Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3278: Emperor Lingtian's Surprise 1

Chapter 3278 Di Lingtian’s Surprise 1

The happiest thing is the Snow Territory Master and others who are responsible for arranging and decorating the wedding. They quickly rushed into the Black Dragon Palace and began to arrange all the locks needed for the wedding.

Xiao Haitang kept his promise and put out the fire of punishment in the tail of each black dragon.

"Little Dragon Dragon, you will take care of this group of black dragons. I will conduct random checks every half a month to see how you transform them."

Xiao Haitang didn't bother to take care of these black dragons, and threw them directly to Venerable Black Dragon.

"Master, rest assured, the subordinates know that the time has come to test their subordinates' true loyalty to the master. The subordinates will definitely complete their tasks and try to manage the dragons."

Venerable Black Dragon fabricated a rumor and was greatly rewarded by Xiao Begonia and received a large handful of jade white flowers. After eating it, his body gained two laps within three days, and two laps of fat had grown on his belly.

Having tasted the great sweetness, it was thinking how to continue to use the same method to get more benefits, and the owner took the initiative to send the opportunity to it.

By taking care of the group of black dragons by itself, it can continuously fabricate various black dragons to resist careful thinking and obtain more jade white flowers.

Venerable Black Dragon was ecstatic, patted his fat belly and happily accepted this task.

The black dragons were very angry about this, but they worked desperately to complete the feat of moving the Black Dragon Palace here in three and a half days, and they didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Master, the subordinates will bring these disobedient dragons down and discipline them strictly."

"Go ahead."

Xiao Haitang waved his hand, and the Black Venerable happily brought the group of black dragons that were about to be crippled to his place.

Because it has performed well these days, Xiao Haitang allocated a palace in the center and periphery of Huang Yu Palace that had a fairly good specification for its residence.

Having the right to use a palace in Huangyu Palace is the first step on the road to being favored.

It must continue to work hard and strive to move from the periphery of Huangyu Palace to the core area as soon as possible to gain more favor from the owner.

And these black dragons are the most effective way to gain more favor from their owners.

Well, during these three and a half days, it made up the reactionary thoughts of the black dragons and definitely can't be reused, and it's best not to frequently make up the reactionary thoughts of attacking Emperor Ling Tianjun and Mo Phoenix, otherwise the owner will definitely get angry.

How to make up a reactionary mind with more jade and white flowers, but also annoy the owner, this is a university question.

No, no, it has to be pondered.

Venerable Black Dragon made a contemplative look and took all the black dragons to his palace.

The early arrival of the Black Dragon Palace made the people in charge of the wedding arrangement enthusiasm unprecedented. Except for the group of black dragons, everyone's face was filled with joy, and the cheerful atmosphere filled Huangyu Palace and Black Dragon Palace.

Above the Huangyu Palace, Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian stretched out their fingers at the same time, plucking them in the air like plucking a string, and wisps of yin air and yang cyclone fell from their fingertips. , Twined and merged, and fell into the Huangyu Palace and the Black Dragon Palace.

Under the guidance of the most yang and the most yin, the two towering palaces below automatically began to slowly merge into one.

The Snow Territory Lord, Feng Yunqi and others ran between the palaces, completely unaware that the two palaces were merging with each other, and their wedding preparations were not disrupted.

The fusion of the two palaces did not produce any adverse reactions at all. On the contrary, it was like a fish in water, and the flow was abnormal, as if the two palaces should have been merged into one.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao, Diana Zhao, and other babies for their rewards.

There is some text, plus some extras, and it's almost over.

(End of this chapter)

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