Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 831: Hunting begins 2

Chapter 831 Hunting begins 2

At the gate of the pharmacist, all fifty pharmacist elites are already in place.

There are males and females among them, and the most powerful Yaoxuan has reached the late stage of the sixth stage of the casting spirit realm.

The lowest strength is Jun Jianren, who took refuge in the Medicine Master half a year ago. Over the past six months, he has a heart of hatred and relies on the resources of the Medicine Master to study and practice hard, and his strength has reached the early stage of the third stage of the Forge Spirit Realm.

He just arrived at Thousand Fantasy Academy, and he who was framed by Jun Mohuang is no longer the same.

The seed players of these pharmacists know that they are not only responsible for going to Star City this time to win the title of three-star power for pharmacists, but also shouldering the task of killing the seeded players in the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The pharmacist's senior management had clearly stated to them before that if you kill a student of the Thousand Fantasy Academy, you can get ten thousand spirit stones, plus a bottle of spirit recovery reward.

The seed players of these pharmacists have long been eager to wait and look forward to this day soon.

When they learned that the Thousand Fantasy Academy had been trapped by the trapped spirit formation, the cultivation base and strength of the students in it would inevitably degenerate. Killing a student was as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

They had gathered and waited at the gate of the medicine family from the beginning of the day, but they had not waited until news that the medicine family ordered them to set out to kill.

Finally, two hours later, an elder of the Medicine Family finally appeared.

The elder first told them that according to the latest news from the Yao family, Jun Mohuang was still alive and luckily still alive.

But the strength has regressed to the first level of the casting spirit realm, and the students of the Thousand Fantasy Academy have regressed greatly, only the cultivation base of the first and second levels of the casting spirit realm.

Even the strongest Yun Lan has only the early stage of the third-stage cultivation base of the Forge Spirit Realm; the strength of the two elders has also regressed, and it is not a concern.

So this time, I sent ten people to demonstrate.

As for which ten to go, it is because these seeded players decide for themselves.

"Ten Elders, I want to participate!"

After the elder had finished speaking, Jun Jianren looked excited and stood up first.

He had heard the news that Jun Mohuang was burned to death before, and he was quite sorry that he did not kill Jun Mohuang himself to avenge his family.

But now that Jun Mohuang was not dead and his strength had regressed to the first level of the Forge Spirit Realm, Jun Jianren almost wanted to raise his head and laugh.

The tenth elder nodded: "Okay, this elder is right."

"Ten Elders, I want to go!"

"Ten Elders, count me!"

Soon, including Jun Jianren, ten people were gathered.

Leaded by this ten elder, he went to intercept the students of Thousand Fantasy Academy.

As soon as this small team left, a flying beast rushed over and flew to the gate of the medicine house without stopping.

He flew straight to the practice room of Yaoshangtian, the master of Yao's old family, and stopped. A figure jumped from the flying beast. After entering the study, he immediately knelt down to apologize.

"My old Patriarch, his subordinates are incompetent, and in Illusion Cloud Nation, I didn't find the Phoenix Girl my home is looking for."

"Not found, this is impossible!"

Yao Shangtian was sitting on the futon and meditating with his eyes closed. He suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the news.

A sharp look flashed in the muddy old eyes.

More than nine months ago, the earth spirit species of the Southern Territory rang, and Yao Shangtian found the phoenix feather pattern on the earth spirit clock, and immediately determined that another phoenix girl had appeared in the fantasy cloud country.

Returning to the Yao family, immediately let people enter the Illusion Cloud Nation to search for people.

Nine months later, he thought that there would be good news soon, but he didn't expect that bad news that no one was found.

The update is complete today!

Thank you for the rewards of genius, bad wine and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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