Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3325: I am willing to be responsible

Chapter 3325 I am willing to be responsible

Judging from the strength of this little girl sticking to him these days, his attractiveness has not diminished, but has risen steadily.

Di Lingtian raised his arm, held the jade comb with his long fingers like jade, and combed Jun Mohuang's long and smooth hair.

Together, the two enjoyed the warm time of being stuck and being stuck.

Di Ling Tian just pulled his hair out for Jun Mohuang, and there was a flash of light in the space ring.

"Ling Tian, ​​what happened."

Jun Mohuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was instantly alert, his expression was swept away when he was idle, and he was about to get up the first time.

A few days have passed since her wedding with Di Lingtian, and Di Lingtian will definitely not be disturbed easily.

He turned off her sound transmission jade talisman completely in advance, and set a limit for his own sound transmission jade talisman that the same message would not be connected without sending enough 500 sound transmission jade talisman.

The Snow Territory Master Nine Feather Flame Phoenix, Fengyun Qilong Clan and others have already advanced to the eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm. There is also an emperor Wuming who hides in the Dragon Phoenix Palace to force marriage. This group of people has an idea to deal with 99% Point nine emergencies.

If the same content is enough to send five hundred pieces, it is indeed a major issue that they can't solve, only relying on her and Di Lingtian.

Before Jun Mohuang had time to put her feet on the ground, Emperor Lingtian stretched out her big palms and pressed her small feet and put the sound transmission jade talisman in her palms.

"This... is really both unexpected and reasonable. Ling Tian, ​​I have to take care of this matter."

Jun Mohuang couldn't wait to open the sound transmission jade talisman, scanned its contents, froze for two seconds, then his eyes curled up.

"It really needs to be taken care of, let's go."

As soon as Di Lingtian's voice fell, the two had disappeared in place.


When Jun Mohuang came to the palace where Feng Yunqi was staying, he saw Wu Qianyong standing at the root of the wall, anxious and guilty on his face.

Wu Qianyong hesitated, but he didn't dare to go in, so he sighed heavily.

When Wu Qianyong saw Jun Mohuang coming, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, his brows filled with excitement.

"Boss! Boss, go in and see Feng Yunqi, I'm afraid he won't want to do stupid things..."

The excitement only appeared for a moment, and Wu Qianyong's face quickly became worried.

Don't look at Feng Yunqi's usual character jumpy, careless and heartless, in fact, he is very sensitive and emotional.

Wu Qianyong was very worried that Feng Yunqi would really be unable to do stupid things for a while, and he was even more afraid that he himself, the culprit, would irritate Feng Yunqi to do stupid things immediately.

"Don't worry, I know everything. The question now is, Wu Qianyong, what do you think."

Jun Mohuang's tone was gentle and flat, with a reassuring and convincing power, Wu Qianyong felt quite at ease.

"I...I am willing to be responsible."

Wu Qianyong pinched the corner of his clothes, a rare shyness appeared on his tough and deep face, and his tone was extremely firm, beyond doubt.

This was also the first word he said to Feng Yunqi after he woke up and discovered what happened, but Feng Yunqi didn't appreciate it.

At that time, Feng Yunqi gave him a fierce look, flushed with shame and anger, limped and hid in this palace with all his belongings without seeing anyone.

"I see, wait with peace of mind."

Jun Mohuang smiled slightly and opened the door to enter the palace.

In a narrow side hall in the deepest part of the palace, Feng Yunqi hugged his knees and squatted behind the heavy curtains, two thoughts clashing fiercely in his mind.

The blush on Feng Yunqi's face has not faded, his hair is messy, and his beard is unshaven. Obviously, he hasn't bothered to take care of himself these days.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for your reward.

I had a stomach ailment. I had a stomachache for six hours. From the evening until 12 o'clock in the evening, I barely rolled on the ground.

After I got better and didn’t hurt, I immediately got up and coded a chapter. I didn’t eat anything for a long time and didn’t dare to eat anything. My hands were shaking. I was really exhausted, so there was only one chapter. The remaining three chapters will be added tomorrow. kisses.

(End of this chapter)

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