Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 806: Crack the Soul Array 2

Chapter 806 Cracking the Spiritual Array 2

The Eurasian Medicine Garden was completely burnt by the fire, and it was clear that they had seen it with their own eyes, why...why...

Suspicious, the Great Elder directly opened the barrier of the Spirit Medicine Garden and entered for a closer inspection.

The students were surprised, and followed them in.

In the Eurasian Medicine Garden, the original rich and pure aura and medicinal aura were burned out by the fire, but most of the medicinal materials were still intact.

The Great Elder soon discovered that the earth elements in the Spirit Medicine Garden were extremely rich.

When he condensed his eyebrows, he quickly realized: "That's it, it's that way!"

When everyone heard what the great elder said, they looked at him one after another, and the other elders asked if the great elder had discovered something.

The elder pointed to the air, and then to the ground: "Look, everyone here is extremely rich in earth elements, which have exceeded the concentration of earth elements in the spirit medicine garden in the past. Obviously, this is a certain ancestor who feared that the spirit medicine garden would catch fire. , The earth element defense was arranged in the spirit medicine garden in advance. When the spirit medicine garden caught fire, this defense was set off, and countless earth elements formed a protective layer to protect the medicinal materials."

Everyone looked according to the guidance of the great elder, and saw a large amount of earthy yellow earth elements floating in the air. As for the ground, the earth elements gathered together.

"This time thanks to the ancestor's earth element defense, otherwise...otherwise the Spirit Medicine Garden will really be destroyed this time!"

"This ancestor's earth element defense is really powerful, and even the three of us lied to it. When the three of us extinguished the fire, we really thought we were stepping on the charred ground, and we didn't even notice it was earth element defense."

"It's just a pity that we can't know who the ancestors came from such a perfect earth element defense."

The six elders gathered to discuss the defense of the earth element, and they were all amazed.

Although the aura and medicinal energy in the Elixir Garden are gone, keeping these medicinal materials is enough to make everyone happy.

The rest of the students were sure that the Spirit Medicine Garden was really okay, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Jun Mohuang smiled in his heart, where is there any predecessor.

All of this was just the result of her grabbing the Earth Spirit in a hurry.

"Oops, the few of us patronized and happily let so many people in!"

The great elder suddenly slapped his forehead.

He was really confused. The medicinal materials in the Spirit Medicine Garden were delicate, and he couldn't bear the staleness of so many students breathing together.

There are more than one hundred students, and they must not let these medicinal materials die immediately after exhaling their turbid air.

The rest of the students also suddenly realized that they immediately quit at the fastest speed.

As a student of Thousand Fantasy Academy, even if they have never been to the Spirit Medicine Garden, they still know this rule.

They had forgotten this moment in their extreme surprise, and walked in to find out.

If the Spirit Medicine Garden was not destroyed by the pharmacists, but was destroyed by forgetting the rules, wouldn't it be a sinner of the Academy!

A group of students were panicking, the third elder and the fourth elder squatted down to examine the many medicinal materials and said.

"Brother, don't worry so much, you see, the medicinal materials in the garden are all right."

"Yes, not only is it okay, but the vitality is more than dozens of times stronger than before. Looking at this vitality, there is no problem in accommodating fifty students to practice together at the same time!"

The third elder and the fourth elder are both pharmacists, although they are not as good as Ye Mi and Yaotong in refining medicine, the vitality of the medicinal materials is not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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