Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 900: Big problem

Chapter 900 The Big Problem

After two hundred whips, Xiaojun Mohuang's entire back was beaten to pieces, and his back was covered with blood.

Luo Chen and Zhongying had already left.

The palace person threw her into the wood shed roughly, locked the door, and then moved away.

Xiaojun Mohuang curled up in the corner of the wood house, curled into a ball in the straw because of the pain in his back, shivering constantly.

Her small face turned pale due to the pain, cold sweat on her forehead, and the small mass looked so pitiful.

Xiaojun Mohuang's whole body was dizzy, and he didn't know how long it had passed.

The sound of unlocking came from outside the chaifang, and she reluctantly raised her head, thinking it was Luo Chen.

"Chen... Brother Chen, I really didn't tear her clothes, really... she did it herself."

Xiaojun Mohuang was overjoyed and started to defend himself again.

But when she finished saying this, her neck was firmly stuck with both hands.

"Mo Phoenix, your life is so cheap, you have been beaten with two hundred whips and you are not dead!"

A cruel smile flashed across Zhongying's immature face. Seeing that she was thinking of Luo Chen in her heart, she was angry in her heart, and her hand increased her strength.

"Go and die, Brother Chen won't come to see you as a trash. I can sit back and relax after you die."

Xiaojun Mohuang was originally severely injured by two hundred flogs, and she was forced to pinch her neck with both hands, unable to resist.

Her breathing became more and more difficult, her eyes darkened, and finally after a few struggles, her eyes were completely black.

Jun Mohuang was thrown out of his dream and suddenly opened his eyes.

Her thoughts were chaotic, and she only felt that she had slept for a long time, even the faint light in the room was dazzling.

"Have a nightmare?"

Di Lingtian stayed by her side all the time. Seeing her waking up, he looked restless and stretched out his hand to gently embrace her.

"Well, a very strange dream. Fortunately, it is a dream, not real."

Jun Mohuang leaned in his arms, his chaotic thoughts gradually subsided.

That strange dream, she only remembers vaguely now.

Di Lingtian stretched out her hand and gently lined her back: "With me, don't be afraid."

"Well, there is nothing to be afraid of, it's just a dream."

In the 21st century, she was an elder in the Jun's Orphanage, so the last name was Jun.

As for Jun Mohuang in Cangyuan Continent, he grew up in the family of the monarch. No matter what kind of environment, it is completely different from the environment and experience in her dreams.

There is no Yinger, Brother Chen.

So although she sympathized with the little Jun Mohuang in the dream, she didn't care much after waking up from the dream, and she quickly left it behind.

"Ling Tian, ​​how long have I been in a coma."

The two were sticky for a while, and Jun Mohuang suddenly thought of an important matter. The qualification that Qianhuan Academy lost had not been restored.

"Five days."

"Five days! The Star Power Ranking Tournament has started, and I haven't figured out how to restore the qualifications of the academy..."

On the day of the High Peak Sect, there were just four days left before the star power rankings. Five days later, the star power rankings had officially begun.

Jun Mohuang hurriedly wanted to get out of bed and put on shoes, but Di Lingtian did not let go.

"What's the hurry, Ling Xiaozong has already come down on the war post, indicating that he will fight the Thousand Fantasy Academy alive and dead, so the qualifications for the Qian Fantasy Academy are still there."

Di Lingtian took out a post from the space ring and handed it to Jun Mohuang.

"What's more, even if it didn't happen, Huang'er, you thought I would stand by and watch."

With a flick of his sleeves, the originally extinct Ye Mingzhu in the bed curtain was lighted up by him with aura.

Under the bright light, Jun Mohuang could read the post clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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