Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 823: Great Harvest 2

Chapter 823 Great Harvest 2

Jun Mohuang replied: "Of course there is, but you, the killer has to be doubled."

Zishuilan is Tier 6 and of course the person killed has to be doubled.

"Then let's make it so."

The six people talked again and started to use their own means to capture the silver moon fairy glaze on the sixth layer.

The silver moon fairy glaze on this layer is the size of a peanut, and the number is as many as a thousand.

Strictly speaking, the total volume of all the silver moon fairy glaze on this layer is more than the sum of each layer of the seventh and eighth layers.

It's just that the quantity is too much, too scattered, not easy to capture, not as cost-effective as the seventh and eighth floors.

Feng Yunqi and the others stayed here for two days, and the CCP only caught more than 20 of them. The efficiency is too low.

According to the historical records of the Thousand Fantasy Academy and the instructions of the six elders, the silver moon celestial glaze in the nine-story silver moon tower will disappear after half a month from the world.

Today is the last day, and if you continue to consume it like this, they will gain very little.

But with Jun Mohuang, everything is different.

I saw that Feng Yunqi and the five of them were extremely difficult to capture. Ninety-five out of 100 captures were the silver moon celestial glaze. Jun Mohuang's figure was elegant and flexible, and his steps were subtle.

However, within three hours, she captured all the silver moon fairy glaze on this layer.

She has experience in capturing the ninth layer of Yinyue Xianli, and dealing with the sixth layer is not a piece of cake.

At first, Zi Shuilan, Jun Jianlin and Feng Yunqi were still with Jun Mohuang. After seeing her 100% accuracy, everyone stopped and looked at her in disbelief.

This kind of speed... Tsk tsk, think about their speed and efficiency, they are the same people, why is there such a big gap!

"Don't be stunned, go to the seventh floor, the time is coming, I will go to the fifth floor first."

After Jun Mohuang captured all the silver moon fairy glaze, he saw the five people's faces blankly surprised, and shook his hands in front of them.

Then, with a thought, the fifth floor was directly transmitted by the Nine-layer Silver Moon Tower.

The five of them were pulled back by Jun Mohuang's words, and they immediately found their way to the seventh floor test.

What Jun Jianlin thought was that his sister is so powerful, he must work hard as an older brother.

What Zi Shuilan thought was that Jun Mohuang had already left him far behind, whether it was cultivation base or Yinyue Xianli. He must become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise he would have any qualifications to pursue her.

On the fifth floor of the nine-story Silver Moon Pagoda, Yinyue Xianli is only the size of a pea, and the number is about 2,000.

In line with the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, it took six hours for Jun Mohuang to catch all the silver moon fairy glaze on this layer.

Just a few seconds after Jun Mohuang swept away the fifth layer of Silver Moon Celestial Glass, half a month had passed, and everyone was automatically transported out of the Nine-layer Silver Moon Tower.

All the students were teleported out, and the nine-story Silver Moon Tower immediately turned into a silver light and disappeared into the air.

The students were surprised at the disappearance of the Nine-story Silver Moon Tower for a few seconds, and then began a lively discussion.

"Which floor are you on this time?"

"Only up to the fifth floor."

"Hey, buddy, how many Yinyue Xianli have you caught this time?"

"Hey, it's so small, not even the size of a thumb."

Most of them have only reached the fifth floor, and there are only a handful of people who have reached the sixth floor.

"School girl, the journey to the Silver Moon Tower is over, how about we get more Silver Moon Immortal Lili than anyone else as agreed."

(End of this chapter)

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