Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 852: Exciting 1

Chapter 852

The Yao family immediately either issued moves or took out weapons to resist.

But they did not resist a few times, and soon suffered various degrees of injury.

Yao Bilian was very unlucky, a certain Yao family who was only one meter away from her eyes was cut open by Jun Jianlin's sharp sword, blood gushing and sprayed directly onto her face.

It sprayed all over her face, hair and clothes.

Feeling the moist, warm and sticky touch on her face, Yao Bilian touched her face and looked at the red blood on her hand. She was stunned for two seconds before she started screaming.

"Hahaha, Brother Jun, good job!"

Seeing Yao Bilian's miserable appearance, Feng Yunqi burst into laughter, and the movements under his feet kept moving, flickering to the left and right, avoiding the people of the medicine family.

With his hands into palms, he directly stretched out to fight Bilian's palm.

This woman, shameless, dare to miss the boss, you should fight!



Upon seeing Yao Buting and Yao Xuan, they both yelled in panic, thinking that Feng Yunqi was going to kill Yao Bilian.

He hurried forward and attacked Feng Yunqi's vest.

But how could the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy let them succeed, Jun Mohuang should send out a palm wind first, hitting Chinese Medicine Xuan's chest.

Yaoxuan's chest cavity was attacked, he vomited a mouthful of blood, staggered back out of seven or eight steps, and almost fell.

His body was shaky and it was difficult to even stand firm.

"Little Lord!"

Everyone in the medicine family was surprised, and the medicine family hurriedly supported him when they approached him.

Yao Xuan looked at Jun Mohuang, the look of horror in his eyes couldn't hide.

Isn't Jun Mohuang the first level of the Naling Realm? How could could it hurt him with a palm, and he had no power to fight back at all.


Yao Bu Ting yelled anxiously, and was about to rush to save Yao Xuan.

But how could Yun Lan let him pass, but Yao Bu Ting was seriously injured in a few palms, collapsed on the back of the flying monster, unable to even climb up.

Yun Lan grabbed Yao Buting by the collar, lifted him like a little chicken, jumped, and returned to the flying beast of the elder.

Yao Bu Ting was so weak that he couldn't resist under severe injuries.

The panic in his heart was extreme. He didn't know why things happened like this.

I don't know why I, a strong man in the middle stage of the seventh-stage spirit casting realm, would be hanged and beaten by Yun Lan, who was in the early stage of the third-stage spirit casting realm, and then captured.

He only knew that as long as Yun Lan took another palm, he would become a corpse.

But what Yao Buting feared did not happen.

People in Thousand Fantasy Academy saw Yun Lan retreating, and all put away their weapons and jumped back to the flying beast of the Great Elder.

"Tsk tusk, it's also the largest family in the Southern Territory. Even our Thousand Fantasy Academy can't beat a bunch of waste, it's worse than waste!"

"Aren't your pharmacists very arrogant? This is just the beginning, just waiting to be killed by a group of trash from our Thousand Fantasy Academy, crying father and mother, killing you ass!"

"Hahaha, we will kill all the way when the time comes. The corpse owner of the pharmacist will collect the corpse all the way, and when he reaches the Star City, he will kill the last pharmacist. When you think about it, the owner of the pharmacist will look distraught. , Just think about it!"

"Yes, just take this to warn the many forces in the Southern Territory. The Southern Territory is the world of our Thousand Fantasy Academy. This is the end of the enemy of our Thousand Fantasy Academy! Whether you are a pharmacist or not, you can still kill. whether!"

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy laughed triumphantly at a group of panic-faced medicine family members.

(End of this chapter)

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