Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3257: He turned inside

Chapter 3257 He turned over inside

In the golden light, the hideous wounds on the chest and abdomen of Emperor Wuming healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the internal injuries were also healed without treatment.

After a few seconds, the golden light dissipated, the Emperor Wuming breathed smoothly, his complexion was ruddy, and all internal and external injuries were cured.

This is my brother's healing spells.

Emperor Wuming clutched his heart, the corners of his lips rose unintuitively, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Brother, still couldn't bear to die like this, and hid the healing amulet in the shadow stone.

As long as he opens the shadow stone to see what it is, he can finally trigger the healing spell.

My brother still cares about him.

The lips of Emperor Wuming grew bigger and bigger, he picked up the white shadow stone and stood up, rushing out of the entrance of Canaan Underground Palace.

He already wanted to wait to see Di Lingtian, kneel down and apologize to Di Lingtian, asking for forgiveness.

Emperor Wuming was excited and didn't notice, there was still a little golden shimmer flowing in the white shadow stone.

The emperor Wuming took his steps, and his robe was held by the girl in white.

"Husband...husband, our children, we still have children! Husband, don't leave!"

The white-clothed girl grasped the corners of Emperor Wuming's robe with both hands, her voice trembling with fear.

What picture did Emperor Wuming see when he opened the shadow stone, the girl in white didn't know.

Emperor Wuming's condition changed drastically after watching the scenes in the Shadow Stone, and his whole body injuries were healed by Jinguang treatment, which would even abandon her.

No, she had to rely on Emperor Wuming to stand up, she would never allow Emperor Wuming to abandon her.

"Child? Do you think I would really touch a filthy woman like you, but what happens in the deepest part of the holy pond is your illusion. You are not pregnant with my blood."

Emperor Wuming stretched out his hand and snatched the robe from the white-clothed girl, with undisguised disgust on his face.

"No, it's impossible! Husband, I am obviously pregnant with your child, I can sense him with my aura, and I can often touch our child with my hand to turn inside."

The white-clothed girl stared with round eyes, covering her belly to feel the fetus in her abdomen.

The child in her abdomen has always been well-behaved. As long as she wants to sense the child's movements, she can sense the child turning over by putting her hand on her abdomen.

"Husband, husband, if you don't believe me, you can feel it with your hand, and you will feel our child turning over inside."

The white-clothed girl stood up hard, trying to stretch out the hand that grabbed Di Wuming and put it on her stomach to feel it.

She must keep Emperor Wuming, and will never allow Emperor Wuming to abandon her with this crappy excuse.

After learning the truth about his life experience, the emperor Wuming's hostility was much less.

He didn't shake the hand of the girl in white clothes, and placed it on her belly as she wanted.

"Husband, look, our child is moving, he is really moving, he is real!"

Seeing that the emperor Wuming did not refuse, the white-clothed girl was extremely excited and pressed his hand tightly on her belly.

After a few seconds, the abdomen became calm, and there was no movement.

"No, no, husband, our baby is just asleep, I will wake him up immediately, and you will be able to sense his presence right away!"

The white-clothed girl was flustered, clutching Emperor Wuming's hand tightly with both hands, for fear that he would withdraw and leave.

But no matter how hard she tried, the child who could be sensed by her as long as she wanted to, now there is no movement.

"You are not pregnant. As long as you want to sense it, you can sense it. That's just a method I use to dispel your doubts. After all, if you are always pregnant, you will doubt yourself."

Emperor Wuming pulled his hand away and looked at the white-clothed girl coldly, without any emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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