Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 804: The death of Jun Mohuang 9

Chapter 804 News of Jun Mohuang's Death 9

Zi Shuilan took a big step back suddenly, as if the most important thing had been dug away in his heart.

Because of the safety in Thousand Fantasy Academy, Zi Shuilan usually doesn't care too much about Jun Mohuang's itinerary and safety.

He was also afraid that following too closely would annoy Jun Mohuang.

But at this moment, if time goes back, Zi Shuilan would rather make Jun Mohuang be bored with her, and follow her every step of the way.

Even if he can't enter the elixir garden and guard it outside, it won't happen.

The little fox that Su Zhiyun had turned into quietly lay on Zi Shuilan's shoulders. The leisurely sweep of the fox's tail and the slightly narrowed fox eyes revealed her mood at the moment.

Jun Mohuang is finally dead!

If she was not in the body of a fox now, she would clap her hands and laugh three times.

The reactions of Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong, Jun Jianlin, Shi Feng and others naturally don't need to be said. They were angry and blamed themselves.

I blame myself for being too low, blame myself for being useless...

Especially Jun Jianlin is even more self-blame and suffering deep in his heart. As Jun Mohuang's cousin, since his sister grew up, he has not fulfilled his elder brother's responsibilities, but he is in danger but is protected by Jun Mohuang.

Finally, his legs are getting better every day, and he has cultivated a set of powerful swordsmanship. Jun Jianlin thought he could finally protect Jun Mohuang, but he didn't expect...

Even Yun Lan, who has always been cold and inhumane, has fluctuated expressions on his face.

Jun Mohuang, such an interesting elementary school girl, hasn't been there yet without officially knowing her, what a pity.

"Elder, this matter, we can't swallow this breath no matter what! If this revenge is not revenge, I will wait for this life to swear not to be a man!"

All the students were angry and uncomfortable for a few minutes, and finally Zi Shuilan looked at the elder,

"Yes, the six elders, we don't avenge Jun Mohuang's younger sister, we will not be anyone in this life!"

Immediately, many academies stepped up and said that they must not give up like this.

The voices of more than one hundred students now resounded through Ling Xiao.

The Great Elder sighed again and folded Jun Mohuang, even more he would not agree to let these students go to death.

He was going to say something, in the darkness, there was a clear and pleasant female voice.

This female voice was like a natural sound, immediately dispelling the haze in everyone's hearts.

"What revenge for me?"

Jun Mohuang walked out of the dark and looked at everyone suspiciously.

When they saw their deep bitterness and hatred, and their jealous expressions, they instantly reacted, and they must have thought that they had been burned to death in the fire in the Spirit Medicine Garden.

In fact, if she hadn't been immune to the damage of the fire element now, and without Phoenix Jade space, she would indeed be burned to death by this fire.

"School girl, great! You are not dead!"

"Bah, crow's mouth, what are you talking about, the school girl Jiren has her own astronomical phenomenon, of course she will not die!"

"Mo Phoenix, you are fine, that's great!"

"Boss, where did you go? It really scared us to death just now!"

Seeing Jun Mohuang suddenly appear, everyone immediately surrounded him.

Seeing her safe and sound, Zi Shuilan's joy suddenly exploded like fireworks.

Excited, he wanted to hold Jun Mohuang into his arms, but he didn't dare.

Jun Jianlin, Feng Yunqi and others looked at Jun Mohuang, tears flickering in their eyes.

"Girl, it's fine, it's fine."

The six elders looked at Jun Mohuang, and at the same time their hearts fell, they still had lingering fears.

Then, the Great Elder asked Jun Mohuang what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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