Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 896: Strange Dreamland 1

Chapter 896 Strange Dreamland 1

The Sect Master of the High Heaven Sect agreed well, but suddenly he changed his mind, and then he waited for the Star Power Ranking Tournament to kill.

The Lingxiaozong is a four-star force. According to the game process, even if you want to kill the Thousand Fantasy Academy, you have to wait until all the three-star forces have competed.

In other words, to wait until twenty days later.

Yao Shangtian is now eager for revenge, and it is not equal for a moment. He can't wait to see Jun Mohuang fall into his palm, kill her with a single knife, and then take the Phoenix Crystal in her body to avenge his blood.

"Hmph, you are not satisfied? If you are not satisfied, go find someone else and pester us Ling Xiaozong doing."

The lord of the Lingxiaozong snorted very dissatisfied, and the patriarch of a small family in the Southern Territory dared to urge him, and he really regarded himself as a personal thing.

Immediately kill the Thousand Fantasy Academy, Jun Mohuang and others, where do they put the face of Ling Xiaozong?

Although killing the Thousand Fantasy Academy in front of all the forces, it can't completely prevent other forces from laughing at the High Heaven Sect, but it is better than killing the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy with their backs.

"No, no, Lord Sect Master, the younger one doesn't mean that. It's just that the younger son and daughter, grandchildren and grandchildren were killed by Jun Mohuang, and he said the wrong thing in a hurry. Please forgive me, Lord Sect Master."

Yao Shangtian saw the look of impatience on the face of Lord Sect Master, and quickly murmured.

"As long as the lord can help the villain repay the family's blood and hatred, the villain will voluntarily be a cow and horse for the Lingxiaozong in the Southern Territory. As long as the silver moon fairy glaze is born, all the silver moon fairy glaze will be given away.

If someone from the Southern Territory saw this situation, they would definitely suspect that there was something wrong with their eyes.

In the Southern Territory, Yao Shangtian, who has always been strong in strength, has a higher eye than the top of the pharmacist family, unexpectedly murmured at others, almost begging.

"Hmph, you'd better be honest, don't talk about one thing and do one thing, or the Sect Master will skin you. Okay, you can go away."

The Sect Master of Ling Xiaozong gave a cold snort and glanced at Yao Shangtian with disdain.

"Yes, yes, the little ones will get out soon."

Yao Shangtian lowered his head, with a pleased look on his old face, arched his hands, bent over and backed up, stepped back to the door and closed the door pleasedly, his posture was extremely low in the dust.

Seeing him walk out of the side hall, the Sect Master of Ling Xiaozong snorted coldly.

The powerful ninth-order Great Perfection of the dignified casting spirit realm, actually like a dog, he is very disdainful of Yao Shangtian.

Yao Shangtian couldn't help it.

Earlier, he discovered that the phoenix crystals in Jun Mohuang's body had grown again, allowing Yao Xuan to capture Jun Mohuang alive, and he would go to the Celestial Valley near the Star City to prepare.

He thought it was not easy to capture Jun Mohuang alive with the strength of Medicine Profound and Medicine Master, so he didn't worry at all.

Yao Shangtian reached the celestial pole valley and did all the preparations, but he waited and couldn't wait for Yao Xuan.

Tianji Valley has its own shielding nature, and he couldn't receive the distress message sent by Yaoxuan along the way in the valley.

Under doubt, Yao Shangtian walked out of the Tianji Valley and came to Star City to look for the Yao family.

I don't know if I didn't come out, but as soon as I came out, Yao Shangtian knew that all the people who participated in the Star Power Ranking Tournament this time were actually killed by the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

Including Yao Bu Ting, Yao Jiaying, Yao Xuan, Yao Bilian, Ye Mingzhu, Lin Yan, and Master Ye Mi.

Of these people, the first six were his relatives' bones and blood, and the latter was a pharmacist who was very useful to pharmacists, and they were all killed by the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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