Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 840: Love Rival No. 2 1

Chapter 840 Love Rival No. 2 1

Yao Xuan frowned and said, "Then if Thousand Fantasy Academy has prepared in advance every time, this is no way to go on."

Although most of the buildings in the Thousand Fantasy Academy were burned by the elites of the Pharmacists, after all, the Academy had tens of thousands of years of heritage.

It is not uncommon for the Great Elder and Sixth Elder to take out a few defensive treasures that can ambush and kill.

Yao Bu Ting still didn't care: "That's easy. Let's just play the cards out of the rules. The next round will be a few days later, and the people in Thousand Fantasy Academy will be proud of them for a few more days."

Thousand Fantasy Academy has defensive treasures, you need to guess where the medicine family will appear before you can arrange them in advance.

If the Yao family kills the people of Thousand Fantasy Academy by surprise, even if they have defensive treasures in their hands, they will not have time to arrange them, and they will not be able to exert their power.

Both Yao Buting and the five elders of the Yao Family were full of confidence, and no one else in the Yao Family took this seriously.

Upon seeing this, Yao Xuan felt relieved.

The pharmacist and his party continued to sit on the flying monster and hurry.


In the evening, a group of Thousand Fantasy College chose to camp at the foot of a mountain and plan to spend the night here.

After everyone jumped off the flying beast of the elder, they immediately started to set up tents and set out cooking utensils.

Zi Shuilan was about to go over and say a few words to Jun Mohuang. Along the way, Emperor Lingtian kept Jun Mohuang very close, and he had no chance to talk to her today.

Before he took his footsteps, Di Lingtian took people to the river, far away from everyone.

In this case, it is hard for him to follow.

Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang to the river, and at dusk, the clear river water was dyed golden red by the afterglow of the setting sun.

Under the backlight, Emperor Ling Tian's face became more profound and handsome.

He slightly lowered his head to look at Jun Mohuang: "Huang'er, do you want me to show your hand."

"What is it?"

Jun Mohuang was confused by his words, is he going to show his light skills floating on the river?

This trick looks handsome, but Thousand Fantasy Academy can do it by pulling anyone out, it's nothing surprising.

Emperor Lingtian didn't laugh, and a red spirit poured into the river while his sleeves were moving.

The calm river surface suddenly exploded, and water splashed all over the shore, but Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang were refreshed and refreshed, without splashing any water stains.

Two fatty fish were blown to the shore and they could not help but flop.

"Cook for you."

Di Lingtian looked at Jun Mohuang beside him, and his eyes were full of pampering and concentration.

"You still cook?"

Jun Mohuang didn't believe it, the emperor Lingtian was noble, and his usual actions revealed noble elegance.

Such a man, she could not associate him with cooking, which is full of smoky life.

"Cooking mediocrely, what's the problem, wait."

Di Lingtian licked her thin lips and stroked her hair.

The sleeves flicked again, and the aura hit a wild deer in the dense forest not far away.

Next, Di Lingtian personally went into battle, waved his hand casually, and broke the belly of a few fish with a short sword with a few strokes of aura, removing their gills and scraping scales;

He used the same method to clean up the wild deer.

Two red spirit emperor Ling Tian popped out of his hands, and one of them pierced the two fatty fish and sliced ​​them in an instant.

Another spiritual energy dismembered the wild deer.

Di Lingtian processed the two ingredients well, made fish fillets into fish soup, and dismembered wild deer into barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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