Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 890: Jun Mohuang in the runaway 6

Chapter 890: Jun Mo Phoenix in the Runaway 6

The "bang-bang-bang" kowtow began to sound again.

Qiulin Qiang had a headache on the ninja's forehead and shouted loudly: "Smelly girl, you don't speak credit!"

He and An Shi, as the disciples of the Ling Xiaozong sect, apologized to her face-to-face, but this stinky girl slammed her nose and refused to admit it!

What a shame!

"Credit? Why don't I talk about credibility? What I said earlier was that I should knock 10,000 times before saying it. What this means is that even if you apologize and admit your mistake, you have to knock 10,000 times."

Jun Mohuang's beautiful eyes were curved, and their two pupils were pure and black, like two black gems, but the words they said made everyone's scalp numb.

If it really takes ten thousand blows, then it's a fluke that you haven't lost your mind, and you don't become a fool for a lifetime, and you have to be stupid for three years with so many blows.

"You... don't be proud of you here, your Thousand Fantasy Academy is not our opponent of the Highest Sect at all, and the Highest Sect will definitely avenge our senior brothers and sisters and kill all of you in the Thousand Fantasy Academy!"

Seeing that begging for mercy was useless, Qiulin simply used threats.

Jun Mohuang smiled disapprovingly: "Whatever, it doesn't matter who kills who."

Don't look at her smiling face at the moment, but the anger in her heart is still burning.

The burning made her whole person uncomfortable. Only seeing the miserable appearance of Ling Xiaozong's people would make her feel better in her heart.

Jun Mohuang admired the constant screams of Hui Qiulin and An Shi, and handed the two swords to Dou Zilin.

Following the same procedure, he caught a few customers who had mocked Qianhuan practitioners just now, and asked them to grab the heads of other disciples of Ling Xiaozong and continue to smash.

Now she didn't need to continue to threaten with the sword. The customers who had been named by Jun Mohuang had already taken the initiative to grab the heads of the other disciples, and did not dare to be lazy in the slightest.

No way, they were really afraid that Jun Mohuang would kill if he didn't agree with him.

Even if she doesn't do anything now, as long as she walks out of Linlanglou today, her life will not be saved.

Suddenly, in the lobby on the first floor of Linlanglou, kowtows and screams came one after another, forming a weird symphony.

"Well, boss, you did a great job, these people from the High Heaven Sect deserve it!"

Feng Yunqi rested for a while, and his body gained some strength, and he couldn't help clapping loudly when he saw it.

I remembered that he was shopping well just now, but he was caught up by the people of Lingxiaozong unpreparedly, grabbing his head involuntarily, knocking his head on the ground, and being forced to apologize to the three old men of Feiyunzong.

He would rather die than surrender, but he was almost stupid by the Ling Xiaozong people.

Therefore, he now sees the fate of Ling Xiaozong's people, there is no sympathy, only the pleasure of revenge.

These customers who grabbed Lingyunzong's disciples all had strength, almost from the fifth to sixth ranks of the Forge Spirit Realm.

With the blessing of spiritual energy, the disciple of Ling Xiaozong was severely injured and had no ability to resist.

The speed of their attack is very fast, they can reach the speed that Ling Xiaozong's disciple can knock their heads around in one second.

Ten minutes is two thousand four hundred times.

Although An Shi and Qiulin were powerful, they couldn't withstand such high-intensity continuous damage.

What's more, the brain replenishment is the fragile and important place in the human body. Under the severe concussion, the two of them had already lost their eyes and were dying.

Jun Mohuang waved his small hand and motioned everyone to stop.

Several customers who were holding the disciples of Ling Xiaozong were immediately amnesty, and they crawled around and escaped from the scene of the incident at the fastest speed in their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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