Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 843: Long Jing

Chapter 843 Long Jing

Everyone bowed their heads and looked at the sky, pretending to "I don't understand anything, I don't know anything".

Jun Mohuang could not help but turn his head and glared at Di Lingtian when he saw their desire to cover up.

"In the forest, there are a lot of mosquitoes, and the deity's lips were bitten and swollen by a small mosquito last night."

Di Ling Tian's eyes flashed with a smile, and then he said solemnly.

Jun Mohuang's beautiful little face instantly burst into red. If it weren't for so many people, she would definitely hit him.

Di Lingtian is simply too disgusting to sell well after getting cheap.

Others continued to look at the sky and the earth, pretending to hear nothing.

"It's late, let's get on the road."

In the end, it was the Great Elder who let everyone go on the road if nothing had happened, which resolved Jun Mohuang's embarrassment.


After Su Zhiyun put the small piece of paper under a tree, she began to pray that God would not let her efforts be wasted, and that the Yao family must find this piece of paper.

But this kind of her kindness is destined to be ridiculous.

The Yao family is a big family in the Southern Territory. In recent years, they have been in the Southern Territory. How could they feel wronged to spend the night in this barren mountain.

The Yao family stopped rushing as early as the afternoon, and stayed in a courtyard in the nearby city.

The next morning, when he set off from the city again and flew through the dense forest where Qianhuan Academy spent the night last night, he didn't even blink his eyes.

For five days in a row, the Thousand Fantasy Academy and the Pharmacist both spent time in a constant rush.

During these five days, Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang also sprinkled dog food all the way.

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy have been envious and jealous from the beginning to the present.

Even Zi Shuilan, who was full of sadness at the beginning, gradually became accustomed to it, and tried his best to convince himself that he still had a chance.

On this day, the pharmacist sent another ten people to make a surprise interception.

The strength of these ten people is around the fourth stage of the casting spirit realm, and the strongest one has the strength of the fifth stage mid-stage.

There is no doubt that these ten people are not enough for the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy to stuff their teeth.

Just like last time, the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy began to pull the body of the Yao family again, arguing about who killed it first.

After arguing for a long time, they ran to Jun Mohuang and asked her to be the referee.

Some students even said: "School girl, the last time Yinyue Xianli was not settled, let's settle it together this time."

The last time that Yinyue Xianli was about to settle, something happened to Jun Jianren, and Emperor Lingtian appeared again about mosquitoes. When everyone saw that Jun Mohuang was embarrassed, they didn't talk about Yinyue Xianli.

"Okay, I think you guys killed these two times in my heart. Senior sister Dou Zilin, senior Yuan Kun, senior Ying Chen, Zi Shuilan two, Xie Min senior, Zhang Yuan are one."

As Jun Mohuang said, he threw the corresponding number of Silver Moon Immortal Glass in the air, and each fell into the hands of the corresponding students.

Because she didn't do anything these two times, everyone can see who killed the person first.

These students also didn't doubt her words, and joyfully put the Yinyue Xianli in their hands and looked at it, and finally reluctantly put it in the most hidden part of the space ring and hid it properly.

Feng Yunqi, Jun Jianlin, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng were secretly happy.

In these two times, the four of them killed one of them, and Jun Mohuang also gave each of the four a silver moon celestial glass the size of a thumb.

(End of this chapter)

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