanks to Zero Baby for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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