Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 845: Polished commander

Chapter 845 Polished Commander

Before heading to the Nine Nether World, she had to find out why the Yao family had taken her into captivity and why she had lost her talent and strength.

And this star power ranking competition is a perfect opportunity.

But what made Jun Mohuang strange was that Di Lingtian learned that her loss of talent and strength had something to do with the Medicine Master, so she didn't say anything, and there was no movement at all.

According to his past personality, he went to destroy the Pharmacist in the first place, and then found out the top of the Pharmacist to ask the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

He must have known her intentions and knew that she wanted to deal with the pharmacist by herself, so he didn't intervene.

Jun Mohuang suddenly smiled sweetly. Di Lingtian understood her intentions, and his boyfriend became more and more qualified.

"Senior girl, can we just wait for the medicine family to come to the door? It's too slow. Why don't we take the initiative to come to the door, and we can kill it!"

"Yes, school girl, let's just kill people in one go. It makes everyone feel uncomfortable."

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy were overjoyed after receiving the Silver Moon Immortal Glass.

But the students who didn't receive all kinds of envy, all rub their hands, wishing to kill all the medicine family immediately and get one.

Jun Mohuang curled the corners of his lips: "The Medicine Master was so arrogant before, it would be too cheap to kill them all at once."

"But... but waiting for them to take the initiative to send it to the door like this is not a solution."

The other students scratched their heads, and they didn't want to give the medicine master to a pot.

Jun Mohuang signaled everyone to stay calm and not irritable: "Wait two more times. Don't rush to kill these two times. Keep alive. Then we will act again."

For an arrogant family like the Medicine Family, it is estimated that the Medicine Family thinks everything is an accident.

She has to wait until the medicine family finds something wrong and develops a heart of fear before starting real action.

"it is good."

These students listened to Jun Mohuang's words very much, and they were meaningless.

Everyone looked forward to the so-called action of Jun Mohuang.

If anyone thinks that she is beautiful and looks weak and harmless, they are wrong.

During this period of time, I entered the Forest of Thousand Illusions and hunted down the beasts. Everyone had seen her powerful combat power, and killed the crazy beast without blinking.

Pharmacist's fate this time is probably the same as many monsters who have already seen Hades.

Facts have proved that Jun Mohuang's guess of the Pharmacist is correct at all.

The Yao family relied on having the best flying monster in the family, and deliberately chose a different route from the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

In these five days, the Yao family has surpassed the group of Qianhuan Academy.

After sending the second wave, the Yao family waited for a day, not to mention the shadows, even the ghosts did not come back.

At first, the five elders and Yao Bu Ting didn't care about it. As time went on, the six finally began to feel that something was wrong.

It took two days to send someone to see what was going on.

The Yao family has always been arrogant and arrogant. They only thought that the seeded players of the second wave of Pharmacy were playful and didn't come back. They never thought that these people were killed by the people of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

So the people sent out this time are only the weakest group.

Yao Xuan was worried that he wanted to follow, but Yao Bu Ting gave him a big hand, but he was not allowed to go.

"Cousin, what are you worried about? Are you worried that the trash from the Thousand Fantasy Academy will kill our people? This will ambush our people and kill us? Just the trash, the medicine family wants Dealing with them is simply easy."

(End of this chapter)

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