Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 826: coax

Chapter 826

His hand stroked Jun Mohuang's slightly red and swollen lips, and two blazes were burning in his **** jade-like eyes. Focused and fierce.

"Huang'er, have you missed me during this time?"


Jun Mohuang pulled away his hand, his eyes drooping.

Her eyes were so hot in her heart, she had always been calm, and she could not even blink her eyes when faced with the **** scene of falling heads.

But I don't know why, Di Lingtian's eyes made her dare not look directly.

"Lying, when I hugged you just now, your heartbeat speeded up and your pupils dilated. It was clear that you missed me the most and was extremely happy."

When Di Lingtian saw her face flushed red, like a peach, she lowered her eyes and did not dare to look directly at him. With a heart move, he raised her chin and leaned over.

"Bad girl, lying is not a good habit, I want to punish you."

Di Lingtian's so-called punishment is another deep mouth.

"Huang'er, let's talk about it now, do you want me anyway?"

Two times in a row, Di Lingtian looked contented, and gently whimpered at her increasingly red lips with his fingers.

"……miss you."

Jun Mohuang was lying in her arms, feeling helpless, and no longer wanted to care about him.

Alas, in this regard, she couldn't beat Di Lingtian anyway.

"That's a good boy, take the initiative to admit that you miss me, Huang'er, it seems that you are in love as a husband."

Di Lingtian finally heard her say that she missed him with his own ears. He was in a good mood, put his chin on top of her head, and laughed low.

His voice is mellow and magnetic, and it lowers his voice, making his voice particularly mellow.

Jun Mohuang complained to himself in his heart, Di Ling Tian was really a disaster, even his voice was so attractive.

Obviously he forced himself to admit it, and it was really hateful to say that she was willing.

Who loves him so badly, and shameless.

Jun Mohuang simply snorted: "You think too much. We haven't seen each other for seven months. Even if we are an ordinary person, I will miss you."

"What seven months? Three months ago, I visited you."

When Di Lingtian heard these words, his original good mood suddenly disappeared.

He lifted Jun Mohuang's chin and forced her to look at him, as handsome as the face of a god, all accusing Jun Mohuang.

"You bad girl with no conscience, you forgot!"

"This one……"

Jun Mohuang suddenly remembered that Emperor Lingtian had indeed visited her three months ago.

Just the fifth day after Ye Mi and Su Zhiyu were rescued by the Yao family, and the Qianhuan Academy was trapped by the trapped spirit formation.

But at that time she was busy refining medicine, busy cultivating, and was busy taking students from the Thousand Fantasy Academy to hunt and kill Beasts in the Forest of Thousand Fantasy, for life and death training.

All day long, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to sleep, eat or drink, and didn't have time to accompany Di Lingtian.

For this reason, Di Lingtian also accused her at the time that there was only Thousand Fantasy Academy in her heart, not him at all.

Jun Mohuang specially came to Cangyuan Continent to see her for him, but he didn't have much time to pay him, and he was overwhelmed, so he had to coax him and spend all of his time with him when the time was over.

When Di Lingtian got her promise, his heart was slightly balanced.

It happened that Di Lingtian was also very busy. He took time to come to Cangyuan Continent, but it was because Jun Mohuang mentioned the sleepy spirit formation before.

According to the information he had, the current aura of Cangyuan Continent could not give birth to an array mage.

If the formation mage appeared in the Cangyuan Continent, it would have to be a member of the Bafang Profound Realm or the Beast Realm of Profound Capital.

(End of this chapter)

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