Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3307: Keep small movements

Chapter 3307 Little Actions Continue

The transparent barrier that enveloped the Huang Yu Palace waved all the energy. People in the bedroom could not feel it, nor could they see any abnormalities.

It is rare for Jun Mohuang to spend time with Mo Luo. The red-eyed woman tells her about Emperor Lingtian's childhood, and her daughter is by her side. The family of four and three generations enjoys a good time.

One night passed quickly, and the Phoenix Feather Palace had already flown over the ice field outside the barren city, and the huge ice field exuded a faint cold light in the dark night.

The Snow Territory master glanced at the ice field. This ice field was enlarged, and it was no problem to accommodate five Phoenix Feather Palaces. Does the emperor want to choose the location here.

"Lord of the Snow Territory, Feng Yunqi and the others send a letter, and the emperor can be there anytime after dawn. We only need to send a letter to them after the boss is about to dress up."

Shifen opened his back wings and came to the Snow Territory Lord.

"Okay, we are about to reach the center of the ice sheet, everyone pay attention, ready to land."

Behind the master of the snowy area, everyone concentrating and holding their breath, lowered the flight speed.

Several energies poured out from everyone's bodies, and the golden runes that connected them to Huang Yu Palace flourished.

Amidst the surging vitality and the golden light, the Phoenix Feather Palace fell on the ice sheet like a giant beast, steady and light, without turbulence, nor any sound.

Huang Yu Palace landed, and the sky showed the first white fish belly. The red-eyed woman jumped up from the collapse in an instant, and the two of them pushed Jun Mohuang to the dressing table.

"The time is up, Mo Phoenix, let's comb your hair and change into a dress, and then comb your hair and change into a dress for the baby granddaughter."

The red-eyed woman and Mo Luo held Jun Mohuang’s long hair, divided into strands of hair,

"Mother, just try on the dress, don't have to be so grand, comb your hair and wear jewelry."

Jun Mohuang was really afraid of the two people's move.

Whether it was her biological mother, Muro, or her mother-in-law with red eyes, the two of them had horribly high demands in this regard, and they were about to pick bones in their eggs.

It is very possible that the two of them dressed up and suddenly became dissatisfied and changed their minds. They wanted to change her hairstyle and jewelry again, which would be a few days of tossing.

"Good girl, of course you want it. Only when you take it down will you know the final overall effect."

Muruo had a serious face, but he was smiling inwardly.

Her baby girl didn't know what was about to happen, so she thought she was trying on clothes.

The red-eyed woman also nodded to help: "Yes, sister Luo is right."

Jun Mohuang couldn't refuse the kindness of the two elders, holding Xiao Haitang and letting them play around.

Halfway through the combing of Jun Mohuang's hair, the red-eyed woman gave Mo Luo a dark wink by pulling a strand of hair, and Mo Luo immediately gave a positive look in his eyes.

The red-eyed woman pulled up the hair of this building in her hands and sent a letter to the master of the Snow Region outside Huang Yu Palace.

The Snow Territory Master received the information and immediately informed Di Lingtian with a sound transmission jade symbol.

In the Black Dragon Palace, Emperor Lingtian saw the flashing jade symbol in his hand, and the corners of his lips were gently raised. The Black Dragon Palace flew over the deserted city and flew to the ice field outside the deserted city.

In the barren city, the Fat City Lord and all the residents in the city held a piece of jade charm in their hands and looked into the air blankly, without even realizing that their strength had increased by two steps.

Two minutes ago, Huang Yu Palace flew over their heads, and everyone was in a daze after these jade charms fell.

"The goddess Jun is Miss Jun, and the Dragon Emperor is the Emperor. It must be Miss Jun and the Emperor, it must be them!"

(End of this chapter)

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